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Bouncer's family will still sue Fatty Vautin despite brother's death

Once Dead

The whole problem here is the fact that we still read the sensationalistic trash written by the "journalists" in the Telegraph.


The whole problem here is the fact that we still read the sensationalistic trash written by the "journalists" in the Telegraph.

That and Ray Hadley (who also has an affiliation with the people from the Telegraph). But, it's more than just sensationalist trash. What a lot of people don't realise is that these people are very influential, hence can cause a lot of damage and tarnish and distort perceived conceptions (which they are already doing and have done for many years). That's the major problem, which I hope will eventually be eradicated. When I first started following league (just before SL), I don't ever recall hearing and being bombarded with all these 'hack' journalistic articles and efforts. I've said before: The day that League manages to dissociate themselves away and fully cut ties from News Limited will be the day that League can start achieving to its full potential.
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They only seem interested in gutter journolism these days or taking pot shots at each others papers or columists.


Its sad to see Australia slowly turning into what you just mentioned, Navjot. It's sad that we've become tabloid crazy (aka like America and all their shows, like Entertainment Tonight, The Insider, TMZ, Perez Hilton etc. etc. The list goes on and on). It's sad we've now started to approve of thrash tv shows, such as Big Brother. I mean, none of this stuff occured anywhere near to the extent it does today, even 10 yrs ago.


Staff member
What happened on the aussie rules Footy Show?

Depsite living in Perth, I have no interest whatsoever in aussie rules, and somehow manage to completely avoid everything to do with it. Them, plus I don't watch the news, listen to the radio for more than a few minutes at a time (I live 5mins from work), or read the newspaper except on Sundays - where I only read things that grab my attention or spark my interest.

Yes folks, I live under a rock ... and I enjoy it!


I totally agree with you on that point Knight87. Do you remember the old days when "60 Minutes" was once a credible current affairs show?


What irks me the most about newspapers is when you read about some confidential column in the rags saying for example : SBW was spotted today at darling harbour having a latte with an unknown female", like who gives a sh*t honestly, i mean its just utter crap to fill the spaces in the paper it seems and people get actually paid to do write it.


What happened on the aussie rules Footy Show?

Depsite living in Perth, I have no interest whatsoever in aussie rules, and somehow manage to completely avoid everything to do with it. Them, plus I don't watch the news, listen to the radio for more than a few minutes at a time (I live 5mins from work), or read the newspaper except on Sundays - where I only read things that grab my attention or spark my interest.

Yes folks, I live under a rock ... and I enjoy it!

Well, all i can say is that I'm very proud of you for completely managing to avoid a product, in an area where the product is predominantly promoted. You're doing a great job, Nuke:lol:

Oh, and in regards to what happened on the Aussie Rules Footy Show (for those that don't know, Caroline Wilson is AFL's equivalent of Rebecca Wilson. Sometimes I wonder if the two of them are related):


The funny part (which is on Sam's response in the 2nd/3rd clips) is that Sam actually handed in a letter of resignation to the Ch9 boss in Melbourne, but the boss declined it and demanded him to stay on and fulfill his contractual obligations. However (in a similar manner to this Fatty incident, where the incident dragged out), the incident dragged out for a long time in the media to the point where Ch9 then backflipped and after telling Sam to stay on, used Sam as the scapegoat and sacked/suspended him indefinitely, to avoid any responsibility or accountability. Compounded with all the other notorious stuff Sam's been involved in over the years (which you already know) on the show, there's a lot of doubt as to whether Sam will return.

That's why I said in a previous post: Is this the icing on the cake for Vautin (in regards to the increasing number of talk about him resigning from the show, like what happened last year), in a similar manner to what happened to Sam? The NRL Footy Show has also encountered a lot of acrimony over the years and has been involved in controversy (of which, Vautin has been involved in a fair bit). But, in today's society of political incorrectness in 2008, normally the ppl up the very top are under increasing pressure (especially from lobbys) to make harsh decisions on little to no notice, which they wouldn't make 99 times out of 100. Although Gyngell is friends with Vautin, will he be made to throw the finally dagger in the back of Vautin?
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Once Dead

The Telegraph is fond of overnight journalists........somehow they're experts on league but all they seem to report on is a whole bunch of "scandals".


I totally agree with you on that point Knight87. Do you remember the old days when "60 Minutes" was once a credible current affairs show?

To fully elaborate on your point, I’d prefer to travel back in time to the 90’s any day, if given the opportunity: A time when Channel 9 was ‘Still the One’. You always spent your breakfast's watching the 'Today Show' with Steve Liebmann and co., if you had free time in the arvo you watched the "Midday" show with Kerri-Anne Kennerly, there was no other news than the 6pm news with Brian Henderson, Ray Martin was the one to watch for the then-credible “A Current Affair” program (before the infamous incident he had with John Safran), news bulletins weren’t infiltrated and saturated with American crap (such as the Middle East situation and George W Bush), reality television was an unknown medium (which only would become common place in the new millenium), Hey Hey It‘s Saturday was literally compulsory viewing on Saturday Nights, 60 minutes on Sunday Nights to reflect on the week that ways and the list goes on (not only to mention their cricket and rugby league coverage, which have made them millions of dollars over the years). Ch9 were light years ahead of the other 4 stations, it was not even funny. The only time Ch7 got good ratings was when they televised the Olympics and the AFL Grand Final. Primetime programs on FTA were quality television and worth watching, before the emergence of Foxtel. Also, there was a lot of programming that was geared towards family entertainment, so most age groups could enjoy it. Sadly, that’s been thrown out the window, and Generation Y (which I’m a member of) programming has taken a huge fall from grace (eg Big Brother) in the morals and values that we once stood for.

There's nothing original today. Everyone is trying to copy everyone, there's now been tonnes of movies and shows that have all revolved around the same storyline. Music....pffffft, don't get me started on that. I know I'm only 21, but most of mainstream music (which predominantly consists of RnB and Rap) is also crap. I dunno how ppl my age can genuinely call that music and attend those concerts. They've been sold majorly short of the quality stuff produced in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and to an extent, the 90s. And with other genres, everyone is trying to emulate the styles of those from the past decades, its not even funny. The word 'originality' doesn't exist in their vocabulary. I guess one of the things Aldous Huxley did propose in his book "Brave New World" about how originality would be done away with and we'd all be 'conditioned' is very true in todays world.

Overall, television was quality back then, and to a great extent, so was other forms of media. Most of the time, what you read and heard was genuine. Also, people could express themselves in a manner that although wasn’t offensive or derogatory, people would listen to it. Now, with all this political correctness crap, the truth has been substituted out of fear. People don’t want to express their full selves and tell how they feel, out of fear from lobby groups and to a further extent (which is what is happening to Vautin), legal action. The truth gets suppressed, and can easily be permanently surpressed using the ‘libel chill’ tactic (commonly employed by groups such as Scientology), with all the legal threats. Sadly, we’ve become Americanised, we’ve compromised a lot of our identity for this. Australia isn’t the country it was 10 yrs ago. The ads which use to promote the Australian way of life, persona and stereotype (eg Paul Hogan "shrimp on the barby", g'day mate) are nothing but a distant memory. I’m hoping things will change, but at the rate we’re going and this incident involving Fatty further emphasising how American society’s become, I’m not banking on any positive changes in the near future.
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What irks me the most about newspapers is when you read about some confidential column in the rags saying for example : SBW was spotted today at darling harbour having a latte with an unknown female", like who gives a sh*t honestly, i mean its just utter crap to fill the spaces in the paper it seems and people get actually paid to do write it.

Yeah, I fully agree with you about the Confidential section. Who cares. Let them have their own privacy, for goodness sake. When I read stuff like that in Confidential, it reminds me of a group of gossipy teenage girls meeting up at one of their friends house, when one of them says in an excited voice, "Oh, guess what happened to me the other night?"

Next minute, we're going to be hearing something in Confidential along the lines of, "Carl Webb was spotted through the window of his own house, laying a 9 inch bog in the troff". ROFL! Like, I mean, "SO WHAT!!!!"

