Round 1:
Lulia - 14 tackles - 3 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 4 missed (80 mins)
Lawrence - 27 tackles - 1 1-on-1 tackle, 0 ineffective, 0 missed (80 mins)
Round 2:
Lulia - 6 tackles - 0 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 1 missed (80 mins)
Lawrence - 5 tackles - 0 1-on-1 tackles, 0 ineffective, 0 missed (15 mins)
Round 3:
Lulia - 15 tackles - 3 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 2 missed (80 mins)
Simona - 7 tackles - 1 1-on-1 tackles, 0 ineffective, 0 missed (49 mins)
Round 4:
Lulia - 9 tackles - 0 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 0 missed (80 mins)
Lawrence - 13 tackles - 0 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 2 missed (80 mins/52 on the wing)
Lulia - 46 tackles - 6 1-on-1 tackles, 4 ineffective, 7 missed (4 games)
Lawrence - 45 tackles - 1 1-on-1 tackles, 1 ineffective, 2 missed (3 games)
Because Brooks is defending on Lawrence's side, there is a lot more traffic running at Lawrence.
He is the wrong player to have minding Brooks in defence, that should be the job of a back rower.
Lawrence is undoubtedly slow laterally, this is not helped when he has to cover his inside man as well his own, when he's not a very good lateral mover and only good at covering his own opposite number.
This was shown supremely on the weekend when Brooks defended at Centre and Lawrence on the wing, he knew he couldn't cover both edge attackers, so he ran up and tried an intercept, or he tried to do Brooks' defence for him, leaving a massive gap out wide. Lawrence isn't versatile enough of a player to deal with a different defensive style required to be a winger.
Lulia tends to be flat footed a lot. Thankfully he hasn't been targeted very much yet, all clubs seem to be obsessed with running over Brooks.