The funniest thing I ever saw on a cricket field was when I was playing 9th grade in my first season of seniors with my old man and uncle (I was still playing U15's at the time,) and we were playing a pub side who didn't mind not awarding run outs and LBW's and were usually half a dozen deep before the toss. Anyway we're bowling, one of our blokes is fielding at point, striker puts it through just behind point. Our fella at point takes off, fires the throw back, confusion ensued between the bats and we ran him out by a good two feet.
Square leg ump proceeds to claim it's not out, our team goes up in the concerted "get f**ked, how could you not give that out?" Ump says he wasn't watching and couldn't be sure. Old mate at point whom is generally a nice and quiet fella proceeds to tell the ump "mate, that's blatant cheatery," ump becomes incensed and starts to storm over, stump in hand. Our keeper manages to disarm him, he continues to storm over to our fella at point who is standing there warning him that he doesn't want to get involved in a fight. Ump has a gutful of Dutch courage and proceeds to tell him he's going to knock his head off.
The fight lasted two punches. Our fella at point was a Golden Gloves boxer, let old mate have the first swing, and then split his septum and top lip in two shots. Rush in ensues from the opposition, old mate is on the ground bleeding out of his mouth and nose and it cools down. Was a pretty spiteful affair for the rest of the game, we go on to win thankfully and we cool down afterward and share a beer with the opposition after the game, with the exception of the bloke who got belted, who sheepishly shook hands with our boys and took off hurriedly at conclusion of play.
The funny thing was just remembering old mate storming over, threatening to deck this bloke, while we are there well aware that our guy was a proficient boxer telling him that he wasn't interested in fighting.
Our guy got banned for a year for snotting someone who charged at him with a stump. Go figure.