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AFL in $45 million money grab

the AFL has $200million to spend in Western Sydney, a fair chunk of that money will go to people in WS who work at the club, work at the games, work in marketing etc. Thats jpbs and money for the people of WS ,that money can be earned and spent on NRL memberships etc. The GWS players will live and spend in WS.

While i agree its not as many jobs as a new factory but its still some pretty big investment and the NRl can indirectly get its hands on some of that $200million.

The fact is that both codes can grow, IF you look at tv ratings, theres 20million people not watching either AFL or NRL on a friday night, 67% of our country is overweight, kids are playing ps3 and chatting on msn instead of having a kick or a game of touch. ALot of our country is made up immmigrants like myself who've never seen either game.

I just think that both codes can grow and prosper nationally, they are 2 great games. But while NRL plays the victim under attack the AFL is going to come out on top.

you still do not not explain why the NSW taxpayer should underwrite a business venture such as the GWS? It is not a mine...it is not a major manufacturing venuture...it is the sporing dream of mad Vlad The Impaler. It will have zero impact on the state's economic output.

The AFL itself claims it has a $200 million warchest for GHWS. Why in heavens name should it be funded by public money? Particulary a public that has shown very little interest at all in the adventure?
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El Diablo

Post Whore

While this is a good point, the AFL adventure into western Sydney cannot be compared to a mining venture or car factory. They are labour-intensive, profit making ventures that will attract corporate tax and generate spin-off industries that will further increase the tax take.

The GSW is a speculative adventure that, in the grand scheme of things, will have zero economic impact on the state budget.

it is simply an attempt to foister a sporting culture that was dreamed up on the back of an envelope by a few blokes in a melbourne pub. It has nil relevance to NSW...and certainly the taxpayer should have no involvment in it WHATESOVER!

and there is already a stadium in Western Sydney they can play at


First Grade
gotta love vlad though, first he almost singlehandedly scuttles the WC bid by not giving up ethiad stadium and because of this he gets a stadium upgrade of his dreams for his new love child, and doesnt have to pay a thing, absoulute gold, say what you like about rights and wrongs, but ya gotta like his style.


First Grade
i must say i find this thread hillarious though, although i agree the AFL should use the olympic stadium but i can understand the reasons for them wanting the smaller ground, writting letters to pollys and such just shows how scared and threatened you are by the AFL, your letters shouldnt read "the AFL have a perfectly good ground next door to homebush blah blah blah" they should read (if your an honest person) we are sh*t scared of the AFL and we hope our government do everything within its power to make these guys fail, remember, the victorian government has folked out 80 odd mill for the new storm stadium, yes it will be used by other codes but so what, there are perfectly good grounds in victoria for the storm to play at, lets face it guys, if it was any other code getting these funds would you really give a crap?

as i said before, this is an investment from the NSW goverment, it will increase tourisim, it will creat jobs, caterers, parking attendents, ticket staff, sucurity, cleaners, fitness staff ect ect, if 40 million helps this club grow then the NSW government would be negligent not to invest in it, so dont make fools of yourselves by sending emails and writting letters, as i said, everyone knows your true motives in sending them, lets be honest here.

playing at the big ground would hurt the growth of this team, there would just be no atmosphere, just imagine 10k crowds on that ground? it wouldnt look good, im sure the smaller NRL clubs wouldnt want to play there with consistant small crowds neither.

if the stadium was to be used for NRL games only would you really be writting letters? would you really be making such a fuss? of course you wouldnt.
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intentcity, would all of the benefits of having the stadium upgraded not occur if the GWS played out of ANZ? The bonus would we could spend the 44mil saved on schools, hospitals, roads and public transport.

To be honest, I've got no issue with the AFL asking the NSW Government to invest in a ground for their team if no ground is available. I'd expect the same from a new NRL club in another town (as the Titans got), although it did take the Victorian Government 10 years to build the Storm a stadium, and even then you could argue it was for the Victory more than the Storm.

But I think it is a bit of a waste asking for this when there is a world class stadium a stones throw away.

The thing that peeves me the most about this is the whole ANZ Stadium saga. My recollection was that post-Olympics, the stadium was to converted to a true rectangular stadium. The AFL bullied and paid the NSW government to convert it to a multi-purpose stadium (code for crap viewing stadium) because they "had it in their plans".

10 years later, and we've had the AFL playing a maximum of 2 games per year from ANZ (which they are obligated to do). Now a team is being set up on the site and they still plan to only continue playing 2 games a year there.

So my question is, did they ever want the stadium or did they just not want the NRL, ARU and FFA having access to an 80,000 seat rectangular stadium in Australia's biggest market? Way to butcher our sporting facilities AFL.

It would seem they have similar intents in Canberra with the nuffy AFL-loving sports minister making rumblings about a new Canberra Stadium "multi-purpose". Quite obscene really considering between the Raiders and Brumbies over 30 rectangular code games are played in Canberra a year, while only 3 AFL games are played. Any addition sporting team on the Canberra landscape is likely to be in the A-league, another rectangular sport. Given the AFL have shown no interest what so ever in putting a team in Canberra, the logical choice for a stadium would be rectancular you would think.


