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best song ever written?


After finding a more credible site Zeppelin 4 was released in 71, 3 in 70 and the first two in 69.

On Rage I think the teenagers who listen to it would be struggling to understand their lyrics. Looking around at the people in our year level I'm sure you'll agree with me that theres some very dumbarse shallow people going around who wouldn't be able to work out the messages in some of Rages songs. They'd see it more as a hate thing rather than pollitical.
I think you'd find that they'd also have a good following with people who have passed their teenage years that can understand and respect the messages being put out by the band.


Hmm putting me on the spot a bit. I'd basically say mainstream is really bands that are out there trying to get their music played on the popular radio stations, trying to get their videos played on popular chart shows. Bands really trying to sell themselves out there to the everyday person. I'd define mainstream by what you'd see on a top of the pops shows, I'd define mainstream as what you'd listen to on your local pop music radio station.
When you look at bands who aren't mainstream like Tool for example. I wouldn't define them as mainstream because your every day person on the street has probably never heard them. You won't see Tool on top of the pops or chart shows, you won't hear Tool on your local pop radio station. Tool aren't really trying to sell themselves to that market.
When I think of mainstream I think of bands like Backstreet boys, N'Sync, Britney Spears, Creed etc etc.

I think other people could define mainstream alot better than me.


Assistant Moderator
Gav: "the youth of Oz and NZ are as bland in their musical taste... Is TripleM the Oz equivelent of Virgin Radio?"

The under 25swon't agree Gav, but mainsteam music has become increasingly popular as the young'uns become increasingly conservative.
In a way, I suppose they are rebelling against their once rebellious parents by being so damn dull.

Triple M is a commercial radio network which only plays music by artists that have broken into the mainstream. They dont play anything from new bands.In fact, its interesting to hear what they consider new...usually its some band that has been around for a while, plays in front of large crowds and always(yes, always) has signed a recording contract with one of the large record companies. They are blissfully unaware of the small pub bands that play to 50-300 people in the inner city pubs and outer suburbs.

The ABC has a youth radio network called JJJ (or Triplejay) which is a little better. They are a non-commercial network that gives themmore latitude to promote smaller musicians who are signed to smaller labels or are truly independent (truly independent bands are self-financed, as opposed to the record company version which has 'independent' bands listed as amongst those signed with their lower tier subsidiary companies).
But having said that, JJJ succumbed to the ratings war and often play mainstream stuff themselves. This being largely brought on by government cost cutting requiring them to undertake more commercial ventures (eg concerts) in order to stay on the air.

When they get their coat hanger blowing in the right direction, I can pick up FBI-fm (Gold Coast)which plays totally new music...no hit parade stuff here.The only bands they promote have no major record deal but some have gone onto bigger things. FBI-fm are funded by subscribers and run by volunteers. Unfortunately, they have sucha small transmitter that hardly anyone knows about them.

In Sydney, 2SER-fm (they are on the internet) will play a lot of new music and I'm sure Radio Skidrow is still functioning....although I dont know if they are online yet. Radio Skidrow is perhaps the 'largest' of the small radical radio stations....they attract a good sized audience ofyoung listenersfrom the inner-city and innerwestern suburbs of Sydney...but once again, I doubt if the average under-25 year old has ever heard of them.


Eels fan I await your attack on tool. You've put out the bait so you can jump on my comments about mainstream and its definition so I hope you write up something good in reply.
If you are the same person I think you are who said that Tool is repetitive then it should be a good laugh to hear your attack on "well marketed crap". This coming from someone who rated Wait and Bleed as one of the best songs ever written which is nothing more than a short ramble.


My musical brain tells me that Under The Bridge is by the Chili Peppers, Thunderstruck by AC/DC, Teen Spirit by Nirvana, Alive by Pearl Jam, Khe Sahn by Cold Chisel, and Come Out And Play by Offspring.

Now in 20 years time, none of these bands will be remembered in a way like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath and Tool, and neither will their songs be remembered other than just decent pop/rock hits. Music is an art people."
Why would AC DC or Cold Chisel be remembered in the same way as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or Black Sabbath - They are all crap. And who is this Tool that everyone keeps talking about I have never heard of them.

Footy, i just can't agree with that. AC/DC are a good fun band, .
A good fun band???
And I always thought you werent a true bevan without a flanno and heatseeker shirt. Surely times havent changed so much that AC DC are a good family fun band have they?



Assistant Moderator
btw, the best song ever written is 'Summertime' - writtenby Ira Gershwin in 1935.This songhas been covered by just about everybody. It cuts across all musical boundaries and has stood the test of time. The best version, imo,being from the deep blackvoice of Paul Robeson in the 60s.
Its could be played by any band today at any tempo and it would still hold up.
"But theres no depth in their songs that can make you really think and really use your mind. Good classic rock hits they might be, and that's fine if your tailored to suit radio and mainstream"

Mate, Pearl Jam are not mainstream. They dont sell themselves like whores to the media. No depth to their songs?? All i can suggest is that u haven't listened to much of their music, songs such as Alive and EvenFlow are there most shallow of works, and in some respects trashy songs.

Butttttt, u really should listen to some more of their music off cds such as No Code and Vitalogy. U will be impressed, and inspired.