As you can see, Confidential is one of the components of the Telegraph that makes it a load of thrash. The Sports component: well, when you have journos who know jack about the sports they're writing about, that says it all about their credibility. The more you start reading and delving into what they're writing, the more you start to question their integrity and ask yourself whether what they're writing is agenda-driven (like what happened recently with the whole Benji Marshall and Paul Vautin incidents).

I was in and interviewed by the Daily Telegraph nearly 6 yrs ago (in regards to the HSC), and needless to say, I do feel a bit ashamed to have been associated with something that virtually disregards all journalistic ethics. They've really fallen away bigtime in the last 6 yrs.
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Next minute, we're going to be hearing something in Confidential along the lines of, "Carl Webb was spotted through the window of his own house, laying a 9 inch bog in the troff". ROFL! Like, I mean, "SO WHAT!!!!"

That actually would be funny.

f**k me you make me feel old by being all nostalgic about 90's television.

ACA was sh*t right from the start if were all being honest, way before John Safran, what about that idiot Mike Willisie interviewing a siege gunman on air before the cops were even able to speak to him, or Jana Wendt going on strike because the producers wanted to do a story about a topless hairdresser.


That actually would be funny.

f**k me you make me feel old by being all nostalgic about 90's television.

ACA was sh*t right from the start if were all being honest, way before John Safran, what about that idiot Mike Willisie interviewing a siege gunman on air before the cops were even able to speak to him, or Jana Wendt going on strike because the producers wanted to do a story about a topless hairdresser.

Yes, I'll admit that the stories on ACA were not that much different from what they are today, but the key was they were promoted with a clean reputation and Ray Martin was promoted like as the King of A Current Affairs television; the man you could fully trust and go to for A Current Affairs. And the ratings proved that ppl bought into the 'clean cut' reputation that was promoted by the program, which was further re-emphasised by the heavily promoted "Still the One" slogan by Channel 9. ACA today struggles to get over 1 million viewers/metropolitan an episode. In its prime in the mid-90s (aka "Ray's glory years) it use to average around the 3 million viewer mark (and that's only in metropolitan, excluding regionals). Nowdays, very, very few programs get over 3 million viewers (metropoloitan). Shows how much they've fallen from grace.

Long before all the controversies post-Packer's death, such as cost cutting, the 'boning' incident etc, Ch9 had it all: Ratings from news, current affair, sports, movies (use to regularly get over 2.5 million viewers/metropolitan for movies in primetime. Last time this happened was in '98) and entertainment in general.

A tv program that debunked a lot of the unethical stuff journalists did and led to the downfall in ratings of ACA was "Frontline". I know Frontline was a satire of Current Affairs journalism, but looking back at it in the mid-90s on ABC and also studying it in High School, its so true. Rob Sitch et al. were geniuses. Little did they know that so many of the techniques they portrayed at the time would be the same that are exposed by so called 'comic geniuses of today', like The Chaser, 10+ yrs later. And, in regards to that Mike Willessee interview, that was also parodied in a Frontline episode called "The Siege". ROFL! I recommend anyone to watch it. Probably one of my favourite episodes. So, yes, long before the John Safran incident in late 1998 which 100% confirmed everything that was suspected about unethical journalism, Frontline did play a major role in exposing tactics that occured behind the scenes (one of them, already mentioned, being the Mike Willessee incident) with programs like ACA and Today Tonight (then hosted by Stan Grant).

Oh, and for those who don't remember the John Safran incident or don't know what I'm talking about:


It never went to air, but was heavily talked about at the time (deemed to have led to the downfall of Ray's seemingly unbreakable popularity and he never gained the same success or ratings after he left ACA the first time at the end of '98). This was a leaked pilot of Safran's documentary.
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Oh, and in regards to what happened on the Aussie Rules Footy Show (for those that don't know, Caroline Wilson is AFL's equivalent of Rebecca Wilson. Sometimes I wonder if the two of them are related):

i was in perth earlier this year. whilst flicking channels in the hotel i left it on some AFL program for a second. they had a segment on where 3 afl coaches got to interview 3 'journalists' (i gathered who were danny weildler, rebecca wilson and ray cherstertons equivilents)

the port adelaide coach absolutely gave it to this caroline wilson chick, like he left her speachless, it was ruthless, honestly ive never seen anything like it. you could see how awkward everyone else was feeling but he didnt stop.

