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Awesome Melbourne ratings, poor Sydney GF ratings


Incidently, a headline in Crikey.com currently states that "...the NRL dominates AFL in regionals...".


Misty Bee

First Grade
Some lateral thinking please.....

IN a normal sydney GF, ratings will include the diehard League fans who would happily watch the ower grades, the 'bandwagoners' who drag out the old club jumper if their team is in the GF, then the 'event followers' - like those who get interested in the Melbourne Cup and 2 days later cant tell a horse from a pig.

I guess Sydney lost the bandwagoners - thanks to a huge media push on the Swans, and their premiership last year. Likewise, in Melbourne. Not having a 'local' team to support, or even an alternative, for BOTH GF host cities meant huge support crossing codes. Face it - a team like Canberra or NQ would have attracted more sydney support than Melbourne or Brisbane - simplye because of the strong inter city rivalry. Ditto in Melbourne -who have a huge rivalry with Sydney in anythnig, and who treat west Coast like Sydney treats the broncos - as the powerhouse that first took our premierships away.

I say the positive outweighs the negative. The Sydney problem would have been solved if Saints, Wests, Penrith etc would have been in the GF. And we picked up a cool million in Melbourne - a stunning result that can only produce better exposure in the future for our game.

As for the 'hang your heads' crap - try selling 82 000 tickets to a Roosters v Dogs GF in Brisbane. Only a few years ago they only got 12 000 to a test v the Poms at Suncorp.

Face it - League gained more ground on foreign soil this year than the AFL - for the first time since 1994. 2 storm GF's against 4 Lions and 3 Swans appearances in that time. I'd say League is in a healthy state.
eelandia said:
Incidently, a headline in Crikey.com currently states that "...the NRL dominates AFL in regionals...".


They haven't been released on the regionals website yet as far as I know but if the AFL's were the same as last year, the NRL Grand Final will have beaten the AFL Grand final Australia-wide.


With the regionals, pay tv, and the always forgotten NZ audience (re Warriors) I'm sure we would do a number on the AFL in the TV ratings.

But there is no doubt that the Sydney public has been bombarded by the pro Union and AFL media for a long time combined with a plethora of negative articles to RL, and so the 50ish/50ish Rugby League audience start believing that it is uncool and improper to follow the sport. If we get approx 1,000,000 under the current situation what would be the numbers if the last 10 years had been some or all pro Rugby League in the media..... probably double the numbers.

Is there any other sport on this globe that gets such constant and unjust treatment, probably not.


Well i personally live in sydney but watched game on Foxtel due to 2 reasons

1 the valley i am in and nine reception

2 true stereo surrond sound for my amp

is foxtel included because i know just about everyone in my street was watching and would make a difference if others did the same


raidersforme said:
Well i personally live in sydney but watched game on Foxtel due to 2 reasons

1 the valley i am in and nine reception

2 true stereo surrond sound for my amp

is foxtel included because i know just about everyone in my street was watching and would make a difference if others did the same

Mate I don't mean to be a bitch, but read through the whole thread.

For the thousandth time in a ratings thread, YOU ONLY ARE COUNTED IF ARE IN THE OZTAM SAMPLE.

Oztam sample a few thousand households to get an estimate of the true number of people watching. So unless you are part of Oztam's sample, then it doesn't matter if you watched it or not.


the afl grand final final was played on a Saturday arvo, a timeslot league is running from as it supposedly doesn't rate well.

why are we comparing the nrl grand final, played in prime time television as if we're comparing apples and apples ?

the nrl is gambling and risks compromising its core markets (NSW and QLD)
TD, there is a downside to prime-time sport, that is the opposition isn't what you'd get in a 2pm or 3pm afternoon spot.

That is especially so in non heartland areas.
The AFL regionals are in, the NRL Grand final beat the AFL Grand Final in mainland Australia. And that is with no live coverage of the NRL Grand final in Perth or Adelaide.

Including Tasmania, the AFL pipped us.


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Including Tasmania, the AFL pipped us.

So in other words, Australia wide, Aussie Rules won who gives a f**k about 'mainland Australia' on it's own ...

If Sydneysiders weren't so fickle the League Grand Final would have won by miles and miles and miles.

Luckily for League, people who live in Australia's real sporting city tuned in and kept the numbers high.
meltiger said:
So in other words, Australia wide, Aussie Rules won who gives a f**k about 'mainland Australia' on it's own ...

Sure it did.

But if you were Andrew Demetriou would you be happy to have beaten the NRL Grand Final by a gnat's pube with live coverage all over Australia against live coverage in 3 states, late night coverage in 2 states and no coverage in one state?

meltiger said:
If Sydneysiders weren't so fickle the League Grand Final would have won by miles and miles and miles.

We're different to Melburnians, in case you hadn't noticed.

meltiger said:
Luckily for League, people who live in Australia's real sporting city tuned in and kept the numbers high.



You let me know when the Storm get a 30k average and Melbourne has a Super 14 side that averages 30k...

Melbourne is the event capital of the Universe and the sporting capital of Victoria.....


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
You let me know when the Storm get a 30k average and Melbourne has a Super 14 side that averages 30k...


You are so much fun. You bite quicker than anyone I've ever seen on these forums ...

Collingwood, Essendon, Carlton, Hawthorn, St Kilda & Richmond's membership numbers are more than the crowd several of the Rugby League finals managed to attract in Sydney.

