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Another low Act by Mr Gallen


Assistant Moderator
Does calling it a facial make it sound better? When the fingers are bent in a clawing action, it a gouge.

It extraordinary that some apologists are trying to compare scratching and opening up wounds around the eyes to an open hand on the face.


What Gallen did was not footy. Nobody comes to the footy (atleast i hope) to see that type of rubbish. It was clearly intentional and a filthy act. If Gallen keeps doing this kind of crap he's going to end his career with no respect from anyone. Hes already off to a great start.


First Grade
In a way, it's the Gold Coast players' fault he got off so lightly. If Laffranchi got up swinging people would have taken alot more notice. And if Graham did the same when he got his balls grabbed then Gallen would be looking at closer to 10 weeks for the both of them. If Hopoate did these two things in the one game, people would be talking about life bans, rather than 3 measely matches.

God-King Dean

Willow said:
It extraordinary that some apologists are trying to compare scratching and opening up wounds around the eyes to an open hand on the face.

There's a slight trend amongst these Gallen apologists...


First Grade
coolumsharkie said:
Get f**ked idiot, it's not a chat room FFS!!

I got plenty, your a latte sipping metro soft c**k.

So I guess you have something at least.


Wait.... So you've still got nothing? Ok then.


First Grade
coolumsharkie said:

You're my hero!!!!
I'm happy for you.

coolumsharkie said:
FYI it was you that misunderstood my first post. Or did I hit a nerve?

So let's just break down your post then hey? You think that what Gallen did was stupid, but believe that anyone here who has objected to it and posted their opinion about it is (in your words) a "latte sipping metro soft c**k". So what is Gallen then? A beer drinking hard playing man pole?

I even posed the question to you: What makes objecting to what Gallen did soft? But I guess you either missed it, or chose to ignore it. I'll go with the the latter.

So in summing up: You came into the thread to make the statement that anyone who has a problem with Gallen tearing at facial wounds is soft, and just wanted to leave it at that. But when you were challenged on it you became defensive and ran away. It seems as though I've hit a nerve with you, not the opposite.

Pie Floater


I read in the paper today that Gallen has apologised for all the garbage in his game, and he's asked for forgiveness, stating that he's a win-at-all-costs kind of player, which IMHO is what the Sharks need.

In the article, which you can read here, from todays Daily Telegraph (it's all there is to read at work), Gallen said that he was trying to rip the tape off - but as you can see from the pic, he can't actually see Laffranchi's head, so he's just aimlessly ripping. His thinking was to show the ref that Laffranchi shouldn't have been back on, and to try to gain an advantage for his team.


As a sharks fan, I've heard the promises from him before, so I hope that a suspension will actually make him think more about his on-field actions.


First Grade
Good move by Gallen, hopefully it sticks. Although it is quite clear that he was just groping around the face and not just targeting the strapping. Time will obviously tell if he meant what he said or it it is just empty words intended to make this story go away.


First Grade
Gallen is a cat....

He does not play the game tough...

He is a f**kn sook who takes the soft approach

If someone did that to him what honestly do you think his response would be???

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