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08 World Cup Media Campaign - Lets make a difference

open or closed?

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Hi Guys,

This is something that has been worrying me for awhile. I enjoy being on these forums as much as the next bloke, but I think a lot of the time we waste hot air debating issues amongst ourselves. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, a successful 2008 world cup. We may have different opinions on how this will be achieved, but in the end of the day we want a successful tournament that turns a profit. I know we are all growing edgier and edgier waiting for announcements from the ARL.

But the major problem I see is not just concerning the ARL’s management of the competition, but turning around a skeptical media who are likely to rip into the event, thus stopping thousands of swinging fans from attending. Basically who needs enemies when you have the Sydney centric RL media, most of which can’t see past the NRL and feel the need to denigrate international RL.

In the short term we need to forget about converting non RL fans, and focus on educating RL fans on the merits of international RL. No need debating with union people, where your average NRL supporter wont even back you up. Something as simple as posting the odd topic on your club’s most popular forum, keeping them up to date with world cup qualifiers etc. We need to email RL / sports shows, go on talkback, chat about issues, get letters published in league magazines / daily newspapers. Follow this up by campaigns to get TV coverage of qualifiers. Basically make the world cup /international RL such a talking point that the media don’t need prompting to take a positive opinion towards the event in 08. We have 2 years to turn the media around. We don’t want the event sneaking up on the public or worse still endure a year of the media ripping into it.

We have a good crew of people on here. Some of us are getting involved in the media at an individual level, but we need to get organized. Our English cousins have used the media superbly post the 2000 world cup disaster and I truly believe some of their work is the reason the Super League has gone from strength to strength since the world cup disaster. By getting organized, they stopped most of the negative press that followed the 2000 World Cup. If you get a chance, read Ray Gent’s book on the petition (which I’ll happily lend out). Our problem is more specific, in that our media loves Rugby League but tends to have an inferiority complex towards the international side of our game.

So what I am proposing is that;

(a) We create a sub-forum in here for media campaigns. I’m not sure of the specifics, but maybe Roopy we could have the Pacific Cup forum after it is over?

(b) We actively recruit and publicise this forum so that the majority of international fans can get involved. Probably no need for an actual website.

(c) Members would be encouraged to make a couple of contributions to the media each week, and post a copy of what they sent / did with a particular media outlet.

(d) Try and work with certain journos, such as Mascord and Voss who are good supporters of the international game.

(e) Ultimately we could get the ARL on board and ask for advice on where they would like help. If we could get organized and start having a decent impact, I’m sure the ARL would be interested in hearing from us.

In conclusion, it’s pretty obvious that the majority of people on here care greatly for international RL. But whilst the likes of Yanto, Der Kaiser and others to a lesser extent are slaving away at the coal face, we are sitting back and spending many hours a week debating all this. Our time needs to be better used to turn around the skeptical Aussie media and RL public. The carve up the English media gave the 2000 World Cup was definitely not good for the tournament. We do not want a repeat in 2008!

I think a campaign like this is of utmost importance to the success of the tournament. I predicted very accurately how our media would treat the 2003 union world cup, and I’m confident we are in for a rough ride of 08 if we don’t act soon.


Once wrote a letter to a regional newspaper criticising RU and praising RL. It was published, however, they edited it in a way that emphasised RU's negatives and praised RL's positives.

Must have been a RL lover in charge at the paper.


Copa said:
Once wrote a letter to a regional newspaper criticising RU and praising RL. It was published, however, they edited it in a way that emphasised RU's negatives and praised RL's positives.

Must have been a RL lover in charge at the paper.

Well, join the team. I've had 2 letters published in the Saturday SMH over the last 3 weeks. It's not hard to get stuff in the media.


First Grade
great idea, we may all have different views, but as you said, we all want the 2008 world cup to be successful and to make a profit. i saw that letter in the sat SMH ali, it was a great read. i knew it would be somebody off these boards.

i think a sub forum would be a great way of organising ways to educate the public about upcoming RL internationals and the world cup.


hutch said:
great idea, we may all have different views, but as you said, we all want the 2008 world cup to be successful and to make a profit. i saw that letter in the sat SMH ali, it was a great read. i knew it would be somebody off these boards.

i think a sub forum would be a great way of organising ways to educate the public about upcoming RL internationals and the world cup.

