The fact we got the ball off the scrum feed after it hit the trainer was 100% according to the rules, it would've been a bigger travesty had the refs decided to ignore the rules and award the feed to Canberra. The argument Whitehead would've scored is null and void as they would've checked the late contact on Keary from Soliola. Both teams had calls for and against them, as is the same in any game of professional sport and all sport for that matter. The better team definitely won and anyone who claims we didn't deserve it is jealous and has bias clouding their judgement
this is something I haven’t heard clarified. Isn’t a charge down, being an attacking play, mean that the raiders were the attacking team before it hit the trainer and hence, they should get the feed. If a charge down is not a knock on but it has touched the raiders player in an attacking movement, then the refs still got it wrong?