sorry but thats just an opinion with nothing to back it up
perception wise just seems to be your perception,
I'm not anti AFL as I watch it every weekend and I dont buy into any this one code versus the other as I follow all the major codes but to suggest that AFL is bigger than League when league is played in alot of countries outside Australia is again, just your perception
It's the perception of everyone in Australia. Australian football pulls bigger crowds to more clubs in more cities in more states. More kids play it than league. The brand is worth more. The fact that perhaps a few more people play league overseas doesn't affect the mentality of the Australian sports fan (including league fans), who consciously or subconsciously acknowledges this size superiority.
League is a provincial game with a provincial mentality, which is why it hates AFL - it looms big and popular from 'outside'. Same goes for the AFL on a wider scale - it is secure and comfortable as top dog in Australia, but soccer looms from 'outside'. Again, the provincial mentality.
I'm not saying that league is threatened by Australian football, or Australian football is threatened by soccer. They're not really, both are secure within their turf. But you do not have to feel seriously threatened by something foreign to dislike it. The hatred is just a manifestation of Othering. Anything that is foreign can constitute the Other, but it's magnified when the Other is perceived to be large and dominant. It is why league fans fixate on AFL more than vice versa, even though it goes in both directions.