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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game


First Grade
Well there have been both leaguies and AFL players facing sexual assault chrages ...so I don't see the point in your argument.

Name one NRL player convicted of sexual assault. Hell, name one currently under investigation for sexual assault. Fair dinkum you should be locked in TFC with all the other AFL trolls.

Just so you know, the answer is rape. Rape is worse.


First Grade
You're in Liverpool Bob, I'm in Campbelltown.

What's the buzz like about the new AFL team over your way?

I'm in Penrith, and the buzz here is non-existent. If they didn't steal our colours they wouldn't have even been mentioned in my circles. But the few mentions they did garner were far from positive. :D


First Grade
A "Victorian" has to be two things, from Victoria and an AFL fan.

How does El-D decide where a poster comes from though?

When I was working for Suncorp, regardless of where I happened to be working from on any day, my IP would always show as originating in Brisbane because that's where the IT team were based.

Incomparable's ok btw, I wouldn't say he's a bigger Aussie Rules fan than RL, he is genuinely just a sports nutter.
I'm in Penrith, and the buzz here is non-existent. If they didn't steal our colours they wouldn't have even been mentioned in my circles. But the few mentions they did garner were far from positive. :D




First Grade
^ haha

There were quotes in the Melbourne papers today, stating the AFL will back them for 20/30 years if neccesary. It's going to be an utter failure, and be seen as the moment their arrogance came back to bite them on the arse.

I'm in Penrith, and the buzz here is non-existent. If they didn't steal our colours they wouldn't have even been mentioned in my circles. But the few mentions they did garner were far from positive. :D

Well what do they say, immitation is the greatest form of flattery or whatever the statement is :)

Anyway, they didn't copy the JV, they wear Charcoal :D!:roll:

(Yes I know lol but try getting the dimwits to admit anything else lol)
How does El-D decide where a poster comes from though?

He doesn't decide.

When I was working for Suncorp, regardless of where I happened to be working from on any day, my IP would always show as originating in Brisbane because that's where the IT team were based.

Have you seen beercoaster come back and argue?

It's nice that you're arguing for him though, you should ask for a blowie as payment.

Incomparable's ok btw, I wouldn't say he's a bigger Aussie Rules fan than RL, he is genuinely just a sports nutter.

He's a gimp.

And why the f**k would you think that your opinion on someone is worth more than a pinch of Dog's piss?

You're a Victorian.


First Grade
He doesn't decide.

Have you seen beercoaster come back and argue?

It's nice that you're arguing for him though, you should ask for a blowie as payment.

Wasn't arguing for him, just pointing out that if he's being IP checked, particularly during business hours, it really means f**k all.

He's a gimp.

Because he has a different opinion to you?

And why the f**k would you think that your opinion on someone is worth more than a pinch of Dog's piss?

You're a Victorian.

& after all these years, it's still amusing that you seem to think your abuse bothers me :D

Anyway, it's not an opinion. It's the truth, he's probably a bigger NFL fan than RL or Aussie Rules.

You know, those types of people in your small little world that you seem to think don't exist, or are lesser than you... Sports fans

Besides which, under your definition of a "Victorian", you probably come closer to qualifying than me, sure I live in Victoria and you don't, but given the hard on you lot get for AFL news, I absoloutely gaurentee you that you read more AFL related media articles this year than I do. Can absoloutely gaurentee it. Your motivation is irrelevant, you actually do take more of an interest in the AFL than I do :)

Outside of Richmond, my interest in the game is almost dead.

Admittedly, have taken a minor interest in GWS this week, but that's mostly because of the colors
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Wasn't arguing for him, just pointing out that if he's being IP checked, particularly during business hours, it really means f**k all.

And the fact that he came back in to argue the point backs you up, right?

Because he has a different opinion to you?

No, it's because he's a gimp.

& after all these years, it's still amusing that you seem to think your abuse bothers me :D

What abuse?

You are a Victorian.


First Grade
And the fact that he came back in to argue the point backs you up, right?

He did? You know I don't read entire threads. I commented on the specific chain of events up until the point I quoted you.

No, it's because he's a gimp.

Because he has a different opinion to you.

What abuse?

You are a Victorian.

Nope, as pointed out, YOU take more of an interest in the game than I do...

A "Victorian" has to be two things, from Victoria and an AFL fan.

Hate to burst your little bubble, but that DOESN'T describe me...
He did? You know I don't read entire threads. I commented on the specific chain of events up until the point I quoted you.

I'll post using the sarcasm font next time.

Because he has a different opinion to you.

No, it's because he's a gimp.

Nope, as pointed out, YOU take more of an interest in the game than I do...

Answer the question, stop trying to wriggle out of it.

Do you consider following AFL to include watching or listening to games (just in case you're blind and stupid) or not?

Ask me if I think you can be a Rugby League fan without watching (or listening, for the blind) games?


First Grade

He's a gimp.

Because he has a different opinion to you.

I follow NFL and Soccer too. I've followed the English Soccer for as long as I've followed Rugby League.

Your little Victorian world should know that.

So why do people get knocked for supporting other games, short of the fact that you as an individual don't like them.

Yeah, no.

The definition I posted was "Victorian and follow AFL". Ask me when I last watched a game of AFL?

Following AFL would probably have a minimum requirement of watching games, don't you think?

Not really, you follow the AFL more closely than I do, you may not watch the games, but you certainly follow the off field activities as closely as any fan boi does.

Maybe next time you happen to be in Victoria we can get you all dolled up in, skirt, heels, make up and we'll take you down to CQ Bar for the night.

The AFL boys will love you, and let's be honest, you'll have a great time too.

I'm not a Victorian, not by any measure. So, therefore, I don't qualify as a Victorian. This is of course ignoring the fact I am not an AFL fan, I am a Richmond fan.
We've been cross posting. Not trying to wriggle out of anything.

The fact of the matter is, YOU take more of an interest in the AFL than I do.

No problem, avoidance of the simple question gives the answer anyway.

Following a sport involves watching it. You watch AFL, I don't.

You can f**k off now.