There were 5 penalties total in the match, with the Knights winning the count 3-2. Hampstead's performance today was one of the best I've seen from a ref all year.
I can handle the ref not costing us the game, that is definitely true. That however is ridiculous.
I am sure someone can name some for the Tigers, but naturally as Knights fan I mainly took notice of the ones against us.
- The scrum was stupid, why did they repack? He said out, Tiger's knock on, our ball.
- The knock on by Hodgeson into his other player.
- The Tigers lying all over us in the ruck. One especially in the first half should have been an instant penalty.
- Offiside wasn't too bad, I am sure there were some that weren't called for both sides though.
Don't get me wrong, I am sure the Knights probably got away with something in the game too but those decisions and sometimes lack of decisions stuck out for me.
We were beaten by the better team, our defence was lacking and Wes cost us a few tries imo, but the ref having a good game is something I can't agree with.
Just my opinion..