First Grade
intentcity, would all of the benefits of having the stadium upgraded not occur if the GWS played out of ANZ? The bonus would we could spend the 44mil saved on schools, hospitals, roads and public transport.

To be honest, I've got no issue with the AFL asking the NSW Government to invest in a ground for their team if no ground is available. I'd expect the same from a new NRL club in another town (as the Titans got), although it did take the Victorian Government 10 years to build the Storm a stadium, and even then you could argue it was for the Victory more than the Storm.

But I think it is a bit of a waste asking for this when there is a world class stadium a stones throw away.

The thing that peeves me the most about this is the whole ANZ Stadium saga. My recollection was that post-Olympics, the stadium was to converted to a true rectangular stadium. The AFL bullied and paid the NSW government to convert it to a multi-purpose stadium (code for crap viewing stadium) because they "had it in their plans".

10 years later, and we've had the AFL playing a maximum of 2 games per year from ANZ (which they are obligated to do). Now a team is being set up on the site and they still plan to only continue playing 2 games a year there.

So my question is, did they ever want the stadium or did they just not want the NRL, ARU and FFA having access to an 80,000 seat rectangular stadium in Australia's biggest market? Way to butcher our sporting facilities AFL.

It would seem they have similar intents in Canberra with the nuffy AFL-loving sports minister making rumblings about a new Canberra Stadium "multi-purpose". Quite obscene really considering between the Raiders and Brumbies over 30 rectangular code games are played in Canberra a year, while only 3 AFL games are played. Any addition sporting team on the Canberra landscape is likely to be in the A-league, another rectangular sport. Given the AFL have shown no interest what so ever in putting a team in Canberra, the logical choice for a stadium would be rectancular you would think.

how do you think storm games would go if they were forced to play at the G?, there would be ZERO atmospere, fact is, the more the NSW government can do to make Aussie rules a success in Syd the better, ditto the victorian government regarding league, ive been to AFL games on wet days when theres been less than 20k people at the G, and let me tell you, it was sh*t, just zero atmosphere, no excitment, even watching such games on the tube isnt the same without that hum in the crowd, im sure you know what i mean anyway.

also regarding ANZ, why wouldnt the powers that be want to make that ground suitable for the biggest code in Australia? the AFL want to play the big games there, and when they do they get very good crowds, over 50k mostly, sure its only 3 times per year i beleive (without finals) but with the new team in future that will rise to 6 (without finals) so i cant see why anyones complaining about that, NRL games are still played there, where else can the AFL play such games in Sydney? you may say that the NRL arnt allowed to use the G for home and away and finals games, but theres no need to because they just wouldnt get the crowd, if that changes in the future im sure the NRL would be able to use ethiad or the G, but only when supply and demand demand it or so to speak.

as for the Canberra topic, why limit your options? multy purpose stadiums are the way to go, you forget maybe even the odd cricket game could be played there as well, be it domestic or international.
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El Diablo

Post Whore
Rugby League is played at ANZ

if it's good enough for League then it's good enough for AFL

the AFL will be using ANZ for their second team 25% of the time anyway

$45 million for 9 games a year is a waste of good money on a sh*t game


First Grade
Rugby League is played at ANZ

if it's good enough for League then it's good enough for AFL

the AFL will be using ANZ for their second team 25% of the time anyway

$45 million for 9 games a year is a waste of good money on a sh*t game

is an NRL team forced to play all their home games there?, the new team will use ANZ as well, but only for the big games.

also, how would guys feel if 2 big Sydney clubs were playing each other and couldnt use ANZ on a friday night/or prefered day/night because the new AFL team was fixtured to play there on that day/night with their 5k/10k crowd? im sure another thread would pop up about that.
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Shire Panther

Barry O'Farrell sent me an email on Friday afternoon asking if I had heard back from the premier yet.

this is what I replied back to him.

Hi Barry,

Thanks for your reply, I have sent dozens of emails and made numerous phone calls and you and my local MP are the only replies that I have had to date.

No the Premier has failed to reply to me and she has also failed to return my numerous phone calls, But this does not surprise me as her party is imploding and now she will have to deal with Ian Mcdonald reportedly about to resign, Thank god for that as he is the planning minister so hopefully he will take this ridiculous proposal to upgrade Sydney Showground with him.

But I really would like a reply from the Premier and I want to pursue this matter as far as I possibly can as it makes no sense at all!
The AFL had enough money to poach Israel Folau for 6 million for 4 yrs and they have a massive tv deal and 'war chest' so if they want the stadium they can pay for it themselves.

Your help is much appreciated.

Shire Panther

And here are his contact details direct from his email.


Barry O'Farrell MP
NSW Leader of the Opposition
(P) 02 9230 2270
(F) 02 9221 8208
(E) LOP@parliament.nsw.gov.au



First Grade
Barry O'Farrell sent me an email on Friday afternoon asking if I had heard back from the premier yet.

this is what I replied back to him.

