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$120,000 minimum wage..


I don't necessarily have an issue with what Mason is saying... however!

I think if the minimum wage was raised to such a rediculous sum, the players would have to be far more responsible with how they conduct themselves off the park. How about $120 000 as a base salary, which can be cut by $20 000 every time there's an off the field indiscretion. Might get some players (like Mason) to pull their heads in a bit if they're getting hit in the hip pocket so heavily.


First Grade
mattyg said:
80,000 a year is fine IMO. No player in the 25 man squad should get less than it. There are players on 50,000 who may only ever play in PL and the occasional first grade game, but they are missing out on further qualifications to do so.
That's the chance they take for their shot at the big time.


Willie is being a d!ck.

out in the real world the rest of us work numerous jobs and long hours for a pittance in order to get qualifications - i worked at times 3 jobs whilst studying.

if a footballer can't do his 25 or so hours a week training AND study at uni/tafe AND maybe even do some part time work experience, he needs to get out of the pub, off the playstation and off his butt and wake up to himself.

/end old man rant.


First Grade
Canard said:
Just a comment on the "sacrifices" that NRL players make.

Im guessing 99.9% of poster's on here would love the opportunity to be paid to do something they love. Even if 50K was a pay cut from what they are getting now.

Well, that's a fair point, but if you were doing something you love and in doing that were instrumental in earning several thousand, hundred thousand or even million dollars for your employer, you'd expect that to be reflected in your pay, would you not?

Tom Shines

First Grade
Most players don't earn the big money for their empployers.
It's select marquee players, sponsors, and the punters going to the games every week.


Azkatro said:
Well, that's a fair point, but if you were doing something you love and in doing that were instrumental in earning several thousand, hundred thousand or even million dollars for your employer, you'd expect that to be reflected in your pay, would you not?

Where do you think the money in the game comes from. Sponsors and fans. And do you really think its not reflected in their pay.

Willy mason would be taking home atleast half a million dollars a year.


Im guessing 99.9% of poster's on here would love the opportunity to be paid to do something they love. Even if 50K was a pay cut from what they are getting now.

I'd probably pay to play for my team, tbh ;-)


First Grade
I think Willie needs to be told that him and his footballing mates are getting more than enough money.

And life after football should not be that hard. I mean, you don't need a uni degree to get a truck licence or go and work in a sports store/department store. Plenty of ex-first graders have done it.


First Grade
Most players study concurrently...and they have a bit more spare time (not much) than punters who have to work fulltime to earn less money.


First Grade
Razor said:
How long is the average football career? A lot shorter than most other occupations. There is also a much greater risk of sustaining permanent injury playing football, than sitting at a desk all day

That's trotted out every time these issues are discussed. :roll:

Playing professional footy is a choice. As with other choices in life, it comes with benefits and sacrifices.

There is more opportunity than ever for players to develop their education and business nous while they are in the NRL. If some don't choose to do this, then it's their own fault.

Tom Shines

First Grade
Front-Rower said:
I think Willie needs to be told that him and his footballing mates are getting more than enough money.

And life after football should not be that hard. I mean, you don't need a uni degree to get a truck licence or go and work in a sports store/department store. Plenty of ex-first graders have done it.
Peter Wynn has probably made more money selling jerseys than most footballers have made playing footy.


The players do deserve their fair share from revenues generated through league, and they are upset that the body running the game and who caused the upheavals in the games these last decade are still stripping huge amounts of money out of the game to recoup their ridiculous losses.
But if they are in the game for 10 years that is enough to tuck away money and assets for a comfortbale future.
They train and play but have sufficient time to improve themselves educationally if they wished, but most could not be bothered.
They are essentially very simple folk, quite possibly very stupid and many do not possess the ability to read or write to the level of a school child.
120 grand a year, plus endorsements and bonuses means a big parcel of dough every month, I am not sure that a number of the players deserve it.


sharko said:
But if they are in the game for 10 years that is enough to tuck away money and assets for a comfortbale future.
They train and play but have sufficient time to improve themselves educationally if they wished, but most could not be bothered.
They are essentially very simple folk, quite possibly very stupid and many do not possess the ability to read or write to the level of a school child.
120 grand a year, plus endorsements and bonuses means a big parcel of dough every month, I am not sure that a number of the players deserve it.
I work part time at canterbury leagues and there's always work available for players who want it, no interview process or anything. A few of the flegg boys work behind the bar a few nights a week. I know atleast 1 fleggy who works over 25 hours a week at the club, trains everyday and plays on weekends. Seriously I know blokes who work 40 hour weeks and still do uni/tafe part time.
The whole crux of willie's argument is he wants moreequality in pa for blokes who train as hard as himself, however what willie doesn't realise is the worl doesn't work that way. I could be a salesman on a commission based salary, and I could work just as hard as any salesman but if the got more flair than me and are naturally better salesmen then ofcourse I'm going to make less even if I work just as hard


sharko said:
The players do deserve their fair share from revenues generated through league, and they are upset that the body running the game and who caused the upheavals in the games these last decade are still stripping huge amounts of money out of the game to recoup their ridiculous losses.
But if they are in the game for 10 years that is enough to tuck away money and assets for a comfortbale future.
They train and play but have sufficient time to improve themselves educationally if they wished, but most could not be bothered.
They are essentially very simple folk, quite possibly very stupid and many do not possess the ability to read or write to the level of a school child.
120 grand a year, plus endorsements and bonuses means a big parcel of dough every month, I am not sure that a number of the players deserve it.

You summed up big Willie perfectly in one sentence. Although i thought that was a bit insulting to a school child ;-)


Ice777 said:
You summed up big Willie perfectly in one sentence. Although i thought that was a bit insulting to a school child ;-)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Imagine if they gave Willie and O'Meley both an IQ test, even if you added both their scores together they'd still be lucky to make double digits

Nathan B

Jesus christ there's some whinging going on in here...

For every nurse earning $40k a year you can throw at me, I can throw a Hollywood heart throb earning $10 Million for every sh*tty picture he makes. Or a musician earning squillions to pump out poor excuses for music and endorsing the next teeth-rotting soft drink. Does it suck that the world works this way? Of course. But, please, get over it sometime soon.

This whole issue is about the players getting their fair share of the game's revenue. They (or at least Willie and a few others that have come out) obviously feel that they do not. Are they getting their fair share? I have no idea. Do any of us know? It sounds like the players don't even know. Once the % share that the players deserve is agreed upon, then things like minimum wage will fall out. Will that minimum wage be $50k, $120k or $120 million a year? Who knows. But good luck to the players if the game's earning enough for it to be more than most of us will ever make.

If earning their fair share of a sh*tload of money translates into them all earning a sh*tload of money, then I'm not going to begrudge them. And I'm not going to begrudge them fighting for their fair share (if, of course, they don't have it already). Just like I haven't begrudged teachers, nurses and bricklayers fighting for their fair share, which they've all done on many occasions.


I can see what WIllie is getting at but his argument is very weak. He said he wanted to make a stand for the little guys, but as I mentioned above the world doesn't run on equality. He used the example of Timana tahu, Tahu as on over 300k a year at Parra, he's getting 500k a year from the ARU, raised salary cap of not, Tahu is not worth 500k a year in any code