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Benji Marshall ?


First Grade
:lol: sorry jubilee, I hope im wrong but I think the moving of a player has slowed down the talks with us and I feel benji wants a deal today, the papers and crap are saying our OFFER will be $100,000 more than the sharks and I don't think that's enough for him to stop him from joining his mates at the sharks, plus I don't think we will be able to move a player this quick if that's the case . Hope im wrong because I think Benji can change our season and future.

All good mate. Marshall and his management team would be fully aware of what is involved in off loading a player, they may even be able to assist.
Which is another plus....all of a sudden Wayne Beavis is now dealing with the Dragons. If Marshall changes his mind and wants to go to the sharks, they will have to go through all of this as well.


First Grade
If Doust has messed this up, why are we still in the hunt? Why hasn't he signed with Sharks?
Is Benji just hoping Dragons make an offer? Of course they've made a fkn offer....

So much for the NRL's attempt to keep marquees in the comp,surely there should be some flexibility for a club who wants to sign him


Doust has stuffed up again as always!!! Stuffed it with Dugan only to be saved when Brisbane pulled the deal!! He sat on his hands with Hastings were is he now playing in the 20s at the roosters instead of first grade with us!!! Look at how Luke Brooks is going now!!! And now he is leaving Marshall no choice but to go to the scum!!! Good CEO's make things happen not Doust just sits on his hands ive had a gutful!!! The fish rots from the head enough said!!! Christ no wonder we are laughing stock on and off the field!!!


First Grade
So much for the NRL's attempt to keep marquees in the comp,surely there should be some flexibility for a club who wants to sign him

Next year mate and co-incidentally, Dousty has been attending NRL CEO meetings over the last 2 days that were discussing this very matter, so it is prudent he gets this right and uses it to our advantage....the suspense is killing me though !:D


@JRizky85: Im hearing saints and benji won't happen. Doust doesn't like players giving club a deadline. Benji to sign with sharks.


@RugbyLeagueNews: Looks like Benji Marshall will be heading to the Cronulla Sharks, Dragons CEO Peter Doust is set to pull out of the deal. #nrl


So much for the NRL's attempt to keep marquees in the comp,surely there should be some flexibility for a club who wants to sign him

Keep marquee players in the comp? Last I remember he took his bat and ball and went to Rugby Union ,he couldve of refrained from making his statement that he will never play against the Tigers,which he is going to do anyway, and found another club willing to take him.Now he comes back and we should roll the red carpet out because hes a MARQUEE player, just another distraction we dont need.


Totally unprofessional CEO & Board.. how can you run a business when you act like this. If the CEO were on top of things you would expect he knows what amount of money is available to spend on a player... not make a verbal offer and then realise you have to get rid of someone in the middle of negotiations before the deal is done. Totally inept.

I don't mind either way whether Marshall comes or not...I think it would probably be good for the team, sponsorships etc...but to stuff around like this when you are competing with other clubs to sign up a player who you have decided is a worthwhile acquisition...just incompetence!!!


First Grade
@RugbyLeagueNews: Looks like Benji Marshall will be heading to the Cronulla Sharks, Dragons CEO Peter Doust is set to pull out of the deal. #nrl
they've just re-worded what our mate Joe Rizk said this morning ( and with other info he's given before today )


Poor old Dousty...doesn't like it when he is put under pressure. He'll take his bat and ball and go home. Same situation when the supporters want to criticise the club...he doesn't like it and won't listen.

I laugh when I remember all the trendy jargon used at the end of last season following their internal review...key performance indicators, best practice etc....absolutely nothing has changed...we are still talking about exactly the same problems as this time last season......all the fancy words were a giant snow job


Sorry guys, but I for one hope Doust does pull the offer. Who does Benji think he is to demand Doust and Dragons bend over for him? F*ck his deadline, he can shove it up his clacker. I can't believe how many in this place have seemed to have forgotten how bad he played last year with the Tigers....the guy is finished, has been finished for some time.

I would rather see Sharks waste $1mil cap space on him.


This is a win lose situation. I was never in favor of recruiting Benji, so if our offer is now off the table and he is likely to sign with the Sharks, this is a big win IMO. The lose IMO however, is this again highlights Dousbts inability to manage the salary cap and recruit high profile players. We had a high profile player, who wanted to come to our club by all accounts, and Dousbt could not get the deal done. I have made it no secret that I blame Dousbt and his management of the salary cap and our poor recruitment over the past few seasons which has led to poor performance of the team as a whole.


Who said he couldn't get it done? I thought the general consensus was that he was going through the red tape of releasing someone to fit Marshall in. That isn't going to happen overnight. For all we know, contracts could have been ready to sign sometime next week. Marshall is a wanker who thinks the club revolves around him, oh, and he really is not a very good player anymore either. I can't believe you all think Doust should lay down and let Benji control the situation like he was trying to.


IF this is true

This is a case of DOUST playing the tough CEO and saying what he said so as to try to deflect blame on his inability to seal the deal and look like he is staunch for the club.The deadline thing has been floating around for a while so why wasnt this statement made from Doust immediately when a deadline was talked about last week? This bloke is a business dinosaur ,the crap that might of worked 20 years ago doesnt work now Dousty.If its true that MARSHALL isnt signing i think thats a good outcome. Plus it gave everyone something to talk about for the last 2 weeks while the NRL was on hold.