Ideally I would want to be more positive than i was in that letter. That letter served a purpose of hopefully informing the ARL, that yes there are fans out there watching what they are doing, and noticing that it's taking such a long time. I sometimes wonder just who the ARL think they report to.

I think when thing gets underway, a little bit of getting up the ARL might be in order, but we'll see just how much longer it takes them to get organised. Overall though, I'd rather use the media as a way of supporting the tournament, not denigrating whichever way the ARL decides to go, no matter what I may actually think.


I'm thinking that this should be a 'closed' forum - so we can avoid having to put up with the inevitable dickheads who will try to denegrate every idea (you know who you are).
I'll leave it up to ali to decide who needs to be in.


Open to all, guys I don't post that much in here, but I love reading all of the stories and ideas.

I love seeing the different concepts and plans you all come up with and the debates that follow.

I used to post fairly often in here and I do post on a Dragons website stories relating to International League.

I think the more exposure the better, don't close the ideas off to a select few as you just don't know who will be visiting these boards at any given time.

I write articles on another Rugby League forum/website, but I always come to this website to catch up on the International news and ideas everyone here has. Everybody here is just as passionate as I am and most RL fans in general.

This thread is a good one and one I have been highlighting on the other website, the game needs decent exposure in the media at the International Level.
The Sydney media especially should be promoting the amount of International fixtures League has.


thommo4pm said:
Open to all, guys I don't post that much in here, but I love reading all of the stories and ideas.

I love seeing the different concepts and plans you all come up with and the debates that follow.

I used to post fairly often in here and I do post on a Dragons website stories relating to International League.

I think the more exposure the better, don't close the ideas off to a select few as you just don't know who will be visiting these boards at any given time.

I write articles on another Rugby League forum/website, but I always come to this website to catch up on the International news and ideas everyone here has. Everybody here is just as passionate as I am and most RL fans in general.

This thread is a good one and one I have been highlighting on the other website, the game needs decent exposure in the media at the International Level.
The Sydney media especially should be promoting the amount of International fixtures League has.
I'd think you would be able to join the forum if it were closed (but that will probably be up to ali of course).
On the other hand, if you weren't in the new sub-forum - the topics discussed would probably be split and moved to the main forum if they got 'off-topic' (like everyone started to discuss something not related to getting media coverage for the WC).
I don't think this sub-forum would make a huge difference if it were closed - but I do see a downside to it being open - like if the media actually turned it into a story on media manipulation - or if all the pro-union guys turned it into the usual go nowhere arguments all the time.


roopy said:
I don't think this sub-forum would make a huge difference if it were closed - but I do see a downside to it being open - like if the media actually turned it into a story on media manipulation - or if all the pro-union guys turned it into the usual go nowhere arguments all the time.
good point


I'm all for fan involvement in our game, and generally RL fans do pretty well in these types of things. The problem is though, we are all beholden to the ARL. If they don't get off their fat backsides soon and start releasing details of the pacific qualifying route and of course for the finals themselves, well we won't have anything to promote.

Without the ARL actually doing something (anything would be a start!) our campaign would be completely redundant.


I'm unsure. Basically I'm thinking the more the merrier. The problem with a closed forum is it will be hard to recruit a large number of members.

Maybe an open but moderated with an iron fist forum. For example, something like the Union forum on here that doesn't allow anything negative said about their game. Not that I've got anything against debate, but ideally I wouldn't want the new forum degenerating into slanging matches.

I'd be worried that with a closed forum it would be hard to maintain members. For example, as keen as I am to get this started, I'll probably be travelling for a few months in 07. We don't want it to be a place that runs out of steam if one or 2 members go missing for a while.

But I am happy to go with the consensus.


there must be more promotion in aussie land, nrl site does not have any info all i have heard is perth & melbourne want ot host games.
But why the hell would the NRL not promote the huge increase in teams trying to make the event.


Surely we could create this new forum and ask the NRL to place a link on it's website to direct the readers of the NRL site to this new forum.

Just an idea and it doesn't detract from the NRL, and if people wish to read about the International game they can simply click on the link and have a read of the forum.

More exposure has to be given as this thread is highlighting.