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Ah-kwilla You-ah-tay

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
in my opinion heroin is good for you

lol. IMO jumping out of planes won't kill people as gravity is overrated.

Alex, Uate is more than a winger. He's also a player that gets sets off to a good start by doing early hit-ups. If a player can offer the team more than one dimension, why can't he paid for the added benefits that he brings to the team? You are making no sence on a variety of issues.

I wonder if you have watched Uate at all this season. Also as was mentioned, at the start of the year he received next to no ball at all. His main role in the team was dummy half running and bringing the ball off his own line. Tuqiri and Sailor in their prime would have offered next to nothing at the start of this year.

I'm also curious who you will pick as the better wingers than Uate. I guess you can come out and say Utai and Bani are better wingers. By your logic, you won't be incorrect :crazy:


Rod /Robbie/O - your opinion might be misguided to some, but no one has the right to tell you it is wrong.

RHCP - we are relying on the likes of Tyrone Roberts staying with us on base pay then? Willie's going to keep playing for $20K a year? No one is going to want a pay rise? Willing to let go of Gagai in order to keep Aku?

$500K could quite easily be spent strengthening the halves and front row. That's where the smart money would be spent.

Joker's Wild

JW - lol, no it can't.

Rod /Robbie/O - your opinion might be misguided to some, but no one has the right to tell you it is wrong.

Are you serious mate? Opinions can be wrong if the facts prove them to be so.

It was Hitlers opinion that the Jews were evil and inferior to the white Aryan race. Are you gonna tell me that he wasnt wrong and that he was just "misguided"?

If you form an opinion on false information or beliefs, by extension your opinion is wrong mate. Its not rocket surgery


I agree with strengthening those positions alex. I think a player like Tamou or Galloway - a juggernaut player upfront capable of producing 18 hit ups, 160m, 30 tackles in 60 minutes of game time every week would help what we are building on immensely. Guys like Tamou and Galloway can do that.

A great organising half able to give Mullen and Boyd the cleanest ball possible would be amazing for our side too.

But if we are to get those things we can get them whilst paying a superstar like Uate 350-400k under the cap with some third parties.


Buderus and Tahu retiring. Sau hopefully already gone. Costigan, Stig and Hilder to go. Pick between McManus and Naiqama. Keep Tets and Mata'utai on fringe money. Add in salary cap rise of 1.8 million.

Aku getting 500k if he really demanded it isn't really a problem. It's going to be absolute madness when the tv deal is finalised and the cap rise figure is officially announced.
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My old sparring partner BIHK. Thought you would show up at some point with your irrational ramblings when I say something that doesn’t follow the party line of the forum.

Aku has traditionally done more work than he should have as a winger because we needed him to do the work of a front-rower. It doesn’t always have to be that way. Rather than running 200 metres just to be active, I’d rather him run 100 quality metres and focus on his role in the team. He doesn’t have to be all things to us.

He works hard but still has some flaws in his game – like his defence. He still needs a good centre to play inside him – whether that is Gagai or somebody else that is going to cost us some serious coin sooner or later. It isn’t a matter of costing $500K – you pay for a decent centre that is going to be $800K+ tied up in 2 players out of a salary cap of $4.4M (if the cap rises to $6M then it is a different ball game, however that is not a given and that $500K price tag may rise on the basis of a salary cap increase). Big investment given we are really still a decent half short of being genuine top 4. Tyrone is doing a good job but let’s face it, we aren’t going top 4 with him and if he does keep improving he’s going to need a substantial payrise.

RABK – I don’t know that Aku is on $250K at the moment. I thought it was about $100K south of that. I can't remember there being a contract upgrade...


I though he signed a 1 million, 4 year deal at the end of 2009. I could be wrong though, just what i recall.


lol remember how Tinks got Snowden. Like he's really going to let Aku f**king Uate walk out of the club.

There will be a casino resort built and owned by Aku's mother in Fiji before you ever see Aku walk out on the Knights. ;)

I'm not even worried about it.

Yeah of all the things to consider about whether or not re-sign Aku, this is probably number one TBH. If Tinks wants him to stay, which he surely will, he will stay.


My old sparring partner BIHK. Thought you would show up at some point with your irrational ramblings when I say something that doesn’t follow the party line of the forum.

Aku has traditionally done more work than he should have as a winger because we needed him to do the work of a front-rower. It doesn’t always have to be that way. Rather than running 200 metres just to be active, I’d rather him run 100 quality metres and focus on his role in the team. He doesn’t have to be all things to us.

He works hard but still has some flaws in his game – like his defence. He still needs a good centre to play inside him – whether that is Gagai or somebody else that is going to cost us some serious coin sooner or later. It isn’t a matter of costing $500K – you pay for a decent centre that is going to be $800K+ tied up in 2 players out of a salary cap of $4.4M (if the cap rises to $6M then it is a different ball game, however that is not a given and that $500K price tag may rise on the basis of a salary cap increase). Big investment given we are really still a decent half short of being genuine top 4. Tyrone is doing a good job but let’s face it, we aren’t going top 4 with him and if he does keep improving he’s going to need a substantial payrise.

RABK – I don’t know that Aku is on $250K at the moment. I thought it was about $100K south of that. I can't remember there being a contract upgrade...

Our right side def is one of the best in the league. Aku was down on confidence and out of form during origin, and people cant seem to let that go. Stop going on asif he is such a bad defensive player. He's not great, but most times he takes the right option and he has time to learn the rest


Alex, saying Uate is "just a finisher" is a lie, not an opinion.

You might have a different definition of finisher, but I basically see it as he gets clean ball to fall over the line untouched.

Out of all the wingers in the comp, he is the last one your would call "just a finisher".

