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Again? ARL Origin eligibility rules.



From the article above:

"In what would be an era-defining move, the ARL is considering changing the eligibility rules in the State of Origin arena."

"As reported by News Corp, ARL Commissioner Wayne Pearce is hoping to put together a plan early in 2024 that will introduce a new set of rules for the 2024 State of Origin series."

Look at the series this overthrow of the Origin concept is aimed at. 2024. With the change implemented early 2024.

Given that not only is this suggestion to turn the criteria on its head both not new nor not officially considered and decided upon previously, why the rush? Without disregarding prior official investigation, prior official interviews, prior official deliberations and final conclusions, there should be no haste to rush this. There definitely should not be a push for 2024 at all thus negating the preposterous notion that there need be a rushed early 2024 change.

Pearce clearly wants the change. He has said when he wants it passed. It is not much different to making it immediate now. Except that would betray that the decision was rubber stamped. The above article suggests that he hasn't even drawn up a proposal as of yet( that's for next year) but wants to rubber stamp it post haste.

So do we now get a sham procedure where both states get to put forward arguments and Pearce and V'Landys get to cast the deciding votes? Both of them should recuse themselves from the final deciding panel and allow more time than 12 months to consider this.

Really, given the number of times this has previously been officially decided on, shouldn't everyone have some respect for the official historical stance?

State Of Origin is the jewel which outshines any other Rugby League series. Worldwide. The most admired sporting contest in the nation. Followed by Olympians, the elite of many Australian sports admit to being total diehard Origin fanatics. Members of the elite of AFL and ARU and even the All Blacks admit to being fierce Origin fans.

It's not a series. It's a freakin Australian Institution. A sporting wonder. Pearce Vlandys, keep your cotton picking hands off our spectacle.
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Its not logical that you can play origin and for samoa, but not origin and for nz or england.
So don't add to the dilution of the concept.

It was brought in mainly for RL World Cup purposes. NZ and UK have multiple first grade players in the broad Aussie and English premiership competitions to select from. Not so much the tiny island nations.

What we need to understand is that Origin is uniquely Australian. If someone wants to develop a separate yearly comp involving other nations, make it separate to Origin.

Hands off our Origin.
Technically with the Pearce/Vlandys proposal the entire NSW and QLD squads could be composed of players ineligible to play for Australia who have pledged to play for UK and NZ.

Farce Of Origin Series
Is this the first time Wayne Pearce has brought forward this matter? Or has this been put to bed?

We can't keep getting this worn out bad idea trotted out every year. If it has been officially proposed and rejected previously that must be respected. If it hasn't been quashed previously it must be ruled out specifically forever. Codified that it must never be implemented.

No Farce Of Origin

Bugger off Wayne Farce. You can get lost too Vlunt.


I used to want to see the selection criteria broadened to include anyone who has played a senior game in either NSW or Qld. But since the rise of Tonga and Samoa and the impending rise of PNG, Fiji etc I've changed my mind. Keep SOO for Aus-eligible players only.

If those 'lesser' nations are still able to select players who are Aus-eligible but didn't make the Kangaroos, fine. But if someone like Brian To'o ever plays for the Roos that should rule them out from playing for another country.
The exemptions for the small lower tier national players was done in an effort to invigorate international rugby league. That's all. The intent of the allowance that players could play for Lebanon and still play Origin for instance only effects a tiny group of players. Once the allowance is extended to players who opt to play for UK and NZ we are talking about a much larger pool. There is a great tradition that exceptional performances at Origin level might not guarantee a Kangaroos jersey but vault you into the discussion. Are we going to aid NZ and UK to the detriment of the Kangaroos by selecting for Origin players who have zero intention of even accepting a Kangaroos jersey? We are going to do a top tier opponent that favour of blooding men who then oppose the Kangaroos? Suffice it that we exempt the tiny national teams. Don't further compromise Origin nor the Kangaroos with this unacceptable proposal. And stop using the smaller lower tier nations' exemption to justify an untenable idea.

No Farce Of Origin
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Its not logical that you can play origin and for samoa, but not origin and for nz or england
Correct, but they won’t roll back the minor nations thing. :)

England has a good number of players via Super League and the lower tiers. Plus a few eligible players in the NRL.

New Zealand has a NRL team and a high number of players throughout the NRL. Plus a country full of rugby and rugby league players.

England and NZ have to be responsible for the progression of their eligible players.
What should be stated is that this is not a proposal. This is an agenda.

Call out the predetermined nature of the agenda. Expose the sneaky tactics and force Pearce and Vlandys, the agenda makers away from being final determiners. If anything broaden who gets to contribute to being recognised as stakeholders, slow down the fast track to impose the agenda and make perpetual the notion that the agenda is never to be raised and can never be approved.

Origin. Be true to the meaning of Origin.
Look at the one sided view presented here:


Take note of the date. March 2021. Lots of talk about ' taking a burden off the players' 'unfair to New Zealand' 'boost international football'

Not much about the fact that this had already been tabled, argued and decided many times since 1982.

No sneaky agenda. No being decided by anyone proposing. The current stakeholders as it stands are NSWRL and QRL. ARL as the proposers should stand back and stay out.

No input from NZ. They are not Origin stakeholders. Same for UK. They are onlookers and their opinions carry no precedence nor voting privilege.


