Good clean fun!
Outstanding concept too.
Sleeping with the Enemy and Planes Train's & Automobiles were the first ever DVD's I purchased followed closely by BTTF, then Karate Kid.
With today's times I'm worried they'll pull a swifty and make part 4 as they always toyed with the idea.
(They'll ruin it like the new Star Wars.)
I think it was gonna be like Karate Kid 4 and use a girl as Doc Brown's side-kick.
Biff, apparently, got hold of the machine, and it was gonna be spacey and scientific.
If you went to Universal Studio's and rode the machine there I think that was gonna be the story line.
I e-mailed them once and pitched that not every scene has to be action-a-second.
Do any of you guys own the books? I've got part one and two novels.
One of my cheerished possessions.
We've watched those movies that many times, like seinfeld, and can do it line for line.
I'm with most of you guys, I'm not too keen on part 3 though.
I like how it starts but when he blasts off from the drive-in an meets the Indian's....I dunno, three-quarters of the film was on the wild west.
Part 3? Hmmm.
You know as a fact.....a movie fact...MJF really was choking when they were filming that scene?
I took an instant liking to Mary Steenburgen in this film too. Those FMB boots she wore made my blood boil.
She was married to that Cheers bloke right?
She was in this Kevin Kline movie once where she was secretly rooting her son's school mate and I liked that film too.
I had a 'Bridges of Maddison County' run-in with this older sheila once up at Macksville who was a splitting image of Steenburgen.
Brett Gaddes gives her a
thumbs up for an outstanding root nomination. (For a mature woman.) (You know....if a woman says that you're handsome what she's really saying is you're ugly.)
Come to think about it....I haven't watched BTTF for quite some time now.
You never grow tired of them and it took me centuries to realise that Huey Lewis was actually the judge at the school music thing.
Hey! Anybody got eagle eyes?
Here's a little test for y'all with BTTF.
In the original......when Mc'Fly is about to take off from the carpark there's a scene 'round here where you can actually see somebody elses shadow near the wall of the super-mart somewhere.
See if you can spot it.
I did once but can't find it again.
I have to find out what exact spot it is.
I'll get back to you with it.
Here's a joke for y'all. Heard it this morning.
Anyway...there was this Irish guy on his deaths-bed near death, right?
His family are at his bedside 'n everything all sad 'n sh*t ready to mourn.
They leave him be toward the end for a while though.
Someone in the kitchen decides to bake some cookies out of the blue for some reason suddenly.
The dying bastard gets a sniff of the cookie stench waffling through the house and goes in search of his last meal.
He goes to grab one and a wooden spoon smacks the back of his hand.
"Here there Boy 'O, those are for after the funeral!"