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'11 | R8 | Sat | Cowboys 22-20 Sea Eagles | Dairy Farmers


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There were bad calls for both teams tonight & we prob got the better end of more of them but I don't care. The amount of games we have lost due to dodgy calls we deserved this one.

We outplayed Manly but only just. The true travesty is that people are talking about the refs & not the players. The forward pack clash was epic tonight. The ice baths in both dressing rooms will be getting a workout.

If we had lost I'm sure I would have been pixxed off but gee I loved the fact we competed really well against such a dominate forward pack. We haven't done that for years.


First Grade
There were bad calls for both teams tonight & we prob got the better end of more of them but I don't care. The amount of games we have lost due to dodgy calls we deserved this one.

We outplayed Manly but only just. The true travesty is that people are talking about the refs & not the players. The forward pack clash was epic tonight. The ice baths in both dressing rooms will be getting a workout.

If we had lost I'm sure I would have been pixxed off but gee I loved the fact we competed really well against such a dominate forward pack. We haven't done that for years.

Enjoy the win, Cowboys showed inspired defence, good hard tussle up front..

Beachy Eagle

There were bad calls for both teams tonight & we prob got the better end of more of them but I don't care. The amount of games we have lost due to dodgy calls we deserved this one.

We outplayed Manly but only just. The true travesty is that people are talking about the refs & not the players. The forward pack clash was epic tonight. The ice baths in both dressing rooms will be getting a workout.

If we had lost I'm sure I would have been pixxed off but gee I loved the fact we competed really well against such a dominate forward pack. We haven't done that for years.

Cowboys are the real deal

Beachy Eagle

Can't wait to see the Dessie press conference, expect a $10k chq on the table to start with, ad go down hill from there,
Give it to em dessie, hopeless merkins!


Very proud Cowboys fan. Would have Tariq Sims babies if I was into blokes but I'm not so........... The call near the end should have been a Manly feed on halfway. The onfield ref said cowboys played at it during the tackle. I don't know why we got the scrum feed in the end after the video ref call. Other than that I thought the game was pretty much stock standard ref wise, but I haven't watched the replay yet to see what the Manly fans are pissed about.


Congrats Cowboys. You played very well. Your forwards were strong, Bowen is back, Payne was dangerous when he was on the field and Thurston was as good as usual. You made some inspired plays, your kicking game was excellent and much of what you tried came off. You bustled Manly into errors. Actually, not sure you will play much better this season.

Manly, on the other hand, were a bit lacklustre for much of the game, and made too many errors.

Yet, in saying all that, the Cows could only beat Manly by 2 points, 4 tries all.

Thrilling game Cows should of put Manly to the sword early 2nd half to let them back in was bad. A full 80 mins is still needed from the Cows, St George is the litmus test of the season. The Manly 'no try' is a no try it's a knock on. Ash Graham has to go sooner than later the first 10 minutes were comical and awful. Tariq Sims is awesome and he only get better which is the best part.


Great first half Cows - second half was more of the same really. They like an early lead but a typical late 40 mental collapse is not good.

Tariq Sims is a potentially awesome player. Unfortunately Ashton is not. Very ordinary generally dropping too much ball and giving away stupid penalties.

All of Winterstein's touches in the centres are class but he needs to get more action going his way.

I thought Watmough was excellent tonight for the Sea Eagles but he has burnt his bridges for rep footy.....


Ash Graham is an absolute f**ktard under the highball and the rolling ball. All the stats and good work he does in other areas is totally nullified from the 'clangers' he has at various stages. He tries hard and no one can fault his effort as many a player wearing our jersey in years past cannot be said had the same effort, but he is just a f**king gumby when faced with a kicked ball. Either sort him out for 4 hours a day over the next week or be harsh. It's getting ridiculous that every week you can pretty much say 'Ash Graham is going to f**k up at least a couple of kicks'............
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Well that was a thoroughly disappointing game from the cowboys. the fact that we were making 60+ metres every set and that manly were dropping the ball left right and centre meant that we should have been ahead by 40 or so.