Spot On

I'd like all our players to get paid what they're worth. We'd all like to get paid what we think we are worth. No brainer there.

Just look at the mess Gould has inherited at Penrith and the absolute ludicrous amounts some blokes there have been able to jag for whatever reasons.

I feel there are some clubs that are going to be in similar to much worse shape in a few years as the reality of the new TV deal and premature ejaculation over the injection of $$$$ it will bring bites clubs who have signed "stars" (or so some thought) to insane amounts of money and long contracts.

Not saying that will be us, but have my fingers crossed we don't go down that path.

Takes years to recover.


Alex, saying Uate is "just a finisher" is a lie, not an opinion.

You might have a different definition of finisher, but I basically see it as he gets clean ball to fall over the line untouched.

Out of all the wingers in the comp, he is the last one your would call "just a finisher".

That would be one persons opinion against another. Not a lie. Check out a dictionary sometime.

I didn't say he was "just" a good finisher either. I said he was a very good finisher. I also said he does a lot around the field - probably too much if you ask me.


It really wouldn't. Ultimately he is a quick finisher that needs a quality centre to get him into space. He isn't up to the level where Sailor and Tuqiri were in their prime, and lets face it - there are a few wingers in front of him at present in the "best winger" category in the NRL at present.
Ok, so you said he's a "quick finisher" Not entirely sure what that means.

Saying he needs a centre to get him into space is a lie. Uate has made linebreaks on his own since his debut.


lol remember how Tinks got Snowden. Like he's really going to let Aku f**king Uate walk out of the club.

There will be a casino resort built and owned by Aku's mother in Fiji before you ever see Aku walk out on the Knights. ;)

I'm not even worried about it.

And Alex about getting a good half and prop, if it's what we really need then the cap rise and the other 7 or 8 blokes off contract in 2013 should accomodate the new props and halfs salaries. You make it sound like the extra 150k we'll need to pay Uate from his current 250k deal is going to bust our salary cap. We are not signing Uate for 500k from the Roosters, he's under the books for 250k already. If push came to shove and we really had to pay 250k extra straight up then losing Costigan and Hilder to pay Uate an extra 250k and promote a couple of young forwards is a good move.

Is there a 'like' button or a 'spot fu*king on' button on this site? This post deserves one.


Ok, so you said he's a "quick finisher" Not entirely sure what that means.

Saying he needs a centre to get him into space is a lie. Uate has made linebreaks on his own since his debut.

So when everyone was saying his poor form earlier in the year was because he was not getting any quality ball or service... means that he doesn't need a quality centre inside him?

Can't have it both ways mate. Can't blame his poor form on others yet say he doesn't need any help from his team mates either. The latter part of the season has shown how good he is with a genuinely good centre inside him.


So when everyone was saying his poor form earlier in the year was because he was not getting any quality ball or service... means that he doesn't need a quality centre inside him?

Can't have it both ways mate. Can't blame his poor form on others yet say he doesn't need any help from his team mates either. The latter part of the season has shown how good he is with a genuinely good centre inside him.
I don't know what I said earlier in the year, but I definitely know Uate is capable of doing a lot of things off his own brilliance, which not many wingers, or any player in the NRL for that matter are capable of.

I'm just trying to get you to clarify this "finisher" tag you've given him though. He is a lot more than that.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
My old sparring partner BIHK. Thought you would show up at some point with your irrational ramblings when I say something that doesn’t follow the party line of the forum.

Aku has traditionally done more work than he should have as a winger because we needed him to do the work of a front-rower. It doesn’t always have to be that way. Rather than running 200 metres just to be active, I’d rather him run 100 quality metres and focus on his role in the team. He doesn’t have to be all things to us.

He works hard but still has some flaws in his game – like his defence. He still needs a good centre to play inside him – whether that is Gagai or somebody else that is going to cost us some serious coin sooner or later. It isn’t a matter of costing $500K – you pay for a decent centre that is going to be $800K+ tied up in 2 players out of a salary cap of $4.4M (if the cap rises to $6M then it is a different ball game, however that is not a given and that $500K price tag may rise on the basis of a salary cap increase). Big investment given we are really still a decent half short of being genuine top 4. Tyrone is doing a good job but let’s face it, we aren’t going top 4 with him and if he does keep improving he’s going to need a substantial payrise.

RABK – I don’t know that Aku is on $250K at the moment. I thought it was about $100K south of that. I can't remember there being a contract upgrade...

Mate, it has nothing to do with following the party line on this forum. What it has to do with is the fact you are making little to no sense.

What you said about opinion never being wrong is simply flat out wrong. Johno's comments on lying go towards the complete opposite extreme and I don't think he is correct either. What others have said on here including myself, is that opinions CAN be wrong. What happens is, people start off looking at the evidence. Once the evidence is addressed, opinions are based off that using logic. For example, back to my comment about it being OK to jump out of planes without a parachute and not dying. The evidence demonstrates that if someone jumps out of a plane, they will die due to gravity causing them to hit the ground at a speed that humans aren't able to physically handle. The evidence for this has always been clear cut. So using the evidence combined with logic, it is a WRONG comment to say that 'it is OK to jump out of a plane as it is impossible to die from it'. Opinions can definitely be WRONG and the fact that you don't understand this seemingly obvious point, makes me question your grasp of reality.
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In years goneby maybe we would have been held hostage and had to pay overs. We are the richest club in the world. Players want to play for us and we'll have no trouble attracting superb talent in the future.

Aku won't demand anything from the club imo. We'll settle thibgs peacefully before the vultures start circling

Mate we are in a better position then we were but what stars are banging our door down, now take a deep breath and settle down. I hope uate stays but if another club goes insane and offers him twice as much say see ya.
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