I remember my grandmother one year getting the shits because the family was going to my nanna's place for Xmas. The fact that it was my nanna's first Xmas with the family and my grandmother was missing out on cracking 15 in a row didn't seem to matter.
Baker is still very message happy. And has also bought me a Christmas present. I am concerned.
we've all had a gutfull of your gloating, gUt
if you're unhappy with her, give her to one of us. I don't even swing that way but would be happy to take her (based on what you've said).I am reaching out for support, I am on edge here.
For my recent birthday my missus bought a sexy maid outfit, sat me down in front of the Test match, fed me seafood (oysters, prawns etc) and cold beer and allowed me to have my way with her whenever and however I wanted.
She has proposed that we repeat the experience for New Year's Eve. She didn't even ask me what MY desires are for the night! What if I wanted to go to a party? What if I wanted to go out pubbing and clubbing? She just assumes she knows me and assumes she knows what I want.
There must be a way out of this nightmare.
Girlfriend said I should cook dinner as well.
Dumping offence IMO.