just for the sake of the exercise lets say that quarter of the field is grided A-E along the in goal line and 1-5 along the touch line
as it was he was standing roughly in zone B3
the ball landed in A4
what zone would you have him stand keeping in mind the fullback was at roughly E2
I've made it easier for you
image 1 - beale in relation to the side line and leutele
- this clearly shows that beale is inside the line of leutele
- cardie and carina are right, he hesitates on the inside before heading out
- his body position is facing in field
image 2 - beale in relation to barba and kick chasers at the height of the bomb
- this clearly shows that barba is past the left up right with plenty of time before the kick drops
- he is well in position to help with any shorter in field kick (to the right of beale) if that were the chosen kick option by morgan
image 3 - leutele & Maloney in relation to the kick chasers (feldt & oneill)
- this clearly shows that leutele & Maloney, at all stages, have the support options covered
- ethan lowe is checked in his run by graham and drops off as a support option
- leutele mans up on feldt & jimmy does the same on oneill
image 4 - shape of the play
- not quite to scale but depicts the play as it unfolded
- leutele and jimmy defending outside shoulder
- tear drops give a thereabouts guide to kick areas the winger and fullback will protect
- x marks the spot
beale was positioning for the inside kick, he over compensated
use the corner of the field as your yard stick to positioning, create a 90 degree arc, left arm parallel to the sideline, right arm parallel to the try line, move in a forward direction towards the kick within the arc, this guarantees you know where you are in relation to the sideline and try line at all times
standing in field, as he did, defending a flatter style kick, means you are running away from the direction of the kick, with eyes for the ball, you lose sight of the sideline with all your momentum heading that way
imo positional mistake & the lower percentage play prevailed
it would have needed to be an absolute merkin of a bounce for something to happen and even then all options were heavily marked