- Fifita is 31 years old (32 in June).
- McCullough is 31 years old.
- Both have (had) dodgy knees.
There's 2/3rd's of your front row (aside from subs etc).
Personally - I would have thrown a lot of muscle at getting Brandon Smith instead of McCullough. To me Smith is the future, McCullough has filled a gap. I've always liked Andrew Fifita despite some of the negativity that floats around about him. But at 32, 33 years old as a prop - he becomes a gap filler.
Jimmy Graham left us at 34. and in his last few games for us in 2020, he was a bench forward. There's not many players in the Red V i've loved more than James Graham but despite wanting him to play forever he was just simply behind the pace. And he never had the size or knee issues of Fifita. Props over 31/32 that are still firing on all cylinders are a rare breed. Graham was one - for a year or two. I dunno if Fifita can return to be one, and especially under the new rules (fatigue etc).
At a great price, then it becomes worth it. I haven't seen Fifita play anywhere near well consistently in over 2 seasons and so I wouldn't expect him to break all the shackles and become that brute force again week in week out.
I'd prefer they invest in getting targetting others.