One is open to interpretation, the other isn't.
Sharks fans taking pleasure out of the incident rather than there yeah winning are all class
Mate we are not taking pleasure at all.
The carry on over a ref error that nobody even knew about until about 20 mins later
is what pisses us off.
The way the press have almost blamed the sharks pisses us off.
The merkins saying we don't deserve to even be there
pisses us off.
The cows had their chances and missed out.
It happens... We know it only to well.
To be fair 2 of their try's were arsey anyway.
Sharks have lost plenty if games off shit calls
It sucks .
Even saw Tate having a sook over his team being bagged out by sharks supporters.
Like that never happens from QLD's towards nsw players.
Hasn't been a week this year where a newspaper hasn't torn shreds off the sharks.
The ref should sacked .