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137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

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Best: Finalised details for my first home brew club meeting that I've setup for South/East Sydney.

Worst: Felt like sh*t since sat night, feels like I've got real bad motion sickness hopefully I'll get a case of the spews shortly so I feel better.


best: saw a good mate of mine today that i havent seen in 18 months, it constantly amazes me the strength of our friendship that he can just go overseas for a year and just pick up where we left off... I dont think there are many people in the world like that and im really blessed to have such a friendship

worst: some of the things he said, the places hes been really has made me evaluate my life today, its not really a bad thing, but just to be able to go to places like china, america, canada make me really wonder what im doing..... I WANT to do be doing things like that!!!!! :p

I guess you can always strive to be better, and its not that im unhappy, I just want more from what im doing.....

I know, im completely psychotic... I just got a new job I havent even started yet, I havent even started uni yet, and i want to move out, go overseas, do all these crazy things

i think i just need to take a few deep breaths :p


Staff member
BEST: Got to watch some good movies (Saw 1 & 2, The Brothers Grimm, Hostel, and Legend of Drunken Master)

WORST: Ninjas capture aerial manufacturer. More at seven!

les norton

First Grade
Best - I think we have gotten our bizarre gothic house...:D
Halloween party at my house!

Worst - ummm...I think I am going to have a HUGE tax bill.


Staff member
BEST: Just found out from work that they've got someone to take my Sunday shift, so I can go the the game :D:D

WORST: Leaves me 5 days to get over this flu, which isn't showing any signs of going away :( :fist:

garden fairy

Best: today was so funny - went with a massive group of kids to watch Wests Tigers train. It was a totally star-studded event, complete with Danny Weidler, (pfft), the kid from the McDonalds world cup ads (who supposedly would prefer to play for the Tigers in order to extend his fifteen minutes in the sun), and of course the Tigers. I had a special needs kid who I had to take to the toilet, and was directed through the gym where the players were working out - she proceeded to go and greet each one with 'hey Batman!!!' and shake their hand. I was so embarrassed, but they seemed to enjoy it...I love her to pieces!

Worst: money problems, being moved from Coordinating an OOSH centre to working with the babies tomorrow, which means I miss out on going to the circus!

garden fairy

Best: Worked in Occasional Care today, got to play with babies, it was pretty cruisey. I fell madly in love with a 6 month old bubba who kept putting her arms up for me to pick her up everytime I walked past.

Worst: nappies. Need I say more?


Staff member
BEST: Payday!

WORST: Went on a date last night (which was good) but stuff happened and now it's complicated.


Best: I just feel really happy & stuff at the moment, how weird lol. Looking forward to the weekend, spending time with friends & going to the footy. And getting the car back finally from the smash repairers on Friday!

Worst: Car being delayed again, but they've pretty much promised my dad it would be ready by Friday.

les norton

First Grade
Best - Ummmm...hmmmm.....oh i think my flatmate finally has gotten a pug puppy, she has wanted one forever. Mates over for dinner, laughed alot.

Worse - stupid library nazi...Make me chuck my coffee, bastard!
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