Non Terminator
The Slickers And The Bumpkins
738 Words
The writer takes a look at the annual City Country match. He tells us how he views the game, and what it means to him. He makes his points on the importance of the fixture, and attempts to dispel the it means nothing theory that he perceives as the generally held perception of this game. Good effort.
Score 85
"Scoring" a penalty try
747 Words
Penalty tries, should they be awarded to the player or the team? The writer asks this question, and puts forward his argument that it should be a team try. I must admit I wasnt aware that they used to be awarded to the team. It is an interesting question. Im not sure if I agree with the author or not, but should it be changed and the record books altered I bet there would be a lot of debate.
Score 86
George is alive!
740 Words
A piece that details an old mans recollections of the game. I hadnt read the piece mentioned at the start so I searched it out and had a read. I imagine George could tell quite a few stories of events in the game during his lifetime. Its good to know he is still alive and kicking.
Score 86
Getting fair dinkum
749 Words
The writer expresses his views on player payments. He delves into the morals of some of the players and their management as far as those payments go. He also looks at who has left to go overseas, or switch codes, and asks the question Do we really miss them? The comparison of the likes of Craig Johnston, Jack Brabham and so on is thought provoking I think.
Score 87
Penalising the rest of the league world
696 Words
Changing or modifying the rules of the game. The writer looks at some of the rule changes that have been made, how they affected the game, and asks why they are not uniform throughout the game.
I found the piece a little cluttered, the two massive sentences in the second paragraph, and some grammatical errors didnt help this.
Score 82
New Zealand
A History of Deceit
749 Words
This piece gives us a brief outline of some of the not so sporting events in the game over the years finishing with this years Storm salary cap scandal. Interesting to recall some of those events. Solid piece.
Score 85
Made for the wet
745 Words
Wet weather footy. The writer explains why he thinks league is a winter game, and why he prefers to watch games played in the rain. He details a couple of games that he thinks were improved by the inclement weather.
The piece was spoilt by a few spelling errors and some poor grammar. Proof reading wouldve improved the score.
Score 83
mrs mannering
Down at the park.
744 Words
Nice story of how the writer came to play the game in a country that predominantly follows union. One minor grammatical error that wasnt penalised.
Score 85
Broken Bones, Plaster Casts and A Heap Of Tears.
747 Words
The writer recalls the events around him breaking some limbs whilst playing the game. Well written.
Score 84
Helping Leaguies To Help Themselves
749 Words
A sometimes amusing look at comebacks and how to make them. The writer offers some advice and points you to some self help books to assist you in making comebacks of various forms.
One small point that didnt actually affect your score, be careful where you put your word count, you had it after the title of your piece, so it is actually in the body of the article thus the 749 words instead of 745.
Score 87
Result Australia 426 defeated New Zealand 424
POTM Titanic, Jesbass.
Some bunched marks there indicate how close the game was. A bit of proof reading would have improved a couple of the scores. Nice diverse selection of topics.