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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game

Always funny when someone claims to be in one place, but is actually in another.

ohhh, look at me, I'm in Cairns so I'm a real Rugby League fan... LOL

Go back to bigfooty window-licker, you make this place smell like someone slaughtered a Yak.

Bulldog Force

and none of these things have happened in AFL and Didak is the worst?

lets see

St Kilda pair in second rape interview

lets not forget the recent controversy over that too

Former policeman says Stephen Milne rape charge collapsed amid internal pressure

or this

St Kilda recruit Andrew Lovett charged with rape

or even this

Swan helped pay $200,000 over rape claim

more hush money

Sex hush money scandal hits AFL

the bungled case

Police bungled woman's sex assault claim

or Fev

Brendan Fevola accused of sexual assault

and the cotroversy as to why that didn't go anywhere


or maybe this current investigation

Pies players in sexual assault investigation

even fans aren't safe at games

Teen sexually assaulted at Showdown

or even at a junior level

Touch scandal in junior footy

and that's just the sexual assault allegations

They even used strippers to raise money

Explicit stripper at Melbourne Demons' fundraiser

numerous assaults occured and even a few on womem. two just last year

Bock avoids punishment for assault

and this

Albert Proud avoids jail after glassing girl

We'll leave the drugs alone or we'll be here all day. I suppose our friend Flanagan has forgotten about Benny and his mates at the West Coast Eagles

how about two clubs losing sponsors for repeat DUI offences

AFL Club Loses Road Safety Sponsor on Drunk Driving Charge

Rookie's drink-drive charge costs Collingwood

or maybe he'd like to talk to this guy

Krakouer's AFL fairytale angers bashing victim

and who could forget this from their games greatest ever player they call 'God'

Ablett told fan the heroin she was snorting was cocaine

and another greats hit list

could be here all day listing incidents. that will do for the time being

then our friend adds this

big difference?

got some news for you, Martin

League girls loyal under heavy fire

which contained this

and our Friend goes on to say this

does he mean this?


or is he talking about this?

Scrutiny of secret AFL-police deal

and talk about going global

here's a nice youtube vid from India

Smug Brumby preaches, Essendon 'extremely disappointed' - drunk Hurley assaults Indian taxi driver!

all about this

Bomber to pay $10,000 for assault

this arseclown needs to be educated or is he just in denial?

either way it's yet another example of what RL is up against in the media
LOL dude seriously, do you save all these links into your favorites or something?


First Grade

League journos aren't going to rubbish AFL

they're busy enough writing articles bagging RL

where do you think AFL journos like Flanagan get their material from?

Glad I made you laugh

Roy Masters talks up League and frequently points to the NRL viewing figures - so at least he is on-side.

You're right though. Most Sydney journalists discuss all sides of League, good and more often than not bad (as they believe that sells papers) whilst ignoring the negative side of other codes.

This does highlight a need for our own Ministry of Propaganda to rectify the balance - but how we get that when we keep getting smashed Sydney journalists is beyond me.

What Sydney needs is a good old honest top goodness inferiority complex like Melbournians have. We need to seriously feel threatened for things to turn around. But with all the negativity from all sides, I'm not exactly sure what will cause this.

Maybe this merely highlights the brilliance of League. After all, in spite of all the negativity our game keeps strengthening.

Perth Red

Post Whore
The Western Sydney Giants (yes the new AFL team in western Sydney will be known as the giants) will be a colossal failure for the AFL. And perhaps the Gold Coast Suns will be too.

A failure because of two reasons:

1) They are putting teams into an already saturated market. This is NOT good business sense. Never has been. Never will be. And that ties to the second point.

2) They are putting teams into areas that are NOT crying out for teams. And one could say western Sydney does not want an AFL team at all. The AFL could throw sh*t loads of money into western Sydney, but throwing money into these two new franchises has already not worked and in many ways backfired horribly. The buying of cutie and Folau have turned potential fans against these two teams already.

I believe the AFL expansion will hurt them quite a bit (probably not to the extent super league did to rugby league) but quite a bit.

I also believe the AFL has reached virtual saturation in Australia (the only place it is hasn't expanded that it could is Tasmania)... and once the Suns and Giants come into the league it will become over-saturated. Accordingly thus the growth of the game has hit a peak.

