Must've been dole day recently down at redfern as rabbitohs have added an extra 400 or so over the past couple of days
69% of the people living in Redfern are employed full time, 21.2% are working on a part time basis.
Redfern has an unemployment rate of 5.7%.
66.2% of the people living in Newcastle are employed full time, 24.1% are working on a part time basis.
Newcastle has an unemployment rate of 5.6%.
Now, if we go into other suburbs like, say, Maroubra V Maitland, we get;
62.1% of the people living in Maroubra are employed full time, 27% are working on a part time basis.
Maroubra has an unemployment rate of 5.6%.
58.6% of the people living in Maitland are employed full time, 28.1% are working on a part time basis.
Maitland has an unemployment rate of 7.3%.
Pick any other Steel City suburb you like and Newcastle is a city of dole bludgers. Glass houses and all that.
The South Sydney catchment area is the richest demographic in Australia. Just saying ;-)