North Melbourne, have been sledged hardcore for more than 12 months now, for their pitiful finals crowd last year of 25,000 - Because in Melbourne, we expect better than that.

In 12 months time will people be sledging Canterbury for the crowd that turned out to their first final? No way in the world, Sydneysiders just accept pitiful numbers as a way of life.

If you want to talk about an 'event city' - Look no further than your own backyard.

& If the ARU had been serious, we would have had a Super 14 side that would have drawn great crowds.

There's more loyal support for Union in Melbourne than League...


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Sure it did.

But if you were Andrew Demetriou would you be happy to have beaten the NRL Grand Final by a gnat's pube with live coverage all over Australia against live coverage in 3 states, late night coverage in 2 states and no coverage in one state?

Who cares?

RL types were the ones making all the big noises about the regionals ... guess what, they didn't push you over the line.

the AFL Grand Final beat you.

At the end of the day, advertisers look at where they are likely to get more exposure. Regardless of the reasons, the AFL Grand Final offers them more exposure in Australia than the East Coast Rugby League Grand Final.
meltiger said:

You are so much fun. You bite quicker than anyone I've ever seen on these forums ...

Pot, kettle... you get the drift.

When someone farts and it sounds like AFL, you're the first to sniff it.

meltiger said:
Collingwood, Essendon, Carlton, Hawthorn, St Kilda & Richmond's membership numbers are more than the crowd several of the Rugby League finals managed to attract in Sydney.

So, it's the AFL capital of the Universe.

What a shock.

I dunno if you've noticed, but AFL is one sport. To be a sporting capital, you really need to embrace more than one sport.

Melbourne doesn't do that better than Sydney or Brisbane.

meltiger said:
North Melbourne, have been sledged hardcore for more than 12 months now, for their pitiful finals crowd last year of 25,000 - Because in Melbourne, we expect better than that.

But you accept it without a problem with the Storm?

So what's the answer?

Send North Melbourne to Canberra and when that doesn't work, send them to the Gold Coast to play in front of 7k crowds...


meltiger said:
In 12 months time will people be sledging Canterbury for the crowd that turned out to their first final? No way in the world, Sydneysiders just accept pitiful numbers as a way of life.

We have different standards and always have. And we don't have a chip on our shoulders when it comes to Melbourne / Sydney rivalry. We are just better.

Melburnians think that if they don't go to an AFL game per week, they'll spontaneously combust or something similar.

meltiger said:
If you want to talk about an 'event city' - Look no further than your own backyard.

Are you serious?

Sydney embraces and gives more than a fair go to all 4 Football codes. Melbourne does the same with 2 codes.

The only games of League and Union that rate or draw a crowd in Melbourne are events. The week-to-week stuff doesn't draw dick.

meltiger said:
& If the ARU had been serious, we would have had a Super 14 side that would have drawn great crowds.

They didn't go there and their decision has been vindicated by the crowds in Perth. Their depth is such that they can't afford to start a new S14 team in the forseeable future.

meltiger said:
There's more loyal support for Union in Melbourne than League...

Yeah, that's why the biggest rating domestic v domestic game of either Rugby code in Melbourne ever is the 2006 Rugby League Grand Final....

And the only game to ever rate higher was the 2003 RWC Final. Which finished 20k ahead of the League.

What do they both have in common?

They're events.


Lets weigh things up.
Sydney ratings down 200,000 odd,with no Sydney club team( i fully expected a drop),and with the Telegraph pushing the Swans and suggesting that as there were no sydney NRL teams involved ,we should get all our support behind the Swans.

The Swans with all the Telegraph support, also had a drop of 200,000 odd in Sydney in the average.
The NRL rated its t.ts off in Melbourne,making the argument Melburnians will never give rugby league a go a load of rubbish.
Despite the bad ref calls in the G/F it wasn't a bad game to watch,with b.all stoppages.
The NRL are in the throes of a new sponsorship deal plus internet rights.The fact that Melbourne came up with these huge ratings figures, can only help the NRL squeeze more money from the potential sponsors.
The NRL was only down overall 10,000 in the ratings oz wide,compared to the AFL 240,000 odd.No live telecasts into Adelaide or Perth for starters.
It puts the rocket up Eddie to finally admit Ch9 in Melbourne,has to get off their a.ses and broadcast the Storm at a decent hour.
Gallop,Love and Brian Waldron are appaerently over the moon with the Vic ratings,because we are supposed to be a national code.
Finally these ratings are a bitter pill for the likes of Fitzgerald,Hadley,Gibbs,Fitzsimons,Carlton,Steve Price(2ue) who continually bagged the NRL's efforts in having the Storm in Melbourne ,the S003 there.


taipan said:
It puts the rocket up Eddie to finally admit Ch9 in Melbourne,has to get off their a.ses and broadcast the Storm at a decent hour.

Finally these ratings are a bitter pill for the likes of Fitzgerald,Hadley,Gibbs,Fitzsimons,Carlton,Steve Price(2ue) who continually bagged the NRL's efforts in having the Storm in Melbourne ,the S003 there.

You don't seriously believe that Storm club games will rate in Melbourne, do you? A GF, fair enough, but the average game will be no more popular than an NBL match - or a Swans club game on a Saturday night in Sydney.

Ch 10 and 7 may be willing to lose money 'promoting' a code, but they were backed into it by the AFL due to their respective lack of content. Ch9 has the Cricket for their national markets, where as the others have squat. After all, the AFL isn't the true national game that cricket is.