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AFL in $45 million money grab

Shire Panther

the AFL need a 30k stadium in melbourne to.
So lobby your Premier and polies to build it!!! hell build 30 of the f**kers for all I care as long as it's happening in Victoria and wasting the tax's and rates of Victorians then who cares It's Victoria's problem.

The people in NSW wont care and they wont care in QLD either but when the NSW Government wants to waste money on another white elephant stadium then its a problem that all NSW recidents have the right to complain about and many many people have been.

Ah stuff it ive been converted lets build build 6 new 30,000 seat stadiums just for afl in Sydney stuff all the stadiums that are falling apart and the roads, Public Transprt, Health, hospitals, Education stuff all of those esentials Lets support afl and go win some flags:? that will make the people of Sydney happy.:sarcasm::crazy::lol:


First Grade
Already been over THIS man.

The AFL have a ground there ready to go in ANZ stadium. Its able to be used for AFL, and it would facilitate the MASSIVE crowds that AFL would get according to yourself.

Whereas in Melbourne, there is a sh*te rectangular ground at Olympic Park which is a relic while there is no other State of the Art Rectangular ground.
It will be used for Football and League, as well as union and other spots.

That is why it was needed in Melbourne and why its not needed in Sydney.

the new AFL team wont get big crowds, where did i say this?, and, who's to say the new upgraded showground stadium wont be used by league every other week?

Big Mick

the new AFL team wont get big crowds, where did i say this?, and, who's to say the new upgraded showground stadium wont be used by league every other week?

Because its an oval and noone needs to use it because there are already established stadiums we can use.


the new AFL team wont get big crowds, where did i say this?, and, who's to say the new upgraded showground stadium wont be used by league every other week?

The NRL cluubs won't get 100k guarantee playing there :roll:

The fact is Melbourne had NO rectangular stadium up to 2010 standard!

Sydney DOES have an oval stadium up to 2010 standard!

Your not comparing apples with apples :?

There is no logical need for more stadium funding, other than to feed the AFL's ego about the low crowds they would show on TV playing out of homebush. :roll:


First Grade
The NRL cluubs won't get 100k guarantee playing there :roll:

The fact is Melbourne had NO rectangular stadium up to 2010 standard!

Sydney DOES have an oval stadium up to 2010 standard!

Your not comparing apples with apples :?

There is no logical need for more stadium funding, other than to feed the AFL's ego about the low crowds they would show on TV playing out of homebush. :roll:

been over this many times, as i said, the cost to play at ANZ is much higher than the showgrounds.

cmon ppl, even if ANZ stadium wasnt there you'd all be saying the new team should playing at the SCG, look yourselves in the mirror and tell me im wrong.

Dogs Of War

been over this many times, as i said, the cost to play at ANZ is much higher than the showgrounds.

cmon ppl, even if ANZ stadium wasnt there you'd all be saying the new team should playing at the SCG, look yourselves in the mirror and tell me im wrong.

The cost is not higher. ANZ stadium want GWS to play there, it's the AFL that wants the showground redeveloped as they want it to look good on TV. that's it. And the cost to NSW taxpayers is obsence.

Dogs Of War

Whereas in Melbourne, there is a sh*te rectangular ground at Olympic Park which is a relic while there is no other State of the Art Rectangular ground.
It will be used for Football and League, as well as union and other spots.

That is why it was needed in Melbourne and why its not needed in Sydney.

Oh I forget as well, that Olympic Park is now the training ground for an AFL club, and the new stadium is also being used to house adminstration for an AFL team. So the new stadium also benefits the AFL. So that's 5 teams that use the facility, compared to one using it 9 times a year.


been over this many times, as i said, the cost to play at ANZ is much higher than the showgrounds.

cmon ppl, even if ANZ stadium wasnt there you'd all be saying the new team should playing at the SCG, look yourselves in the mirror and tell me im wrong.

Mate you guys can go play on the beach for all i care.

But when your organisation runs around saying they have $100mill to spend in Sydney, then cry poor to the government for taxpayers money in a state in record amounts of debt, horrible infrastructure, schools, hospitals, while having a state of the art facility next door, it's a little hard to swallow.

It is great business by the AFL. If we can get some sucker (NSW taxpayers) to fund our boutique stadium and save $45mill after already getting $30mill then we will come out roses.

