I am a proud Aussie and do not support the Wallabies
The Wallabies represent nothing about my Australia. Rugby Union in Australia thrives in exclusive GPS and private schools/colleges. Institutions where Rugby League is not welcome. The Wallabies are simply a collection of over-fed soft GPS old-boys with the skill level of the average Jim Beam Cup Rugby League team.
There is nothing Australian about Rugby. Where do I start.
-Unofficial banning of Rugby League in private educational institutions
-Discrimination against Rugby League based on socioeconomic class
-Bludging profile from great Aussie champs e,g Keiron Perkins, Cathy Freeman, Sailor etc
-Association with IRB who did nothing to act against the banning of Rugby League in British armed forces, RFU ban on League converts etc
-The French situation. Still no compensation or apology from FFR
-Those petty low acts perpetrated against Rugby League by Union people every day somehere in the world (locks changed/floodlights vandalised/threats/confiscated boots/the list could go on for pages).
-Rugby Union supporters who use their position of priveledge (e.g newsapaper editors, journos etc) to bang-on for pages about Rugby Union even though nobody gives a toss (see Northern Sydney Times)
I could go on all day, but put simply, Rugby Union propogates itself around the world on the back of dicrimination, denial of choice, abuse of power, hatred, class structure etc etc.
Rugby Union is in my opinion, un-Australian. The Wallabies do not represent my Australia. Apart from all that political stuff, they are also a bunch of talentless hacks.