Price List for ANZ Game III according ANZ Stadium's site:
Diamond = $285
Platinum = $200
Gold = $145
Silver = $105
Bronze = $50*
*Sold out.
So please tell me again how our most expensive ticket is $130 when three categories are above that, with the most expensive doubling that (and eclipsing your $265).
Of course, this all goes without saying that the viewing experience at Suncorp is vastly superior to the dump that is ANZ, nor that fact that ANZ's capacity is much larger.
Late Edit: Also Blatchy's Blues tickets go multiple categories, and according to ticketek:
Bronze = $76.46
Silver = $132.54
Gold = $173.32
Platinum = $229.32
I think Level 1 along the sidelines at ANZ is pretty good but you are looking at almost $300 a ticket. The rest, well don't bother.