The story I heard - and it was a long long time ago, but I remember it because I can`t stand o`neill as well - that was told by Roy Masters was that o`neill who played once in some comp or other, it obviously wasn`t NSWRL, came up against an international League centre and was treated like a `turnstile` I`m pretty sure that was the word Masters used, all afternoon during one match, absolutely humiliating him. If I remember correctly, this is where o`neills hatred for League stemmed from according to Masters.
Now Roy maybe have been taking a bit of artistic licence there, although I have no doubt the story was true, but more likely o`neill`s hatred of league probably stems from League having pinched union players for all those years. The turnstile incident most likely just added a bit of venom to his dislike, it would have tough for a big-head like him to get publicly humiliated.
BTW, I`ve always had it in my head that it was the Commonwealth Bank Cup, is that the old schoolboy comp? so the centre he came up against may have been a future League international, but I wouldn`t quote me on that.