Some could definitely use more bulk, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence most 7’s are smaller than Nathan. The more size you put on you’re going to become less evasive, less nimble.
I take
@betcats point that he’s never been that type of player, but I’d say that’s a contributing factor to why he doesn’t get many try assists. He’s a natural ball runner, not ball player.
Size doesn’t affect his ball playing mate I just don’t see how it does. There are plenty of great ball players that were big as Nathan or bigger, whether they wore 6 or 7 they are still ball players.
Nath is a better ball runner then ball player for certain, he’s not a great ball player and hopefully he improves but if his running games gets better he becomes a more dangerous player in general. And his physical gains should improve more than just his running.
It could only hurt his ball playing if he has lost skill or mobility and on those points I’m willing to give the staff and Nathan the benefit of doubt and assume they did the right work to make sure he wasn’t losing speed and mobility, If Cameron is to be believed he’s actually quicker.
Nath had a nice little tip on to Whare in To’os try, his passing and running in the trial and sevens didn’t look worse to me his running looked good, he is just a great athlete it’s in his genes,. His kicking touch looked good I saw nothing to suggest he didn’t work hard on his skills. I’m very confident that the gains he has made have not hurt his game in anyway and should really help him in some areas.