Willow, i guess a lot of us 'young'ns' are considered dull, but this is only because this generation realised the stupidity of the previous generation. Children get more intelligent with every generation, and i think that the 'current batch' have moved on from the superficial fads of the 70s and 80s.

JJJ are still pretty much non-commercial. I dont mind listening to new music, its a good break from MMM.

What i mean is that ACDC have music that is good to rock along to, get out the air guitair and play to at BBQs. It isn't music that you would play when reflecting on the meaning of life
- hence the use of the word fun.



Assistant Moderator
MFC: "Pearl Jam are not mainstream."
Yes they are. They have major record company behind them, they have management with connections to agents all around the world and they play to capacity audiences.
I like Pearl Jam a lotbut they have the backing of thecommercial networks andto my way of thinking, that makesthem mainstream. Its a matter of definition I guess.
Perhaps we're getting mainstream confused with MOR.



Assistant Moderator
MFC: "us 'young'ns' are considered dull, but this is only because this generation realised the stupidity of the previous generation. Children get more intelligent with every generation"
Thats amazing! Exactly the same thing was said in the 70s.

"i think that the 'current batch' have moved on from the superficial fads of the 70s and 80s. "
Right...lol..sure. You don't have fads, just MMM.

You know, you're not the first mob to come along thinking they have all the answers.



realised the stupidity of the previous generation.

stupidity skiped our generation willow.musically anyway.

in 20 yrs time,classic rock stations will still be playing floyd and led zep.
Willow, taking the different generations out of play, the main problem is that older people HAVE and will always think that they have the answers, and that 'youngns' are just misguided. Its not just today, its always been like that. Young people have always had a different perspective to offer, sometimes free of the bias and subjectivity that people naturally develop when they get older. Its really quite stupid, as young people will never understand older people and vice versa. Its also very sad.



There is a difference. IMO, today's music doesn't shock the majority of 40 somethings, they have the feeling of been there done that got the tee-shirt when it comes to listening to today's non-mainstream sounds.

I'd be pleasently surprised to hear something that was unique, that didn't sound as if it was a rip-off of something that has gone before.


Assistant Moderator
Moffo, I can't tell how good it is to see the energy of rebellion at work.
Whenever I see footage of young folk protesting against big corporations, I know we still stand a chance of making real progress in the world.
Sure, they are copping a spray in the press, but there's nothing new about that.

Its old folk talk to discredit the views of young'uns and its young folk talk to discard the experience of the oldies. To be honest, I dont have any interest in contributing to the generation gap, despite my jesting.
If anyone, regardless of age, claims to haveall the answers, then you can be sure that they are ignorant to the extreme.


Assistant Moderator
Gav, when Marshall Mathers/ Slim Shady/ Eminem came to Australia, there was a move to stop the tour. At first I thought it was just repeat of things seen before with over 40s being offended. But on closer inspection, I saw that it was just a few tiny minority groups.
These people lobbied their local members of parliament and made such a fuss that even the PM Howard entered into the debate. All it served to do wasto generate a load of publicity for Eminem.
IMO, this is quite different to The Sex Pistols (for example) whooffended people so much thatradio stations banned their music.
"No depth to their songs?? All i can suggest is that u haven't listened to much of their music, songs such as Alive and EvenFlow are there most shallow of works, and in some respects trashy songs".

Depth? Experience Third Eye.

Pearl Jam are one of my favourites. I have a soft spot for them. Songs such as Black, Indifference, Garden are solid solid songs. Ed Vedder is class. (seen his new hairdo?) Matt Cameron is a tight drummer. But once i've found the likes of Tool, Floyd, Zeppelin, Opeth, then it's very hard to look back.

"Children get more intelligent with every generation"
Well if they are then they're not showing it in the music industry.

How do we define 'best'. Is it the test of time? The talent of the band? The length and depth of the song? The guitar solo? The guitar riffs?

Eels fan I await your attack on tool. You've put out the bait so you can jump on my comments about mainstream and its definition so I hope you write up something good in reply.
If you are the same person I think you are who said that Tool is repetitive then it should be a good laugh to hear your attack on "well marketed crap". This coming from someone who rated Wait and Bleed as one of the best songs ever written which is nothing more than a short ramble.

Well sadly you'll be waiting awhile as I have no intentions of "attacking" Tool but seeing as you <u>know</u> that's what I was doing
... I'm by no means a fan but in return don't mind them in small doses. I only asked you to define mainstream because you have used the word a few times in a derogatory manner in regards to other bands/artists &amp; I just was wondering how you can believe Tool don't fall under the same title when they have accepted their fair share of glorified paperweights, found a niche in a market &amp; filled it &amp; reap the rewards of doing so. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that as all bands want to make it big &amp; live life the best it can be lived but my quandary was why it's ok for some to prosper but not others? And if you truly don't believe they are marketed to a certain audience then so be it, I wont try to change your views.

I do rate Wait &amp; Bleed as one of the greatest songs ever written. My reasons being that 1) It's my opinion. I never said I was the be all &amp; end all on this subject but this thread was asking for personal opinions. 2) I've read an account of what the song is about &amp; it appeals to me. I don't just like it because of a blind following of the band, the song has meaning &amp; I like it, the end. But seeing as you took the time to have a go at me because of a song I like, just what makes your views so much more justified than mine?

As for your ideas on "mainstream", your confusion now makes sense.
