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Andrew Johns - are you upset?

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
His show of bad sportsmanship was completely selfish. He wasn't happy, therefore he ruined everyone elses experience. How you can think it wasn't selfish is beyond me, and I'm guessing a lot of other people here too.

You really will find any way to defend this classless player won't you?

If he'd gone up all smiles and received the prize after his team got the sh*t smashed out of them it would look just as bad wouldn't it?

If he'd gone up without a smile and accepted it begrudgingly you would've gone on about how ungrateful he was.

I said he should've received the award, it would've been the right thing to do.

But you just seem to find any chance you get to rip into him.

I won't even bother replying again, but this thread was a disguised shot at him, even though you tried your best to mask it. Tall poppy-syndrome runs rife in your blood Dodge, you can't cope with others getting accolades or you have to rip them down. Even in a meaningless photo thread in the FFB.


Mr Saab said:
This is what i dont understand. I know he hates to lose, but seriously, these are club games!! He should talk to the media after a loss
It is not like he has not lost origin games, test matches and major semi finals.

Funnily enough I backed him saying that he shouldn't need to talk to the media after a loss, but the more I watch games these days, every captain does it.

Joey and Buderus are absolute f**king sooks. Any other captain in this competition will front the media after a loss. They might not be happy, but they won't run off and cry in the sheds like little bitches.

Johns Magic - stop defending him for what was really poor sportsmanship. No one would deny his prowess on the field, but I think he could learn a thing or 2 about professionalism off it.

Johns Magic

bigdogsgottaeat said:
Funnily enough I backed him saying that he shouldn't need to talk to the media after a loss, but the more I watch games these days, every captain does it.

Joey and Buderus are absolute f**king sooks. Any other captain in this competition will front the media after a loss. They might not be happy, but they won't run off and cry in the sheds like little bitches.

Johns Magic - stop defending him for what was really poor sportsmanship. No one would deny his prowess on the field, but I think he could learn a thing or 2 about professionalism off it.

BDGE, my exact wording was that it was poor sportsmanship.


Johns Magic said:
I'd describe becoming the leading point-scorer ever as something "going his way". He could've crowed about it, but he did the exact opposite, putting the team before himself.

I'm not saying it's right, but you can hardly label him as selfish for what he did.
Never said he was selfish, said he had no class. A great footballer but lacks the class of a true champion, he will always be remembered just as much for his bad sportsmanship as he will for his football ability.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Yet again, you can't win an argument based on fact, so you have to run into personal attacks. Well done.

Johns should have been present at the presentation. It was poor sportsmanship and very selfish of him to disregard the presentation. He says he didn't know there was one organised, how could he have missed Taylor walking out on to the field? Sorry but the only time I see coaches do that is in the finals & grand finals. You can accuse me of making a 'shot at him' - but I honestly wanted to know if Knights fans thought he was in or out of line with his actions on Saturday. Not everything is a shot, and it's nothing to do with tall poppy syndrome. He lacked class and I thought it was important to discuss.

Go on, get angry like you always do :roll:

Raiders Plight

I love seeing the knights get smashed, especially after matt johns, cheif and the rest of those channel nein idiots were talking them up so much after the first few rounds. The way matt johns was carrying on, he wanted the trophy to be handed over to them after round 5.

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
Yet again, you can't win an argument based on fact, so you have to run into personal attacks. Well done.

Johns should have been present at the presentation. It was poor sportsmanship and very selfish of him to disregard the presentation. He says he didn't know there was one organised, how could he have missed Taylor walking out on to the field? Sorry but the only time I see coaches do that is in the finals & grand finals. You can accuse me of making a 'shot at him' - but I honestly wanted to know if Knights fans thought he was in or out of line with his actions on Saturday. Not everything is a shot, and it's nothing to do with tall poppy syndrome. He lacked class and I thought it was important to discuss.

Go on, get angry like you always do :roll:

Um, firstly, you began with personal attacks. Secondly, what sort of "facts" do you want me to bring up? The exact time of the incident? :lol:

He did know it was on, it was poor sportsmanship, yada yada yada, I've already said all that. Don't know where you plucked it from. Quite frankly I couldn't care about that, it's been said.

You called him a sook in your first post. That is taking a shot at him. It's also a fact.

You whinge and moan all you like about how journalists are destroying league's image by scrutinising each and every flaw of the game, yet you're no better than any of them. You're as big a gossip as Rebecca Wilson when it comes to Johns.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I started on personal attacks? All I said is that you'll find any way you can to defend him, hardly an attack.

For the record, I'm hardly gossiping about Johns. His actions alone have damaged the image of the game, this thread and the fact you're one of about 2 people choosing to defend him is evidence that I'm not alone in my thoughts. It wasn't started as an attack thread, so you can believe what you like. No matter what you say, the ultimate fact is that he IS a sook though, and he's proven it twice.

Also, how are you any better having a go at me, for me having a go at him?

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
I started on personal attacks? All I said is that you'll find any way you can to defend him, hardly an attack.

For the record, I'm hardly gossiping about Johns. His actions alone have damaged the image of the game, this thread and the fact you're one of about 2 people choosing to defend him is evidence that I'm not alone in my thoughts. It wasn't started as an attack thread, so you can believe what you like. No matter what you say, the ultimate fact is that he IS a sook though, and he's proven it twice.

Also, how are you any better having a go at me, for me having a go at him?

You called me biased, I called you jealous.

Get the message, I'm not defending him. I don't condone what he did. However you are just completely over the top with everything you say about him. It's like you've got a personal agenda or something.

If his actions alone have damaged the game, then why throw fuel on the fire? I recall you being one of the first to try and sweep all the Bulldogs crap that has gone on under the carpet.

On that last comment...what a useless statement. No offence mate, but you're no high-profile icon of rugby league, the sport that we're all supposed to support on here. You constantly have a go at him for minimal things, behind his back. I'm sure you didn't appreciate people doing the same to the Bulldogs club when it was dragging league's reputation through the mud.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
My only gripe is that you have jumped on my back every time something like this comes up. Hell, you followed me into FFB to smack me around.

Personally I'm sick of Johns being pumped up to be the world's best when his actions and some performances clearly show he isn't. Great player, absolutely, but the way the Newcastle media wanks on about him is ridiculous. I live on the Central Coast and I hear it all the time, I'm sick of it.

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
My only gripe is that you have jumped on my back every time something like this comes up. Hell, you followed me into FFB to smack me around.

Personally I'm sick of Johns being pumped up to be the world's best when his actions and some performances clearly show he isn't. Great player, absolutely, but the way the Newcastle media wanks on about him is ridiculous. I live on the Central Coast and I hear it all the time, I'm sick of it.

When did I "follow you" into the FFB? I read the FFB all the time, if I did have a go at you it wasn't because I was "following you". You're the one who had a go at me in this thread ffs.

You're last paragraph basically catches you red-handed. You do want to cut him down, you plainly stated it. That's the epitome of tall-poppy syndrome.

Do you honestly think he asks for all the attention? Clearly from his recent actions he doesn't appreciate it, when he's winning or losing.

You're taking out your hatred for the media on the man himself. Put things into perspective.

Parra Guru

Unfortunately he is one of the biggest sooks in the game. Say what you like about our club, but our game day team and management are always gracious and professional. It came as no surprise to us Eels fans that there was a presentation for Johns after the game.

Had we lost, JT would have still been down there with the ball, so Joey really has no excuse.

But I'm sure we'll hear plenty of excuses for Joey on the Footy Show. Can you imagine it? Chief, Matty and Sterlo all rolled into one big 'Joey army'.


Parra Guru said:
But I'm sure we'll hear plenty of excuses for Joey on the Footy Show. Can you imagine it? Chief, Matty and Sterlo all rolled into one big 'Joey army'.
Chief and Matty yeah, they have no credibility with anything regarding Newcastle but I'll be very surprised if Sterlo defends him on this one. Only fools defend the indefensible. :sarcasm:


Hey I'm not condoning what Joey did, but can I point out how stupid it is to ask the captain of the losing side "how do they feel" as they walk off the field immediately after losing?

Its a pretty stupid practice IMHO. It seems to have only started this year, as TV tries to bring fans closer to the action, I assume. I dunno, I just think expecting athletes to comment in such circumstances is plain stupid. Its like when sprinters have just run the 400m, and the commentator asks them how do they feel - "Pretty f**king tired".

I'll write off Joey for walking off against Parra, as the guys who were presenting the award actually looked like they were about to cry standing out on the park waiting for him, but I won't have a go because he won't front the media after a match. Yeah, he likes winning. Big f**king deal.

Imagine asking Gordie back in the day how he felt when NSW won the Origin. The unlucky commentator would get his head punched in.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Johns Magic said:
When did I "follow you" into the FFB? I read the FFB all the time, if I did have a go at you it wasn't because I was "following you". You're the one who had a go at me in this thread ffs.

You're last paragraph basically catches you red-handed. You do want to cut him down, you plainly stated it. That's the epitome of tall-poppy syndrome.

Do you honestly think he asks for all the attention? Clearly from his recent actions he doesn't appreciate it, when he's winning or losing.

You're taking out your hatred for the media on the man himself. Put things into perspective.

This post proves you won't let up on me here. Just grow up and get over it. From now on if YOU have a problem, press private message. Other than that, f**k off and stop hijacking threads with your personal agenda against me.

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
This post proves you won't let up on me here. Just grow up and get over it. From now on if YOU have a problem, press private message. Other than that, f**k off and stop hijacking threads with your personal agenda against me.

So...you post a thread asking for opinions.

I give an opinion.

You insult me, and hijack the thread.

Seems like you're the one with the agenda buddy.

The only thing that my post proved was that I was right, and you do have it in for Johns for no good reason. Apparently you can't handle that.

If you didn't want an opinion that disagreed with your own, then why did you start this thread at all? Oh that's right...to spread the hate. Sorry if not hating Johns means I've hijacked the thread.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
You insisted he wasn't selfish for something - which is a sack of sh*t. His selfishness is not opinion, it's fact. Being presented didn't suit him, so he f**ked up what other people had planned.

Notice that everyone else here disapproves of Johns' actions? You're the only one who has found some warped way to defend him.

Johns Magic

Timmah said:
You insisted he wasn't selfish for something - which is a sack of sh*t. His selfishness is not opinion, it's fact. Being presented didn't suit him, so he f**ked up what other people had planned.

Notice that everyone else here disapproves of Johns' actions? You're the only one who has found some warped way to defend him.

A sack of sh*t according to your opinion. This is an opinion thread, right?

"His selfishness is not opinion, it's fact."

Really, fact according to who? You? Your mum? the bloke down the street?

People don't reply to these threads because they know if they offer an alternative view then dickheads like you will jump down their throat and ridicule them.

You're so big in a gang Dodge, you'll only speak up when it's the common opinion. Just learn that not everybody's going to agree with you, and get over yourself.