This was Nigel's response to the support he got from here in 2009:
Firstly I would like to thank anyone who through this forum voted for Steve Mackenzie or myself and would like to congratulate them on actively participating in the election process.
Having read through this topic just a couple of points that I will clarify.
1. Staff of the licensed club are not permitted to vote in the election process or any other voting process associated with the governing of the club. I do believe that staff members of the football club are permitted to vote. In 19 years of employment at Panthers I believe I was allowed to vote on about three occassions in the electoral process.
2. I have read statements that either the two leading candidates or candidates in general were not up to scratch. That is a matter of opinion, it is my opinion that members of any club be it social or sporting should be encouraged to participate at this level of their clubs. As in the case of Panthers it is not as though there is a plethora of businessperson putting their hand up to do such things nor can it be said that all of the current serving directors have solid business acumen.
3. Campaigning can be a very costly process and is limited by the clubs constitution and the OLGR. Voting cards are legal but cannot be distributed within the clubs buildings or on their grounds, so if the clubs staff has received such material, how has it been distributed?
4. Information in regards to the election was limited to signs in the clubs foyer, a few statements on their official website and little pieces on the bottom of advertising in the local media. Members received no information in regards to the candidates or the election via post or email at all. It is my belief that this process needs to be addressed if the board/management want the democratic election process to continue.
One of the many obstacles that we faced as candidates was the new appearance of the clubs premises, very few members would be aware that the club is about to post a $10 - $13 million dollar loss for the 2008/09 financial year. As a long time supporter of this club I hope the board/management are able to address these trading issues without reverting to the selling off of assets.
I will now continue to support our rugby league team and will hopefully be able to suggest some valid recommendations at AGM's in the years to come.
Nigel Highley