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Bears launch bid to return


Bears deserve revival
Phil Gould | December 7, 2008

The North Sydney Bears want back in. Why not?

In fact, could someone please explain to me why they were allowed to fold in the first place? I'll get over this one day, I suppose. Maybe.

The new world order deemed years ago it was in the best interests of rugby league to get rid of South Sydney, the Gold Coast and the Bears. My God, there was a time they were also happy to see the mighty Manly Sea Eagles wither away without trying to save them.

Look at them all now. Where would our game be without these brands?

I'll throw other sacrifices like Adelaide and Perth into the mix here as well, who, despite their infancy at the time of the game's restructuring after the Super League debacle, were also victims of this most destructive period in our game's history.

I'll come back to the theme of a truly national competition in a moment.

The North Sydney Bears story is indeed a sad one and it has been (conveniently for some) swept into the background over the years; for far too long, in fact.

Despite their relative anonymity these days, a loyal band of North Sydney greats have managed to keep the colours flying in second-tier competitions. So, too, the mighty Newtown Jets, who never ever say die.

Now the Bears see an opportunity to resurrect their club into the big time and the NRL should be doing everything in its power to make this a reality.

For those of you just joining the program, the North Sydney Bears went broke years ago courtesy of an ill-fated campaign to survive at all costs during the Super League war.

At the time, an unsustainable wage structure was hurting all in the game. Clubs were also being threatened with expulsion if they could not satisfy certain criteria which were formulated specifically to reduce the number of teams to a more pay-TV friendly cost structure in the late 1990s.

The Bears bit the bullet and decided to move their operation to the Central Coast. Weather and finance conspired against them and they went broke before they could realise their dream.

They must shake their heads at the thought that within a short period of their painful demise, other clubs were back playing in the NRL with less than secure financial models and at venues well short of the criteria set down in the initial evaluations.

They were then forced into an unhappy marriage with the Manly club, which also had the backside out of its trousers.

The Northern Eagles captured nobody's imagination and bumbled along the inevitable path to failure.

Out of the wreck, a number of passionate and well-heeled football lovers saved the Sea Eagles and were rewarded for their efforts with a stunning premiership victory this year. The Bears, though, dropped out of the NRL and into virtual oblivion.

Since that time, the loss of the Bears has slowly eaten away at the rugby league supporter base in the North Sydney strip like a cancer.

When you talk to junior league administrators, school principals and parents, you get a feel for just how damaging their omission has been for league in the area.

Many junior clubs folded.

Others changed their allegiance to rugby union or football. Schools no longer offer rugby league as a sporting option. It truly is tragic and like a sick grandparent in the back bedroom, no one likes to talk about it.

Maybe this one-time stronghold of rugby league can never be fully revived.

However, there is surely plenty of upside in bringing the Grizzly Bears back to the magnificent venue at Gosford and further developing the game and its supporter base between the crucial areas from Manly to Newcastle.

Why stop there?

Long-term plans should already be in place for another team playing out of a burgeoning area between Newcastle and the Gold Coast. We should also be looking at another club between Brisbane and Townsville, so rugby league ties up the whole eastern seaboard.

From this position of strength, we can make the rest of the country our aim. The likes of Adelaide and Perth can succeed in time off the back of this eastern dominance.

It might take 20 years but what a legacy an aggressive and forward-thinking administration could leave for the future of the game if it just comes out of its cocoon and spreads it wings. Surely we are looking at these options? Expansion is a must.

At least give us the luxury of a dream to say it's possible.

Two teams in Brisbane and another in New Zealand, please. South Pacific Cups and tournaments involving Islander and Indigenous entities are all great development strategies for our game both domestically and internationally.

Even the pride of our game in this neck of the woods, State of Origin football, needs to be modernised. Queensland and NSW need and would welcome other competition.

What a product this could be. You want ways to raise revenue?

When the State of Origin concept was first introduced to our rugby league calendar, the incidence of players from Polynesian and Islander heritage was minimal in our local competitions.

The registration rates in junior football of kids from these backgrounds have now reached staggering proportions and our game needs to capitalise on this potential bonanza for our code.

There is more opportunity in our NRL competition for kids to pursue a rewarding career in professional rugby league than football or rugby could ever hope to offer in this part of the world.

That's not to say rugby and football can't make big inroads if the NRL sits on its hands and does nothing proactive about its future.

It's easy to bemoan the economic climate and call for a tightening of the belts.

