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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game

manoj p

The AFL just keeps giving and giving in 2011...


9 - 0 re- off field incidents in 2011 for AFL/RL.


Great article and picture in todays tele about slater going to a sheltered workshop. Good to see something positive about the game.


I don't think the Storm will be impressed with Slater going along to Souths' training.


That's the thing that pisses me off; Channel 9 and the HWT are meant to be "official partners" of Melbourne. So all their "sponsorship" they do sweet f**k all to help us. It's insulting to be perfectly honest!

El Diablo

Post Whore

i'd love to see these wankers and give them some sh*t. pity i've never seen a stick insect in real life


Well, with racism and disrespect for women done away with from AFL forever :)roll:) maybe Vlad and his cronies can set their sites on cleaning up the greater social issue that is "bullying".

El Diablo

Post Whore

Spin, Ricky, Spin

I’ve finally figured out something about Ricky Nixon and why this arrogant, lying, sleazebag, behaved the way he did yesterday. Like the scorpion: it’s in his nature.

In response to increasing and damning evidence of his sexual involvement with a troubled 17-year-old he was purporting to counsel and support, Tricky Nicky did what he always does. He called in the spin doctor. Himself. He’s been doing it for money for decades. It’s made him a fortune. I’m surprised somebody hasn’t changed the name of his company from Flying Start to Lying Fart.

Whenever there’s been a drug or alcohol or sex scandal involving one of his clients Ricky has ridden to the rescue. Gary Ablett Snr., Wayne Carey, Ben Cousins, Nick Riewoldt, Sam Gilbert. Don’t worry. Ricky’ll fix it.

[When a reporter had the audacity to ask Ben Cousins where he got his drugs – at that ‘welcome back’ Richmond press conference – Nixon intervened and said to Peter Morris the reporter “what sort of knob are you?’

[And nobody had the guts to say ‘I wasn’t asking you’.]

So when Nixon became the centre of a scandal this week he again launched the attack dog. The PR man’s creed: Attack is the best form of defence. The second rule: deny, deny, deny. He popped up on radio stations all over Melbourne, AM and FM, smearing the girl he was supposedly trying to mentor. Denying everything. But really not answering any questions.

I’m told Eddie McGuire even said ‘Mate, you don’t have to answer anything if you can’t’.

Nixon cleverly tried to roll all his visits to the teenager’s hotel room into one brief moment of stupidity.

He said: ‘It was very, very silly but we’ve all made silly mistakes. You have and I have and if I had my time again, I certainly wouldn’t have pointed my car in the direction of that hotel room’. With his driving record he should be pointing it anywhere.

At one stage, explaining how he stood in the lobby for twenty minutes and berated her, it sounded like he had never even been into her hotel room.

Then he had been there. Couldn’t or wouldn’t answer what he was doing in his underpants diving into her bed and switching off the light though.

I guess this is Nixon-style new age counselling. A 47-year-old married man strips to his undies when saving a 17-year-old’s soul.

The cocaine-like powder she videoed in the room? On 3AW Nixon said ‘I did not use drugs in her presence’.

The video didn’t show me using cocaine with her. Didn’t show me having sex with her.

He even had an explanation for the damning video footage of the girl taking a wallet out of a pair of crumpled jeans on the floor and filming the contents to prove Nixon was there in her room without his pants on. A shower can be heard in the background.

He says that was filmed in his office last year. Strange. When I met with him last month and he was busy showing me photos he took of the scantily-clad and drunk teenager during that visit in that office he didn’t mention he had his pants off or that he left her alone in the room.

That meeting with me last month was the one where he repeatedly, and piously, expressed his concerns for the girl’s wellbeing. Where he handed me an editorial he had drafted for me to read on 3AW saying ‘the media should cease covering this story’ in her interests. And where he said ‘Any man would want to eff her’. And ten days later, she says, he did.

What comes through all of yesterday’s radio and television bravado is the sheer arrogance of the man. That he thought, despite the damning videos and the recorded conversations he could hit the airwaves and bluster and filibuster his way out of it.

Did he try his story out on his wife first? And did she believe him?

If it were all so innocent why was Nixon so keen for him and the girl to get their stories straight? She claims, and I believe her, that he said ‘We must deny all this stuff. Do it for me. If it comes out we’ll both be dead.’

The Herald Sun today runs the transcript of a call Nixon made to the girl to vouch for him over an article that Caroline Wilson was doing for The Age.

The man who boasts he tapes everybody’s conversations got hoist by his own petard.

He says: ‘... I don’t want you to go overboard, but just say “look, Ricky’s been helping me get myself back together a bit, and I don’t want to talk about it too much”. Just sort of say something like that’.

There’s much more.

And now, the latest report is that Nixon has left the building. Not staying to face the music. Reportedly gone to Ireland. Maybe his blarney will work there. It won’t work here anymore.

And the AFL must take control of this grubby mess, not hide behind the Players’ Association, and ban him from any involvement in any manner or form.

Footnote: All of this takes me back to another February, eleven years ago. Another sordid and tragic story of sex and drugs and alcohol and a high-flying footballer. Gary Ablett Snr.

