Huge cavalry victory won the third Persian invasion. ( Platea or something similar wasn't it ). Dont know about boy abuse but if you had a third ear they'd leave you on a hill to die as you were no good to the state, as such.
That was one of the largest recorded armies to march from Sparta as they prided themselves on their fighting hand to hand strength and as such had NO walls protecting their home city at Sparta. They prided themselves on the lack of a need for walls ( as the Athenians so believed in , (The walls of Athen's shall save them laughs in earlier invasions). But as a result of having no walls could never march with a HUGE army from Sparta as the home town instantly became vulnerable whilst the army was away etc. Each Spartan also had an individual slave who looked after his kit etc ( like an army batman) however that slave fought by his side often to the death with him.
But Hollywood has spent millions on movies like Ben HUR, Spartacus, Gone with the wind , etc over the years. And if they had the ability at hand back then ( even though it may be crap LIKE most movies are anyway ) I am sure they would have used the computer hanced tech to creat large armies in Ben HUR rather than putting on a couple thousand person feed of hot dogs at half time. Not that before computers the facts were at hand in most movies ever made in either case.
I like the comp/graphics in modern movies. It can create a more realistic battle atmosphere than real life actors who are playing in smaller numbers either way.
And as most of the plantet that would have been above water in 10.000 BC is now under it, who knows WTF was alive and what happened. just enjoy the ride. I will.