However, this pain won't last forever. The NRL should be positioning itself to take full advantage of the next wave of good times by investing research dollars into new locations and competitions.

Let me tell you, years ago the Manly club was no better off than the North Sydney Bears are right now.

It takes money, know-how and passion. But anything is possible.


Spot on Gus.


*Waits for the usual News Ltd. journos and their lackeys to come out and lambast Gus for having an "agenda".*


Sorry loudstrat but giving me game stats doesnt really constitute a record no need to give Fein a reason to think he is not dilusional for going on about something so damn trivial & meaningless....but then again people will take any chance they get to bag Manly out :lol:

Well, the stats are a record, aren't they? And the record - that being the biggest margin in points scoring events between teams - is held by the Chooks.

Red Bear

Bitter and twisted to the end :roll:

Good luck to them though, I'd love to see the North Sydney Bears back again, as a Manly supporter I hated them as I would any other Sydney club, but I respected them as well and have many good friends who were Bears fans I'd love to see have their team back!
Whilst i dont necesarily agree with what fein is saying the first shot in this thread was fired by a manly fan ("gone, dead an buried" on page 1) yet it is the person sympathetic of the Norths cause who is bitter and twisted to the end? We also have arseclowns like Mave coming in saying we are dragging out our death and should die with dignity, piss off.

The rest of your post is good however:)
The Bears on the CC needs to happen , its a league gold mine area and the NRL shouldnt neglect it any longer , no other team relocating there will work , The bears are a perfect fit.

If Perth and adelaide are to come in as well then some Sydney teams will need to relocate, who? I dont know but it will need to happen , fans dont like seeing there team disappearing but the hard truth is some teams are struggling and it may get worse in the current financial climate.


teams interested in joining the nrl are:

west brisbane
perth reds
central coast bears
sunshine coast
wellington nz
papua new guniea
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Loudstrat the 40 point margin in the last GF wipes out that one doesnt it? Forget the diff in points per try or whatever, what you just said being "the biggest margin in points scoring events between teams" is held by Manly now considering 40>38 but hey all good this is just like flogging a dead horse...


Whilst i dont necesarily agree with what fein is saying the first shot in this thread was fired by a manly fan ("gone, dead an buried" on page 1) yet it is the person sympathetic of the Norths cause who is bitter and twisted to the end? We also have arseclowns like Mave coming in saying we are dragging out our death and should die with dignity, piss off.

The rest of your post is good however:)

I would be more than supportive of a Bears return, if only all you wankers stopped blaming Manly for your untimely demise.:) I guess I'll be waiting for a while.:lol:


Loudstrat the 40 point margin in the last GF wipes out that one doesnt it? Forget the diff in points per try or whatever, what you just said being "the biggest margin in points scoring events between teams" is held by Manly now considering 40>38 but hey all good this is just like flogging a dead horse...

Point scoring events: Easts - 8 tries, 7 goals = 15 events. Manly 8 tries, 4 goals = 12 events.

manly wins, hey?


Red Bear

I would be more than supportive of a Bears return, if only all you wankers stopped blaming Manly for your untimely demise.:) I guess I'll be waiting for a while.:lol:
Very few actually do, the majority see that was just a stupid merger that was never going to work. Only an (admittedly) vocal minority hold this view.


First Grade
Point scoring events: Easts - 8 tries, 7 goals = 15 events. Manly 8 tries, 4 goals = 12 events.

manly wins, hey?


If only Manly could kick goals. :lol::lol:

They kicked The Bears in the guts when they weren't looking, reminiscint of that cat winger in the 70's they had whenever he got tackled.

Bunch of dog merkins are Manly.

Bring Back The Bears.
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Special K

It would be great to see the Bears back and on the CC with their home games against souths, roosters or the WT at NSO.


I'd love to see them back. A positive, heart warming news story about local Sydney footy winning out over the big boys - are some equally good PR spin.

Sydney needs some good PR at the moment. The journos and their death riding is getting a little old.

Edit: I'm aware they wouldn't be in 'Sydney'... but you know what I mean :)


I'd love to see them back. A positive, heart warming news story about local Sydney footy winning out over the big boys - are some equally good PR spin.

Sydney needs some good PR at the moment. The journos and their death riding is getting a little old.

Edit: I'm aware they wouldn't be in 'Sydney'... but you know what I mean :)

It is within pi@#ssing distance of the harbour bridge. Nth Sydney is Sydney.


Unless your bladder is nuclear powered, and can stand on Brisbane water and piss on Darling Harbour - I think not.