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Beau Scott/Matt Prior - try/no try

Prior try, Scott no-try?

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First Grade
its not the in your face defence anymore, thankfully.

And that's what is annoying me with our defense, the speed of our defensive line is so slow and other teams are just marching up the field and it's just tough to compete for the full 80 with that happening, we need to go back to our old style defense and get up and meet the attacking player halfway instead of waiting for them to meet you. It's been like that all year and Moore has to start working on it cause we won't win the bigger games playing like that, the other side just gets too much momentum.


50/50 call.

I was more concerned that the bulldogs player, keating maybe? didn't get sin binned for swearing nearby the ref after the try was awarded.


First Grade
Looked like a completed tackle to me. Should have been a penalty.

There was no one on him when he passed it. That's why it was given a try. They pushed him back he lost control of the ball then got control back for a quick handoff.
And that's what is annoying me with our defense, the speed of our defensive line is so slow and other teams are just marching up the field and it's just tough to compete for the full 80 with that happening, we need to go back to our old style defense and get up and meet the attacking player halfway instead of waiting for them to meet you. It's been like that all year and Moore has to start working on it cause we won't win the bigger games playing like that, the other side just gets too much momentum.

I think you would need a good off season to practice, because the whole line needs to be in sync. One missed tackle with the line up , or a quick pass to a player running into a lane or gap if not everyone has moved up smells trouble. It's risky maybe they don't feel they can pull it off with the players they have. Could be a number of reasons ask Moore if you get a chance I'd love to know too.

kurt faulk


they drove scott back and the exchange was made at the end of that. what's the problem? you see a million of them every week on the last tackle, now because saints scored a try off one there's all this whining?

watching it live it's a try every day of the week.

No try IMO...the ball was passed off the ground. It is not yawnion. He was sopped before the line and that should have constituted a tackle.

B-Tron 3000

This thread should have been public and split into Doggies fans, St George fans and neutrals.

I am a Parra fan - it is my job to hate Canterbury. I also have no love for Saints. Totally neutral.

No way it was a try.

It has nothing to do with the arm hitting the ground, as there are other ways to conclude a tackle.

He was pushed back, he was on the ground and was being held. Tackled. Just to add to that his momentum was also stopped - he wasn't falling back when he passed it.

Never a try.


First Grade
I wouldn't have cried had it been denied. During the run of play it looked fine, as Beau's arms had not hit the ground and he seemed to be still moving when he presented the ball; under the microscope of slow motion it looked dodgy. I'll take it though, I've seen worse decisions decide Grand Finals.


Like a mate said last night, if that pass had been made on half way it would have been an instant penalty. The Dragons are a good enough team not to need constant unwarranted help from the referees.


First Grade
one problem i have is that they constantly replayed it in slow motion and from that perspective made it look like a completed tackle but when you watch it live scott gives the ball away right at the time that he stops moving i think if you are going to rule that a no try then every time a player is tackled and struggles forward that extra metre or so in normal play would also be a penalty

and i have seen plently of offloads delivered with one hand on the ground and the ball carrying arm off it what is the difference here

the hands on a player on the ground is more directly related to a player already on the ground before a tackle is attempted


three ways I understand that are used to determine if a player is held.

1 - ball carrying arm or the ball hits the ground => automatic held

2 - player is lifted off the ground => automatic held

3 - ref called held.

Now the tackle did not satisfy 1 or 2 and had the ref called held then there is no chance he sends it upstairs so I say its a try. You could argue the tackle was complete and the ref should have called held but you play to the whistle.

I think onus is on the dogs players to wrap the ball up that close to the line anyway.


Assistant Moderator
lol. The Bulldogs whinge begins.

Look at it at normal speed Tim, and mute the commentators. Fair try.
I have a problem with it solely for the reason it opens up a can of worms.
What can of worms is that Tim?

In rugby league, the ball has been promoted since year dot.
Timmah said:
The rule as I understood it was simply that you cannot pass off the ground. In my way of thinking Scott was on the ground and tackled. Hence, no try. Ordinary call
The ball or the arm carrying the ball was not on the ground. He wasn't grounded.
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First Grade
Like a mate said last night, if that pass had been made on half way it would have been an instant penalty. The Dragons are a good enough team not to need constant unwarranted help from the referees.
only if there was a call of held, which the referees never called

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