Hi Barry,

Thanks for your reply, I have sent dozens of emails and made numerous phone calls and you and my local MP are the only replies that I have had to date.

No the Premier has failed to reply to me and she has also failed to return my numerous phone calls, But this does not surprise me as her party is imploding and now she will have to deal with Ian Mcdonald reportedly about to resign, Thank god for that as he is the planning minister so hopefully he will take this ridiculous proposal to upgrade Sydney Showground with him.

But I really would like a reply from the Premier and I want to pursue this matter as far as I possibly can as it makes no sense at all!
The AFL had enough money to poach Israel Folau for 6 million for 4 yrs and they have a massive tv deal and 'war chest' so if they want the stadium they can pay for it themselves.

Your help is much appreciated.

as i said, its not about what the moneys for, its about who's getting it, thats the real issue here, this is a perfect example, or do you often try and contact the premier regarding grants? did you contact the Victorian premier to show your disgust at the grant for the new storm stadium? if so, can i read that letter too?

Shire Panther

as i said, its not about what the moneys for, its about who's getting it, thats the real issue here, this is a perfect example, or do you often try and contact the premier regarding grants? did you contact the Victorian premier to show your disgust at the grant for the new storm stadium? if so, can i read that letter too?

I have sent emails about numerous issues mainly being roads and public transport the previous premier Nathan Rees even replied to an email. And why the f**k would I send the Premier of Victoriania an email when im Born and Bred in NSW??? Like i give a f**k about that stupid state!!!!!!!!!


First Grade
as i said, its not about what the moneys for, its about who's getting it, thats the real issue here, this is a perfect example, or do you often try and contact the premier regarding grants? did you contact the Victorian premier to show your disgust at the grant for the new storm stadium? if so, can i read that letter too?

There is a world-class oval shaped stadium 500m from the showground. Before this new stadium in Melbourne, there was nothing that even remotely resembled a world class rectangular stadium. Three codes of football will use the purpose built rectangular stadium.

A new oval shaped stadium next door to an existing world class oval shaped stadium will make very little difference to our state's economy, especially considering it only caters to one code minor code (in NSW) which will play a handful of games per year.

It's all about the AFL not wanting to see empty seats on TV broadcasts because it devalues their worth. Given that it's purely for the benefit of the AFL, they AFL should pay for it


First Grade
There is a world-class oval shaped stadium 500m from the showground. Before this new stadium in Melbourne, there was nothing that even remotely resembled a world class rectangular stadium. Three codes of football will use the purpose built rectangular stadium.

A new oval shaped stadium next door to an existing world class oval shaped stadium will make very little difference to our state's economy, especially considering it only caters to one code minor code (in NSW) which will play a handful of games per year.

It's all about the AFL not wanting to see empty seats on TV broadcasts because it devalues their worth. Given that it's purely for the benefit of the AFL, they AFL should pay for it

what was wrong with olympic park for the storm/new melbourne soccer team/ union team? fact is the storm couldnt even sell that ground out, they average embarressing crowds (13k), soccer and league wont fare much better and soccer already use ethiad stadium, yet the victorian state government can grant over 80 million and you guys are whine about 40 million?, and yes, it is about not playing in front of empty seats, for starters, to play at ANZ stadium would cost a hell of a lot more than playing at the showgrounds, just a guess but id suggest you'd need a crowd of 25k+ to beak even at ANZ stadium, obviously this figure would be much less at the showgrounds, this isnt rocket science guys.

El Diablo

Post Whore
as i said, its not about what the moneys for, its about who's getting it, thats the real issue here, this is a perfect example, or do you often try and contact the premier regarding grants? did you contact the Victorian premier to show your disgust at the grant for the new storm stadium? if so, can i read that letter too?

why would people from NSW send emails to the Victorianian premier :crazy:


First Grade
I have sent emails about numerous issues mainly being roads and public transport the previous premier Nathan Rees even replied to an email. And why the f**k would I send the Premier of Victoriania an email when im Born and Bred in NSW??? Like i give a f**k about that stupid state!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

this is what it boils down to, you guys hate victoria and the game we play, i know you wont admit thats what this all about but anyone reading this knows it is.

swans and lions both average around 30k spectators, the storm average 13k even after winning the last 100 premierships, the game is going nowhere fast in "Victoriania", you may say the game isnt going anywhere fast in QLD/SYD, but those 30k average fans are a lot more than 13k, when the storms era ends and they arnt the power they are now that 13k will quickly become 6 or 7.
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Shire Panther

this is what it boils down to, you guys hate victoria and the game we play, i know you wont admit thats what this all about but anyone reading this knows it is.

swans and lions both average around 30k spectators, the storm average 13k even after winning the last 100 premierships, the game is going nowhere fast in "Victoriania", you may say the game isnt going anywhere fast in QLD/SYD, but those 30k average fans are a lot more than 13k, when the storms era ends and they arnt the power they are now that 13k will quickly become 6 or 7.

You tool I'm a voter in NSW so I dont give a crap about what happens in WA,Tas, QLD or SA or even NZ

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