You have forgotton one scenario.
Wait until your wife decides her biological clock is ticking and it's time to have kids. It's not nearly as fun as the intial f**k your brains out phase, because it is genuinely workman like... but in the time between the end of my honeymoon (Nov 28th 2012) and the end of Feb when we found out we were pregnant - i think my wife i probably had sex about 100 times. And im not even kidding, it was an average once a day minimum.
My missus had this ovulation stick she used to piss on each morning to tell her when she was fertile
I remember a few times just wanting to watch the footy but she was having none of it. My son was conceived after a huge chinese meal in a motel in Brisbane (the urban) after my sister's birthday party
I miss that stick :x
We went through that trying to conceive my Daughter. I still remember one night after we had been trying for close to a year, the stick said we had to root on a Tuesday night. Tuesday night was racing night (I used to race model cars) & I didn't want to miss out as I was leading the championship. We worked out that I should be able to get home by 10.00pm get it done & she would still get enough sleep for work the next day (The Mrs doesn't function on no sleep) Anyway I went to Racing as planned & a mate I hadn't seen for a long time turned up. We got talking & before you know it I get a text from the Mrs to see where I was. I checked the time & it was 10.30. I raced home, had a quick tub & ventured into the bedroom & dropped my towel expecting a bit of lingerie to get things happening a bit quicker. Instead she ripped into me for being late & was pissing & moaning about having to get up early the next day etc etc. I thought well that's that then & jumped into bed to go to sleep. After about 5 minutes of silence & me nearly being asleep I hear her say "well?" I am like "well what?" She reminded me that the stick said tonight is the night. I responded by saying I assumed that the ship had sailed. Next thing you know she is smoking it like a hungry puppy on it's mother teat & the stick was obeyed.
At the time it was a chore, but like Butch I miss that stick something bad.
Lucky pricks
When the missus and I decided we wanted kids we planned to do the deed at least every second night. I nodded my head with a straight face but inside I was high fiving myself thinking "Boo ya! Sexy sexy sexy sexy sex sex sex for at least a few months"
After a week the missus starts feeling sick so we stop. A couple of weeks later the doc confirms she is pregnant and her numbers are high so they want her to go for a scan. 6 week scan reveals there are 2 of the little buggers in there
You know those women who get super horny while pregnant? Yeah, not my missus
No sex for JW from there on until well after the kids are out
f**k you all and your whinging about "workman like" and "chore" sex. f**k you