There is nothing wrong with the current rules.

But would be good for both states to not pick NZ players in their junior rep sides from now.


Staff member
As far as eligibility changes would work, the following NZ/England capped players become eligible for Origin:
Radley (England/NSW)
Taumalolo (NZ/QLD)
Fonua-Blake (NZ/NSW)
Nikora (NZ/QLD)
Marshall-King (NZ/NSW)
Sorenson (NZ/NSW)
Kris (NZ/QLD)

The flowing Origin capped players become eligible for NZ:
Fotuaika (NZ Born)
Walsh (Parent)
Luai (Parent)
Paulo (NZ Born)
Utoikamanu (NZ Born)
Molo (NZ Born)
Su’a (NZ Born)

Ponga (Parent), Nanai (Born), Taulagi (Born), Kaufusi (Born) etc can’t play for NZ because they’ve repped Australia.

Nothing much changes for England, Sam Walker or Max King could play for them without giving up on Origin, there are most likely others in the same boat.
Once and for all it needs to be enshrined that the beating heart of State Of Origin rugby league is the rivalry between QLD and NSW. This is the core reason for the existence and concept of State Of Origin. The unrivalled popularity of the series is anchored in this combat. At its essence. Fundamental.

Origin is flourishing not floundering. So why the movement to tamper when that doesn't at all apply? Why attack the concept at the very heart of an unrivalled success? A success which maintains its impetus propelled by popular allegiance.

Here's an idea: Let's take an unrivalled success. The envy of every sporting board in many codes. Tamper with the winning recipe. Water down the core rivalry. Disenfranchise the popular fanbase with a lame plan that diverts the core intent away from what the core fanbase is invested in. Sh*t on the concept. Sh*t on the fans. So disrespectful. So insulting.

Cloake the insult and disrespect in sham rhetoric feigning concern for Origin. Talk up any made up proposition by framing it as "good for Origin". Brush aside any notion that a minority are propelling the idea forward contrary to the interest of the millions whose embracing of the concept make the series a success. How can a small group hijack a competition which belongs to an entire nation? For their own agenda. Ram this through no matter who objects. Plan a media hard sell as if there can be no alternative to the new interference.

This will be pushed on us unless we push back. Don't expect fair and balanced examination or the interests of the NSW and QLD fanbase to be at the forefront. Expect a hard shove. The fans will be told this will be going ahead for the good of Origin. No argument.

Make a noise. Everywhere. Don't let them gut our competition. Don't let the sweet reassurances bamboozle that this is anything but hijack and a substitution. Bait and switch. They will try to convince us that it will still be Origin but the real impetus for the popularity, the fans, will know they have had their cherished contest stolen. For no genuine reason. For an agenda.

For the future of State Of Origin we have to permanently codify the Two State game as not international. It is an Australian series. For Australian stakeholders. To the delight of all who marvel at it. Codify Origin. For all time.

Reject Pearce and Vlandys. Reject Farce Of Origin.
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Once and for all it needs to be enshrined that the beating heart of State Of Origin rugby league is the rivalry between QLD and NSW. This is the core reason for the existence and concept of State Of Origin. The unrivalled popularity of the series is anchored in this combat. At its essence. Fundamental.

Origin is flourishing not floundering. So why the movement to tamper when that doesn't at all apply? Why attack the concept at the very heart of an unrivalled success? A success which maintains its impetus propelled by popular allegiance.

Here's an idea: Let's take an unrivalled success. The envy of every sporting board in many codes. Tamper with the winning recipe. Water down the core rivalry. Disenfranchise the popular fanbase with a lame plan that diverts the core intent away from what the core fanbase is invested in. Sh*t on the concept. Sh*t on the fans. So disrespectful. So insulting.

Cloake the insult and disrespect in sham rhetoric feigning concern for Origin. Talk up any made up proposition by framing it as "good for Origin". Brush aside any notion that a minority are propelling the idea forward contrary to the interest of the millions whose embracing of the concept make the series a success. How can a small group hijack a competition which belongs to an entire nation? For their own agenda. Ram this through no matter who objects. Plan a media hard sell as if there can be no alternative to the new interference.

This will be pushed on us unless we push back. Don't expect fair and balanced examination or the interests of the NSW and QLD fanbase to be at the forefront. Expect a hard shove. The fans will be told this will be going ahead for the good of Origin. No argument.

Make a noise. Everywhere. Don't let them gut our competition. Don't let the sweet reassurances bamboozle that this is anything but hijack and a substitution. Bait and switch. They will try to convince us that it will still be Origin but the real impetus for the popularity, the fans, will know they have had their cherished contest stolen. For no genuine reason. For an agenda.

For the future of State Of Origin we have to permanently codify the Two State game as not international. It is an Australian series. For Australian stakeholders. To the delight of all who marvel at it. Codify Origin. For all time.

Reject Pearce and Vlandys. Reject Farce Of Origin.
Great rant, but this new rule would change nothing of that ... unless of course you think that Origin is somehow less now because of the PI eligibility rule?

Anyway, Origin representation has always been iffy, Foran has spent most of his life in NSW and played the majority of his junior league in Manly yet has never been eligible for NSW, meanwhile Tamou came to NSW as a teenager to attend a sports school, played Junior Kiwis and then NSW and Australia. That's the beating heart of Origin?