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Alex McKinnon possibly Quadriplegic - Mclean guilty of dangerous throw - 7 weeks

How many weeks?

  • 1-2

    Votes: 53 42.7%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 25 20.2%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • 7-8

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • 9+

    Votes: 26 21.0%

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Freak shit happens from time to time, don't blame some merkin for something he had no intent on doing.

I'm afraid if the law worked in a similar way dude then the country would be f**ked.
By that logic the person doing 180 in a 60 zone who hurts no one has done nothing wrong.
Seeing a problem there?


It's an even harder hearted human who thinks that heaping blame on the bloke who just got paralysed is the best thing to do just to save the feelings of the guy responsible.

If you are going 70 in a 60 zone then accidentally kill someone crossing the road because you couldn't stop in time, you still have to take the blame regardless of he fact you weren't intending I hitting anyone.

It appears we type at the same time and think alike.


Tragic news. And of course you wankers turn it into a pissing contest. STFU and show some respect.


Tragic news. And of course you wankers turn it into a pissing contest. STFU and show some respect.

Pretty much this. I understand people's frustrations but it just isn't appropriate to be publicly and actively venting right now.


First Grade
It's an even harder hearted human who thinks that heaping blame on the bloke who just got paralysed is the best thing to do just to save the feelings of the guy responsible.

If you are going 70 in a 60 zone then accidentally kill someone crossing the road because you couldn't stop in time, you still have to take the blame regardless of he fact you weren't intending I hitting anyone.

I didn't blame anyone. A similar yet different example is my dad. He was an apprentice butcher when he was a kid. He was cleaning the mincer when the other apprentice turned it on not realising my dad had a hand in it. Bye bye hand. Although my dad lost his hand the bloke who turned the mincer on was a mental wreck, life shot to pieces. He didn't set out to amputate my dad's hand, but that's what happened.

Im not saying its Alex McKinnon's fault, I'm just saying Jordan McLean will suffer in a completely different way. There could be two lives shattered here.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
It's an even harder hearted human who thinks that heaping blame on the bloke who just got paralysed is the best thing to do just to save the feelings of the guy responsible.

with all due respect, that's a big f**king jump mate.

he did what's been allowed for too long, and both mclean and mckinnon were unlucky enough to cop the inevitable.

it was always going to happen, this should have been properly stamped out years ago, and it sucks for every party, mckinnon first and foremost.


Post Whore
Terrible news, i feel sick after hearing this. Hopefully nine have jumped the gun and have got it wrong.


Post Whore
Who gives a f**k about McLean?

The first thing you learn in rugby league from the time you are four years old is DONT LIFT PLAYERS into dangerous positions

Exactly! Funnily it is only Storm fans...'oh poor Jordan'...stuff that the merkin shouldn't have lifted Alex and he deserves every sledge in the book and every single week on the sidelines! Heck I hope every away crowd boos him like nothing before!


just read an update on my facebook

if its true then i feel sorry for the guy

thats awful.

the game should put together some compensation for him. i read somewhere he was due to sign a new contract before this tragedy happened.
Yeah just heard that :(
I hope there is a mistake in the reporting :(
If its true - McLean you are a piece of shit.:x
Tired of hearing how "he has to live with it" well I hope it f**king haunts him for the rest of his days!

Your a f**king twat....seriously it could happen to anyone, any one of the lifting tackles over the last few years could have done this, waqa last year...but because there's now a serious injury all a sudden someone is a piece of shit....what an absolute twat you are...


First Grade
First priority is McKinnon, his family and his team mates. The game should make sure this young man never wants for anything again

Then monitoring the welfare of McLean. He is a football player tackling how he was taught to tackle. There will be some penalty coming from the judiciary but this is as much freak accident as anything else. A young man does not deserve to be drawn and quartered over this

Finally the game and it's stakeholders need to come together and wipe out the jiu-jitsu wrestle bullshit from our game and the grubs who propagate it.

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