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Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission



No scrums
No intentional forward kicks
No goal posts
No drop outs and field goals
No stealing the ball in a tackle
No trainers on the field unless there is an injury
Field is 100 metres total. 80 metres in the field of play
and 10 metre in-goals

Attacking Team is the team which has possession
or is gaining possession of the ball.

Defending Team is the team without possession of the ball.
Non-Offending is the team which did not commit the initial infringement.



The object of the game is for each team to score tries
and prevent the opposition from scoring.
A try is worth 1 point.

Mode of Play

The ball may be passed, knocked, handed or kicked sideways
or backwards between onside players of the attacking team who
may in turn run or otherwise move with the ball in an attempt
to gain territorial advantage and score.

Defending players prevent the attacking team from gaining territorial advantage by tackling the ball carrier or stopping the ball.

The team in possession of the ball is awarded 8 tackles.
A play the ball is performed at the completion of each tackle.

A change in possession takes place at the conclusion
of the 8 tackles.



The home team shall commence play and choose which end
of the field to defend.

The home team is to start the game with a play the ball from
the centre of their own 20 metre line following the indication to
commence play from the referee.

All players of the defending team are required to stand
no closer than the 30 metre line in the attacking teams half.

During the finals the team with a higher rank starts play.


After the half-time break, play shall recommence where the
ball became dead before half time, with the team deemed to be
in possession before half-time to play the ball.

After a try

After the scoring of a try the scoring team shall recommence
play with a play the ball at the centre of their own 20 metre line.
All players of the defending team are required to stand
no closer than the 30 metre line in the attacking teams half.


If points are equal at full-time during the regular season,
both teams are awarded 1 point each.

If points are equal at full-time during the finals,
the team with a higher rank is the winner.

Over Time may be required in tournaments where there is no established team rank.

At the conclusion of full-time, a break is taken, and at the recommencement play continues from where it was before the break.
The first team to score is the winner.


If a player in possession of the ball goes in touch, the player can renter the field and play the ball. This applies to being tackled in touch and going in touch voluntarily.

If their is a ball forward or ball back in touch or touch in-goal,
then the non-offending team is awarded possession.

If the team in possession is tackled in their own in-goal or ground the ball in their own in-goal or tackled over their own touch in-goal
or over their own dead ball, or take the ball over those areas voluntarily,
they retain possession with a play the ball 1 metre in the field of play.

If the team in possession is tackled in the oppositions in-goal
or tackled over the oppositions touch in-goal or over the oppositions dead ball, or take the ball over those areas voluntarily, they retain possession
with a play the ball 1 metre in the field of play.


A ball that travels forward towards the opponents dead ball line
after contact with any part of the body.

A player shall be penalised for intentionally causing a ball forward.

If a player from the attacking team commits a ball forward that
touches the ground and retains the ball before the ball touches a defending player, the attacking team returns to the mark of the infringement and plays the ball for the next tackle.

If a player from the attacking team commits a ball forward and the ball
touches a defending player, and there is no advantage to the non-offending defending team, then it's a play the ball to the non-offending defending team.

If the ball is intentionally or not intentionally touched by a defender,
commiting a ball forward that touches the ground, and is regained by
the defending team before it touches the attacking team, the
defending team plays the ball where it was first touched.

If a player from the non-offending team gains possession from a ball forward and does not commit a ball forward themeselves, the advantage law applies.

If a player commits a ball forward and retains the ball before the ball touches the ground and the defending team, then play continues.


A ball that travels back towards a teams own dead ball line
after contact with any part of the body.

Ball Touched By Defending Team From A Ball Back

If the ball is intentionally touched forward by a defender and is regained by the attacking team the tackle count restarts and the advantage law applies.

If the ball is not intentionally touched forward by a defender and is regained by the attacking team the tackle count continues.

If the ball is intentionally or not intentionally touched back by a defender
and the attacking team commits a ball forward and regains the ball,
the attacking team returns to the mark of the infringement and
plays the ball for the next tackle.

If the ball is intentionally or not intentionally touched back by a defender
and the attacking team commits a ball forward and the ball is touched
by the defending team and there is no advantage to the non-offending
defending team, then it's a change of possession.


Allowing the advantage means allowing play to proceed
if it is to the advantage of the non-offending team until
the non-offending team is tackled in the field of play
or tackled in touch or voluntarily takes the ball in touch,
kicks backwards in touch or passes in touch or commits
a ball forward no matter where on the playing field.

If the non-offending team gains the ball after a ball forward and
progresses the ball any distance and ball forwards themselves,
they then play the ball where they commited the ball forward.


If a team is awarded a penalty, the non-offending team
shall play the ball at the penalty mark.

Minor Misconduct Acts that don't include foul play

The non-offending team is awarded 10 tackles

Major Misconduct Foul Play

The non-offending team is awarded 12 tackles


I agreed with point 1.
Laughed at point 2.
Completely lost it laughing from point 3 onwards

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Post & thread of the year


Have you submitted this to the NRL yet Theo? Genius like this should be shared.


Well Didgi it's like this.

No I have not submitted this to the NRL.

Being the Bigs the NRL are, I would think they have people searching these type of websites for information that will advance their cause. It's a human habit.

We all follow a path. Along the way we've gotta,

Admit we follow a path
Believe the path we follow works
Commit to the path we follow

The Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission is a reflection of my mental attitude based on my experience including injuries, deaths, wins and loses and draws.

I hope this helps.