If you want I will lend you one of my City shirts mate...you are clearly obsessed with us.
Every time the City fans get together there are always Man U fans who can do nothing but sing and chant about city. Always strikes me as funny that they dont sing about their own club.
You are in here Wireman doing the same thing. Rabbiting on about Man City when you claim to be a United fan.
Strikes me that you are:
A) Bitter that City refuse to give in and die.
B) Scared that City have the cash to spoil the top fours party.
C) A sad and lonely Manure fan with nothing better to do than post in a MCFC thread.
A) Refuse to give in and die? What the hell are you going on about? This isn't a war or something, your a football club who happen to be rivals of the team is support, no more, no less. I guess I'm also bitter that EVERY OTHER club in the whole world won't give in and die. Whether they have whored themselves out to rich owners or not. I'm soooooooo sorry i'm not aloud to post in the crazy world that is a city thread, please except my most humblest of appolgies.
B) Not overly scared no. Your not the first team to be cashed up, you won't be the last. Experts have predicted Uniteds fall since 1997 and we are still there. I'm actually looking forward to the season and hope you or Villa finish 4th. Hopefully instead of the scousers, but replacing a London club will do.
C) The league season starts this Weekend, we are going for number 19. I have the champs league to look forward to. Wire made Wembley for the first time in 19 years and i'm going with a coach loads of mates. Yes I'm feeling so sad and lonely at the mo. How will i ever be able to cope. :lol: