Hey, no worries. Its totally your call mateI hope you haven't left us for good but I suspect you have.
You can take it as red
Hey, no worries. Its totally your call mateI hope you haven't left us for good but I suspect you have.
You can take it as red
You can take it as red
Not so much a request for advice as an update.
As those of you who matter know, I broke up with the bossy American girl two months ago. She's been touring Asia for two months and we'd planned to meet up and hang out while I was in Korea next week.
The original plan was to buddy up and travel around, but I asked her today if we could split up before I hit my old stomping grounds. I figured it wouldn't be fun for her to be the third wheel, and it wouldn't be fun for me having to split my attention between friends I haven't seen in two years and my ex-girlfriend.
She's decided not only that she does not wish to travel with me now, but that she also doesn't want to be friends.
Was it unreasonable of me to ask for two of my nine days to myself? I mean, she's my ex and a friend. I can't help but feel like she's being really unreasonable, not me.
I told you all along - she's a ravens fan, therefore is technically not human, and you're better off without her
I told you all along - she's a ravens fan, therefore is technically not human, and you're better off without her
You bastards have forgotten IanG already....
Pittsburgh fans are the salt of the earth.
Could be worse. Could be a Philadelphia fan.
I've got to be a good girl and study tonight, but if you guys are ever having beers and need girls around to talk about feelings and such with, let us know.