The only thing is I think it will alienate GWS and the AFL even more in NSW as it won't wash too well with the working class families on Sydney. If they were asking for a stadium (not a training facility like they got) at Blacktown I would be cool with that (just jealous the AFL got it not Manly or Wests or Canterbury).

The stadium they are upgrading is 60km from the team ffs! At least make it practical....

Big Mick

been over this many times, as i said, the cost to play at ANZ is much higher than the showgrounds.

cmon ppl, even if ANZ stadium wasnt there you'd all be saying the new team should playing at the SCG, look yourselves in the mirror and tell me im wrong.

Having previously worked at ANZ Stadium in their trust, I'll look you in the mirror and say you are wrong.

As I'll say the one and only time...rather than your many, your argument is full of crap.

It'd cost more to move to the Showgrounds due to the fact on top of the upgrade, there would need to be new contracts in place with regards to security, catering, ticket staff etc whereas these are all existing and able to be used for the ANZ stadium facility as these contractors are bound by contract to provide staff to ALL events held at ANZ stadium.

And to answer your probable reply to the above comment, no it wouldn't create more jobs, it would be using the same contractors currently employed by ANZ stadium, it would just mean extra dollars would need to be spent via new contracts which would only cater for one sport, meaning increased cost for no apparant reason.

If you'd like to go on, I'd be happy to continue the argument with you.
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First Grade
Mate you guys can go play on the beach for all i care.

But when your organisation runs around saying they have $100mill to spend in Sydney, then cry poor to the government for taxpayers money in a state in record amounts of debt, horrible infrastructure, schools, hospitals, while having a state of the art facility next door, it's a little hard to swallow.

It is great business by the AFL. If we can get some sucker (NSW taxpayers) to fund our boutique stadium and save $45mill after already getting $30mill then we will come out roses.

The only thing is I think it will alienate GWS and the AFL even more in NSW as it won't wash too well with the working class families on Sydney. If they were asking for a stadium (not a training facility like they got) at Blacktown I would be cool with that (just jealous the AFL got it not Manly or Wests or Canterbury).

The stadium they are upgrading is 60km from the team ffs! At least make it practical....

man, its a bussiness, do multy million $ companies get concessions/grants in your state? of coarse they do, just like in all states, the AFL have a brand that attracts crowds in Sydney, like it or not, thats a fact, every cent spent at a football game has a GST attached to it, every ticket sold to the game has a tax on it, the stadium upgrade its self has a flow back effect to the NSW government, it will create jobs, tourism, the new team will create jobs, 40 million isnt a lot of money considering the benifits, the NSW government want this succeed, its in everyones best interests, just because personelly you hate the sport doesnt mean it isnt wanted in your state, so write letters at will to the premier, but im telling you now, he will look at facts and figures, not one eyed league muppets who have a very healthy hatred for a rival code.

Green Machine

First Grade
the new AFL team wont get big crowds, where did i say this?,
You are right about that.
During the constructing of Stadium Australia (now ANZ) the AFL got involved with the design and promised the NSW Government if the stands were configured to allow for AFL, they would put a Western Sydney team at the stadium. The bottom bowl was reconfigured after the Olympic games and now the stadium is spoilt for viewing sports like soccer, rugby league and union. The 3 most popular sports in Sydney. Now it’s a bit rich for the AFL to have a venue built miles away at Blacktown and request the NSW government to upgrade venue next to one they can already use,
and, who's to say the new upgraded showground stadium wont be used by league every other week?
The Bulldogs used it for 2 seasons years ago and dumped it. Making it AFL oval friendly would make it worse for rugby league, soccer or union. AFL is well catered for at ANZ and the SCG,


the new AFL team wont get big crowds, where did i say this?, and, who's to say the new upgraded showground stadium wont be used by league every other week?

In another post in this very thread 2 or 3 pages back, you stated the games played at ANZ will get 50-60k at them, you're full of sh*t or you are sharing an account with some other numpty.


First Grade
In another post in this very thread 2 or 3 pages back, you stated the games played at ANZ will get 50-60k at them, you're full of sh*t or you are sharing an account with some other numpty.

did i?, i thought i said the swans get 50+ in there 3 games there, if i didnt that was what i meant.


did i?, i thought i said the swans get 50+ in there 3 games there, if i didnt that was what i meant.


also regarding ANZ, why wouldnt the powers that be want to make that ground suitable for the biggest code in Australia? the AFL want to play the big games there, and when they do they get very good crowds, over 50k mostly, sure its only 3 times per year i beleive (without finals) but with the new team in future that will rise to 6 (without finals)

So it's gone from 3 Swans games now to 6 in the future :lol:


Admit it, you obviously think this new team will be able to pull big crowds when they play at ANZ, you posted it.

