Breaking News........Breaking News.... Breaking News.
source Rooters Press
The once mighty club known as the Stain George District Rugby League that folded and merged to become the Stain George Illwarra Dragons, that became the North Tom Uglys Nomads Rugby League has no decided to become a new club.
The new club will cover Oatly to the west, Brighton in the East, Tempee to the north and south to the Tom Uglys.
In a bid to halt a dramatic nosedive out of the eight the club will now be known as the Tom Uglys Regional District Rugby League, or TURD Rugby League.
The Tom Uglys Bridge, the cornerstone of the area and their gateway to the southern paradise of the Sutherland Shire is to some in TURD their Brandenberg Gate.
Kogarah Council has already approved of the new name change to Turds homeground and when the redevelopment is finally completed in 2013 will be officially known no longer as Oki - Jubilee, it will be known as Turd Stadium.
Officials and supporters of the new TURD Rugby League have unanimously approved the folding with open arms. "We are used to it, it's not like we haven't done it all before" one jubilant official said.
A spokesman for the Red V Army, Stain Colesy said he would stand proud and loud behind the Red Turd army. As long as TURD wears the Red V I will be a Turd Supporter.
CEO of the new Club Peter Doust was quoted as saying, "People within the district reckon we don't give a sh!t about them, but with the new TURD Rugby League we will show them that we do give a sh!t."
When questioned about the new entity in the NRL the popularly loyal current club Captain Mark Gasnier said he was over the moon with the new branding. "Why most of the team are already calling me Captain Turd" said a beaming Gaz.
Even those supporters with years of history behind them were happy with the new club. One long time supporter who would only go by the name of the Preacher said how ironic it all is.
"When I was a young tacker my old man would only call me 'his little turd'"
"Now I follow them, how wierd is that, desinty I guess"
The big question now is can TURD Rugby league turn it around without the Strong Illawarra Club that has held them together for the past decade or two. Without their backbone TURD Rugby league is vunerable.
Most league pundits believe that TURD Rugby League is destined to be flushed out of the Sydney area and be relocated to the green pastures of Adelaide.
Only time will tell if Adelaide is prepared to accept TURDs from Sydney.
I don't think so.
Source : - Rooters Press.
Declared Idiot #88