Just to nitpick, blue should never been seen on a Dragons jersey. Lazy effort. Some pretty bog average jerseys creeping back in, Tigers worse, Raiders home worse.
Mate that’s not nitpicking, it’s absolute sense.
Bumper stickers on cars are a thing of the past, mainly because modern cars with bumper stickers look awful. But they’ve sadly re-invented themselves to appear on rugby league jerseys... the dragons are no exception..and they look hideous.
Sponsors drive dollars - I get that. But while some clubs are able to successfully integrate sponsors into their design and colour scheme (The Storm a prime example) others like mine sold out to bumper stickers long ago..
I visited the Dragons merch store at the leagues club in September during a trip back to NSW... I wanted to buy a bunch of gear I could take back to SA with me for my missus and her kiddies - but most of the gear on offer looked horrible with blue patches, orange patches, multiple sponsors “patched” onto merch...... it couldn’t look less integrated and unappealing. It was saddening.. It was disheartening..
But I did manage to pick up some “non-sponsored” street wear stuff for them though and they absolutely loved it. Wear it all the time. That’s where it’s at...
It may seem nitpicking to some but like you’ve suggested, blue DOES NOT belong on a dragons jersey.
Like Red does not belong on a bulldogs jersey...etc etc..
And NO TEAM should have shit house bumper stickers on their kit.