I dont understand them saying $115m a year is a record deal? Last tv deal nine paid nrl $925mill for 5 years which is $185mill a year! sure they recouped a good chunk back ($55mill a year) by onselling saturday nights and simucast rights but the fact remains Ch9 paid nrl $185mill a year. If we are about to agree to $115mill a year I bloody well hope that missing $70mill a year is being paid to nrl by fox!
can nrl directy sell simucast rights of the fta providers content?
so even after taking into account ch9’s on sell they still agreed $130mill a year inc contra last deal, I hope the $115mill they are mentioning in the article doesn’t include contra!
I still haven’t been able to figure out who telstra paid their $100mill to in last deal, was it nrl or fox??
Rugby League fans will be able to watch four live matches each week on free to air television from 2018 as part of a new broadcast rights agreement.
if Ch9 are only paying $600mill then that’s fox paying $1.2bill PLUS another $75-100mill just agreed extra for expansion!
the last deal had Ch9 paying $925mill and fox paying nrl $875mill.
Fox then Paid Ch9 $175mill for Saturday night game and a further $100mill for simucast. So a total spend to nrl and Ch9 of $1.15bill.