This forum is surely going the way of the other dopey sharks forum, where players and staff are abused and ridiculed with out substance. That a moderator would behave in this manner is deplorable. That this site would allow obscene and degrading comments to be posted about players and staff is simply unacceptable. It would seem that this is a forum for twelve year olds to vent their boyish and juvenile inadequacies. What a shame that an otherwise great outlet to discuss my team has degenerated into a farce.
Methinks you haven't read the thread
For a start criticism is warranted and largely put with argument
Sure there are a couple of guys, one in particular, who pretend to be "in the know" and actually cross the line into what many would view as libellous. Never seen a moderator here do it though, perhaps you could quote it as I think either you made a mistake or else you are being a hypocrite.
But many come here to vent and occasionally that will bring colourful language and extreme views that frankly create the entertainment
And as can be seen in this thread the liars get quite humiliated