You are right there. After 20 years all the ex-pats from NSW, Qld, NZ, UK, etc and their families are now rusted on Storm fans, but I am yet to come across anyone (Molly Meldrum would be an exception) without an interstate/OS connection. Despite the awesome stadium, crowds since 1998 have grown slower than Melbourne's population growth.
The most interest amongst Melbournians for the Storm was the night of the first game - there was a real buzz around town (unfortunately it was a sell-out by the time we got there). Even when I have had spare tickets, I have not once been able to get any mates other than my dad (NSW) or brother in law (UK) to come with me. Storm crowds look good in comparison to Sydney clubs because of the attendance culture here. Pretty much everyone I know goes to watch their AFL or A-League club regularly. The Storm fans I know go most weeks. But there is zero interest from the general public. No sports fan here will ever give up on their AFL team, so that will never change.