Meanwhile, the NRL is NO WHERE near saturation. We have many areas crying out for teams. The NRL will grow immeasurably the next 10-20 years (if managed right and the Independent commission gives me hope )

Within 10 years I expect the NRL will become the media darlings the AFL are now.

depends on their income streams, if they get $1bill they will have the funds to totally run the two expansion teams with massive budgets and be quite happy to do so for 20+ years until they becoming increasingly established. The AFL have a long term vision for a national game and clear No1 footy status, they are in it for the long haul.

ps they haven't signed Folau to convert die hard Western sydney RL fans. They've signed him to:
1. Get masses of media in the Sydney market for the Giants club
2. To give a perception that AFL is much stronger than NRL and can entice the best in the NRL if they want to
3. To show 10-14 year old kids playing RL at the moment that there are other options for their talents

Personally I think they've wasted their money but I am sure the media alone they have got out of the Folau signing and the continued interest of the Sydney media because of it is probably worth more than they are paying him in salaries.
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depends on their income streams, if they get $1bill they will have the funds to totally run the two expansion teams with massive budgets and be quite happy to do so for 20+ years until they becoming increasingly established. The AFL have a long term vision for a national game and clear No1 footy status, they are in it for the long haul.

ps they haven't signed Folau to convert die hard Western sydney RL fans. They've signed him to:
1. Get masses of media in the Sydney market for the Giants club
2. To give a perception that AFL is much stronger than NRL and can entice the best in the NRL if they want to
3. To show 10-14 year old kids playing RL at the moment that there are other options for their talents

Personally I think they've wasted their money but I am sure the media alone they have got out of the Folau signing and the continued interest of the Sydney media because of it is probably worth more than they are paying him in salaries.

Some good points. Also, it's to try and attract Pacific Islanders to the game. Good luck.

I'm sure in the week after it was announced there were some commentators saying it was already money well spent, they had already got his salary back in terms of the marketing & promotion gained.


Oh my god, what boat should I be put in then???


All of a sudden because of where I live i'm a f-wit.

Lets just say that not all sportmen are f-wits (just the one who have been totally screwed by alcohol). there's plenty of AFL, NRL, Super 15 and cricketrs in that boat.
Oh my god, what boat should I be put in then???

One to Nauru?


Good for you, so do I.

All of a sudden because of where I live i'm a f-wit.

Well, in this case, you're a f**kwit if you say you're from Cairns or North Queensland but you're actually in Victoria.

Does that describe you?

A "Victorian" has to be two things, from Victoria and an AFL fan.

Perth Red

Post Whore
just been watching the Giants launch on Fox news and all the vision and interviews were of Folau. This is why they have signed him.
just been watching the Giants launch on Fox news and all the vision and interviews were of Folau. This is why they have signed him.

It's terribly bizarre.

Folau isn't thought of as a westie, far from it. He played for 3 teams hated in Sydney's west, Brisbane, Melbourne and Queensland. Why they bought him is beyond me.

They'd have been better off paying three times as much for Hayne.

Still, it's their black hole...
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sportive cupid

You keep skipping over the question sportive. I don't want to have to remind you through PM until you answer it. So please answer it:
Remind me if you want.
Not sure which question you are referring to that renders my without a spine.
I don't really care to discuss alledged offenses ...do you?

sportive cupid

It's terribly bizarre.

Folau isn't thought of as a westie, far from it. He played for 3 teams hated in Sydney's west, Brisbane, Melbourne and Queensland. Why they bought him is beyond me.

They'd have been better off paying three times as much for Hayne.

Still, it's their black hole...
He is by the Westies.
I base my opinions on the Westies I know who think of him as one.
They wanted Hayne.He just didnt want to go.

Sure you do. Folau is about as popular as a Bank Manager in the West.

You're just a thick f**k who unfortunately is allowed to voice his opinion.

Always remember, when you voice your opinion, you're voicing the opinion of an idiot.
Maybe the Titans should target Abblett when his contract runs out.

Yeah, that's the stuff.

Get a bloke who could walk through any Western Sydney suburb unnoticed to be the bloke to pin your hopes on.


Why do you bother, are you trying to make haynetrain look intelligent?

If you are, good job. :)