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2007 recruitment drive by Smithy


Me and Chris saw Jarrod on saturday Paulie, you didn't. He did say you're a dickhead though.


Jarrod was also body-slamming a 10y/o which we plan to use against him when hes earing the big bucks...


CWBush said:
I'm sorry guys, but I'd let Mullen go in an instant if we got McGuire. Mullen will be something special, but he's not McGuire.
I think people forget McGuire isn't that young at all, he's already 24 mand has limited improvement left in him. Mullen is still 18, and well we ain't seen nothing yet.
Let me see.
Johns: 500k.
Buderus: 400k.
Reynoldson: 200k
Simpson: 200k

1.3 Million gone already on 4 players, I'd hate to see what the other paupers get paid!

Big recruitment drive, maybe when Joey retires but til then I seriously doubt it.


If Kidley does follow Hages to Parra I personally wouldn't loose any sleep over it, on what he's shown over the last few years. Kidley has had some good games but they are few and far between, and I'm not convinced in the least that he is even the 3rd best option at 5/8th, let alone the first one as it appears at the moment. Given the choice between him and Mullen it's a no brainer.


I think Brian Smith could be the making of Kidley.
He is just the sort of player Smith brings out the best in.
Hagan has done nothing to develop the obvious talents he has - but Smith will give him direction and game plans to follow which will make use of his talents.
I believe Joey is a strong chance to chuck in the game before the start of next season - which would give us money to spend.


First Grade
antonius said:
While ever we have Danny and Joey on our books, as well as Mullen (Hopefully we re-sign him) and Reynpldson at +$200,000 a season, our player dollars wont be unlimited. We may get a couple of players, but the cap will see to it that top of the range players will be hard to come by. Saying that I think its reasonable to think we may get a couple of players like Widders and Ben Smith, but I think the cap will knock the idea of Tahu returning, we just wont have the money left under the cap.

Both would have to have huge years to get 200 000 for nxt season


Mullen needs to be in the first grade team as soon as possible. He is too good for Premier League and the Knights have to be playing him in First Grade. You have to remember that there are at least another seven clubs chasing him and if we don't guarantee him a spot in first grade he may decide to head elsewhere. If the only way this can happen is getting rid of Kidley then i say so be it.
McGuire is coached by Brian's brother Tony at Leeds and I feel if he comes to the NRL it will be in Knights colours or none. Mullen and McGuire would be devastating from the scrum under smith. He is only 23 Danny so time is not an issue here. I think he is off contract next year. Not sure though.
McGuire is coached by Brian's brother Tony at Leeds and I feel if he comes to the NRL it will be in Knights colours or none. Mullen and McGuire would be devastating from the scrum under smith. He is only 23 Danny so time is not an issue here. I think he is off contract next year. Not sure though.


CWBush said:
Forgive me if I take your word and try and peer through the healthy dose of bias there. :lol:

I don't think losing Kidley will kill us, although I still think he'd be good for us in the centres.
definately. i have been thinking this for a while. I really cant stand him playing in 5/8. if he goes it would be sort of sore to lose him in some small regard, but the prospect of watching mullen become a great player which i think he is destined to be, then bring it on and bring it on ASAP!

Sir Knight82 said:
Let me see.
Johns: 500k.
Buderus: 400k.
Reynoldson: 200k
Simpson: 200k

1.3 Million gone already on 4 players, I'd hate to see what the other paupers get paid!

Big recruitment drive, maybe when Joey retires but til then I seriously doubt it.

Reynoldson was a bog recruit before he even arrived in the steel city. Piss this rubbish, overpayed sub standard player off to Souths or something....


id love to see Widders in the blue and red. i rate this guy very high. one of the most dangerous interchange players in the game today and i think we REALLY need an impact player of his calibre, whether its starting line up or off the bench. Great player.

Ben Smith is a go'er also. This guy has shown some great skill. I think it would be in their interest to sign with newcastle with smith driving the train now (or soonish). id be very happy to see both of them signed.


McGuire has proven himself to be a top-class player. Mullen has shown enormous potential but it's too soon to tell. Plenty of times players have looked like superstars in the making for their first 10-20 games in first grade, then end up being average players after their opponents have figured them out.

We know McGuire will perform. So if we have to choose between the 2, it's definitely McGuire.