We really need to stop trying to score off every play. Settle the play down and we will still post a massive total on other teams.

I've seen Payne getting a lot of praise. He was better tonight, but he has been just as shit as last year for the main part. Mediocre player. He is getting slower, and sometimes he is just becoming a drain on the team. Segeyaro really needs to start getting a consistent run, if not i hope we are buying a hoooker for next year.

Kicking game was perfect, forwards were dominant, only real improvement we can build on is being sensible with the ball. I think our team is pretty much full strength other than Ash and Glenn Hall. Ash is too accident prone and i am sure there are better options than him. Hall is ineffective. There are definitely worse options that i could think og, but i think we can do better than him in our starting lineup.

All in all, i am happy with that game though as we finished off a good team and have something to build on.


yeah it should have bee given, but it wouldn't have assured you of the win, the way Cherry Evans has been kicking I doubt he would have kicked the goal from out on the sideline, Manly would have still been 4 points behind. Who knows what would have happened in the last 5 minutes I guess.


Well that was a thoroughly disappointing game from the cowboys. the fact that we were making 60+ metres every set and that manly were dropping the ball left right and centre meant that we should have been ahead by 40 or so.

We really need to stop trying to score off every play. Settle the play down and we will still post a massive total on other teams.

I've seen Payne getting a lot of praise. He was better tonight, but he has been just as shit as last year for the main part. Mediocre player. He is getting slower, and sometimes he is just becoming a drain on the team. Segeyaro really needs to start getting a consistent run, if not i hope we are buying a hoooker for next year.

Kicking game was perfect, forwards were dominant, only real improvement we can build on is being sensible with the ball. I think our team is pretty much full strength other than Ash and Glenn Hall. Ash is too accident prone and i am sure there are better options than him. Hall is ineffective. There are definitely worse options that i could think og, but i think we can do better than him in our starting lineup.

All in all, i am happy with that game though as we finished off a good team and have something to build on.

Not sure what games you have been watching, Glenn Hall and Aaron Payne have been excellent all year.

Jason Maher

Thought the no-try was a BotD at least, and Ash Graham's knees should have earned an 8-pointer. Having said that, I hate Manly, so eat shit! :p

Desert Qlder

First Grade
It's never nice feeling so flat after your team has played pretty well and constructed a win against quality opposition. Unfortunately that was the case for a North Queensland supporter last night.

Once again we saw a very disciplined performance from the Cowboys last night after a jittery start. The forward pack demonstrated why they are one of the best in the competition, and a strong kicking game was backed up by wily chasers. Off the back of this and strong goal line defense we saw some crafty play resulting in quick points. Exciting stuff.

The forward battle was enthralling. Matt Scott is really enhancing his standing as the premier prop in the game. He sees it as his duty to trounce his opposite in the opposing team and at present is winning his battles. You can't help but admire this approach to his footy. Imagine playing under a skipper like that. It must be so heartening for the young NQ forwards to see their leader charging out of the defensive line such as he does. I had my doubts about the Manly front row before this game and I feel that was justified. Kite has always lacked punch and King is overrated.

It's obvious to all that NQ are struggling to close out games. I'm at a loss as to why this is. It's particularly baffling considering this team is doing a lot of the little things right. The only thing I can think of is they are throwing so much energy into dominating first halves there is not much left in the tank by the end. It was nervous stuff towards the end and it's why one would feel flat at the final siren. I've personally no problems with the knock on call by the way.

North Queensland have the game to really trouble St. George-Illawarra. It's going to be a wonderful encounter no doubt. The beauty part is no supporter is going to expect a win from the Cowboys. It is a pressure free clash for them. If the forwards commit and work together as they have been, and a few gaps open in the Dragons defense anything is possible. I can't wait.

Jason Maher

Please bring your 40 minute game to Kogarah next week. :p

Seriously though, it is shaping up as a big clash, though both sides will no doubt have a few players backing up, which hopefully won't detract too much from the game.


you still had to kick the conversion from close to the sideline AND even then Manly would have been 2 points behind.

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