Here’s the only comment on there I dont see anything stating they have walked away from owning the license.
Went to the AGM last night, uncertain as to what would eventuate. However, for the first time, in a long time, the Board actually addressed the concerns that were being raised.
The return to the NRL issue was addressed in a direct manner. The gentleman from the CT Group was open and honest with his statements and answers. I walked away thinking:
1. Assuming PNG fills the 18th spot, then it will probably be South Island and WA for the 19 and 20 spots. However, in Rugby League, anything is possible.
2. The Chairman did explain at the present time they wanted to keep all options open. The word nimble was used. I think WA is probably the better option.
3. The Chairman did explain there is communication between the Bears and the two groups. He mentioned a recent visit from WA people.
4. PVL, at the end of the day, in my view, will direct the Bears as to where their location will be. It will then be up to the Bears Board to negotiate a deal with the people at that location.
5. At least the Chairman appeared to confirm the Bears Club will have an interest in a Joint Venture Club. How big an interest will no doubt be subject to negotiation at the right time.