On that February night Ablett gave 20-year-old Alisha Horan ecstasy tablets, booze and eventually heroin, in a city hotel room.

She collapsed. Ablett panicked. While the young Ablett fan lay in a drug induced coma in hospital Ablett went into hiding. Police couldn’t find him. A lawyer said the usual rubbish about how he couldn’t wait for his day in court. Couldn’t wait to put the real story out there.

Then when an inquest came along Ablett refused to testify on the grounds it could incriminate him.

But back to the hours after Ablett woke up in a city hotel room with the comatose young fan on his bed.

Did he tell the paramedics trying to save her that he had given the unconscious girl six ecstasy tablets? No. Did he tell them he had given her heroin and told her it was cocaine? No.

Did he go to the hospital and tell the doctors what they had been up to. No.

Did he visit her family or phone them and tell them what had happened to their daughter. No.

In fact, and I had this confirmed in anguished letters from members of her family, that girl was a Jane Doe as they say. An unknown patient in the hospital. A comatose female known only by a number.

While Alisha Horan was dying, an anonymous Jane Doe, where was Ablett? With the spin doctor: Ricky Nixon. His manager.

I still remember the Sunday newspaper picture of Nixon flanking Ablett as he finally deigned to appear at a police station for questioning.

Ricky to the rescue. Save the star.

This time he’s is trying desperately, through a veil of lies, to save himself. This time it won’t work.

manoj p

Nixon is a grub of the highest order.

Hinch is nearly the sole voice in the entire Melbourne media not compromised by a relationship with the AFL. And it shows.

manoj p

The AFL just keeps giving and giving in 2011...


9 - 0 re- off field incidents in 2011 for AFL/RL.

Just in passing...

18 -2 now.

AFL has doubled in a month. Good sign for 108 this year, up from 60 off field incidents last year for the Victorianian code.


That Ablett story is simply horrid.

An absolute disgrace he did not spend time in the slammer.

AFL players are protected species.

Green Machine

First Grade
I didn’t see the 7.30 Report last night, but I’m told they did a story on St Kilda. I heard they had a women on (Catharine Lumby?) who was interviewed by Barry Cassidy’s wife after the story and Barry’s wife suggested that the NRL has more off field incidents than the AFL, which she refuted. Did anyone else see it?
Catharine was critical of the AFL in this recent article:

Take pity on 'traumatised' girl, expert tells Saints

David Sygall

February 20, 2011
THE professor who is helping to change NRL players' attitudes towards women says it is time the AFL and its clubs and players looked beyond the law to questions of basic decency, as further revelations emerged yesterday concerning a 17-year-old girl and the St Kilda club.
Catharine Lumby, who began advising the NRL on gender issues after sexual assault allegations were made against Bulldogs players after an incident in Coffs Harbour in 2004, said there was nothing new about young women making bad decisions, particularly around men with power, money and fame.
A greater concern was when those men and the organisations around them used that power to deflect blame and responsibility, discredit the women and paint themselves as the victims.
''The reality is that if players or anyone else in the organisation have been having sex with a young woman, ethically they have a responsibility to look out for her,'' Lumby told The Sun-Herald yesterday, after it was alleged the girl - who had released nude photos of St Kilda players and said she'd fallen pregnant - claimed to have had a sexual relationship with player-manager Ricky Nixon, who is married.
''Whether or not she's made bad decisions, she's on her own, while they have the backing of the fans, the AFL and their celebrity,'' Lumby said. ''She is faced with a big all-male organisation and I'm not convinced through the public statements I've seen that the players, their management and the club have had her interests at heart.''
Lumby is critical of how St Kilda and the AFL had framed the story. ''It speaks to me of these powerful men bringing in the heavies to try to show that they're the victims,'' she said. ''It's very easy for people with power and money to muddy the waters in the media, saying the woman's crazy or a liar or just wants attention.
''We're talking about a lone 17-year-old girl who fell pregnant and is obviously traumatised. Everybody needs to back up and ask why she is in this spiral and we need to have compassion and concern for her. It's a major AFL club and it should be concerned with her welfare, given that she made it clear that she felt abused and used. I don't feel too concerned for the high-profile players or managers.''
There was more to the issue than simply whether certain behaviour was legal. ''If we set the bar there, it's pretty low,'' Lumby said. ''It's about ethics. Ethics is about caring for yourself and about other people. It's a framework in which people can ask themselves: 'This might be legal, but is it the right thing to do?' We know when something is wrong and it's not just about what the law says. It's about how we want to treat others and ourselves. It's about basic decency.
''Particularly in situations in which men have a lot of power, money and fame, it must also be accompanied by a duty of care. I really think the AFL let their own side down with the way they responded to this young woman and her behaviour. It's about acknowledgment that she's a human being.''


I didn’t see the 7.30 Report last night, but I’m told they did a story on St Kilda. I heard they had a women on (Catharine Lumby?) who was interviewed by Barry Cassidy’s wife after the story and Barry’s wife suggested that the NRL has more off field incidents than the AFL, which she refuted. Did anyone else see it?
Catharine was critical of the AFL in this recent article:



Here it is, you can watch online.

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