Oh, and when was the last time the swans had 50 or 60k there?

Big Mick

man, its a bussiness, do multy million $ companies get concessions/grants in your state? of coarse they do, just like in all states, the AFL have a brand that attracts crowds in Sydney, like it or not, thats a fact, every cent spent at a football game has a GST attached to it, every ticket sold to the game has a tax on it, the stadium upgrade its self has a flow back effect to the NSW government, it will create jobs, tourism, the new team will create jobs, 40 million isnt a lot of money considering the benifits, the NSW government want this succeed, its in everyones best interests, just because personelly you hate the sport doesnt mean it isnt wanted in your state, so write letters at will to the premier, but im telling you now, he will look at facts and figures, not one eyed league muppets who have a very healthy hatred for a rival code.

You are right, it may create tourism. Therefore you have a state of the art stadium right next door to use which will create stimulus for the State economy. Tourism (which I'll say yes...but I'm highly doubtful) would still occur whether at ANZ or at a new stadium. Your argument is baseless.

You are wrong, it wont create jobs as most of the employee's are contracted to a particular company, it wont create extra employment. Particularly be a WASTE of money when the ground will be only used on Game days in AFL and no other purpose.

The benefits seem to be purely and only for the AFL not to spend $40m of their own cash.

They made a significant promise to the State Government of NSW following the Sydney Olympics. Since then they have lied and failed to adhere to that promise. Now instead of using the facility they said they wanted to use for a Western Sydney team, they put their hand out for more money to redevelop a stadium that is not going to be used for any other sport, therefore the so called "new jobs" you think it will create will be lost because there will only be 13 days of employment per year (13 rounds...less if they play "blockbusters" at ANZ! which will take more revenue away from the showground).

Your argument is full of holes. I notice you didn't reply to my initial post with regards to the costing of the stadiums. Is it because I have actually worked in the finance function there and understand their business and basically proves that you are full of crap?

If the AFL want the Showground developed, then put their money where their mouth is. You apparantly have a $200m warchest to spend, open the chequebook. They have already received $30m to build a training facility in Blacktown, of which has created a massive deficit in the council budget of which many believe will take decades to pay off.

The NSW Government is already in significant and almost critical levels of deficit with more important issues to deal with than giving the AFL $45m to re-develop an insignificant stadium to anyone else other than them for only 13 days a year. Especially when a stadium right next door is able to hold the game, for a cheaper rate, with better facilities and existing contracts in place to run the stadium.

It makes no sense, it spits in the face of NSW that the AFL had made a significant committment to ANZ stadium and got their request which has hindered the stadium for use from the major sporting codes in the city and then they want to turn around and redevelop a redundant stadium.

The fact you see this as a viable business decision, when in fact it'd be a complete and utter waste of taxpayer funds proves your bias.
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man, its a bussiness, do multy million $ companies get concessions/grants in your state? of coarse they do, just like in all states, the AFL have a brand that attracts crowds in Sydney, like it or not, thats a fact, every cent spent at a football game has a GST attached to it, every ticket sold to the game has a tax on it, the stadium upgrade its self has a flow back effect to the NSW government, it will create jobs, tourism, the new team will create jobs, 40 million isnt a lot of money considering the benifits, the NSW government want this succeed, its in everyones best interests, just because personelly you hate the sport doesnt mean it isnt wanted in your state, so write letters at will to the premier, but im telling you now, he will look at facts and figures, not one eyed league muppets who have a very healthy hatred for a rival code.

All of those are wonderful and legitimate points (no sarcasm).

But all of them would still occur if the AFL chipped in themselves or just played at ANZ.

Dogs Of War


So it's gone from 3 Swans games now to 6 in the future :lol:


Admit it, you obviously think this new team will be able to pull big crowds when they play at ANZ, you posted it.

Oh, and when was the last time the swans had 50 or 60k there?

GWS actually took up the Swans contract to play 3 games at the stadium. Thus it will still remain only 3 games a year at ANZ. Swans will now exclusively play out of the SCG.