13319@ newcastle
I think one of the problems League has at the moment is everyone is getting Fox to watch league and so are exposed to Fox coverage of NFL, college football and the other american sports.
Once you start watching them, its hard not to spot where they crap all over League and the other British sports. I can't watch league now without swearing at the TV for someone to make a play instead of leaving it to the ref.
Last night Parra v Canberra: every opportunity in opposition half that led to a try was from a ruck or ten metre penalty where the ref just seemed to think now is a good time to give these guys a go.
I wish everyone was that easy
I wonder if we could paint the seats at ANZ black.
There is a section of black seats in the middle tier that look better than the light blue.
At least it wouldn't look so empty.
TB, the problem for all Australian sports is that Foxtel and the Net make it too easy to watch sports flrom all round the world and take a real liking to them. I can follow the Dallas Cowboys here in Australia just as easily as most people in America. With NFL gameplay I can watch every Cowboys game as many times as I want and when I want.
Once people stop attending games then it opens up the opportunity for them to lose interest in the game.
http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...pays-off-for-sydney-clubs-20140426-zr05p.htmlQuestion - Do the doggies get payed/told to play at ANZ as part of a contract or can they choose to to take more games to Belmore?