telling her to stay out of players lives, get a real job, no one respects you, your the most hated person in all of afl, i cant wait until your out on the street etc. i cant remember it all but i couldnt believe what he was saying to her, and clearly no one else could either. i seriously dont think the producers or anyone expected it. the host had to intervene and calm him down.

i didnt know who either of them were but i gathered she was a rebecca wilson type figure. i had a new found respect for that guy (i dont know his name lol) that day. one of the best bits of television ive seen.


I'm going to sleep, but before I do, I'm not a huge fan of Sam Newman, but I am appauled at the way Ch9 has treated him in the sense of lulling him into a false sense of security ("everyone will be alright mate") and then when he turns his back around after being reassured that, they take out a dagger and stab him in the back (making him play the fallguy in the media, by then saying its due to 'health reasons', which even makes him more of a victim). Sadly, I have a strange feeling that unfortunately, it may be deja vu all over again when it comes to Fatty (in regards to whats happened recently)

From what I hear from the folk down South and from what I've seen of her, Caroline Wilson is what I said earlier. Makes 'hack' comments about players and coaches and that stuff and repeatedly gets away with it, but when the medicine is dished to her, she can't swallow it. Makes comments (such as those from ppl like Hadley) that they can't justify and are 100% false, and thinks that she knows everything about the game, just because she's got a position on the board of one of the clubs (the Kangaroos I think), predominantly thanks to her husband who has some affiliation with the club. Another person in AFL media I've heard falls in a similar category is Samantha Lane (a lot younger than Caroline). Knows jack about the sport, is on the program "before the game" with the unfunny co. from Rove Live (Peter Helliar and co.), and her columns are no different from that of Wilson's. I'll tell you something: If Sam's father wasn't the very well known AFL caller Tim Lane, she definitely wouldn't be where she is (from what I've seen from her). Not being jealous or anything, but you'll find many times that if you have a parent who's famous, certain doors are bound to be open for you. She made these scathing remarks about Sam Newman, when even though he's an idiot at times, the poor man can't even defend himself (much like all those accusations you hear about dead ppl after they die).

A part of the reason for Wilson's influence on Ch9's decision on Newman (along with the feminist bandwagon who protested in full force) is her friendship with Garry Lyon (co-host of AFL show). He reminds me a lot of Matt Johns, in the sense that he likes sucking up to ppl, doesn't wanna offend anyone, always tries to be in everyones good book.

And btw, the program you're talking about is "Footy Classified", which is the new AFL program on Ch9 on Monday Nights (which can also be seen in Sydney/Brisbane on 9HD). Cause Wilson is a member of the panel, alongside Garry Lyon and Craig Hutchinson.
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And btw, the program you're talking about is "Footy Classified", which is the new AFL program on Ch9 on Monday Nights (which can also be seen in Sydney/Brisbane on 9HD). Cause Wilson is a member of the panel, alongside Garry Lyon and Craig Hutchinson.

yeah i think that was it. i dont really have much interest in afl so didnt pay much attention until i heard the port coach ark up. did u see the episode im referring to? it was on in march


yeah, I did. I remember it, because it was in the news. Man, I was initially stunned, but to be honest, she deserved it and he had every single right to response in that appropriate manner, given all the crap that got said about him for so long. When people start to abuse their positions of 'power', it can lead to very detrimental consequences. Regardless of all those politically correct ppl who will then say, "But, she's a woman. How dare he respond like that". You know what I say to that? SO WHAT! I don't care whichever Tom, Dick or Harry said what, but if that was me, there's only so much of that I can take over an extended period of time. She had it coming, she saw it coming, but then tried to play the victim when she copped her dose of medicine. Too late. It's like you (out of nowhere) punching someone in the face, and then the person gets back up and is just about to punch you and you say, "oh, please don't hurt me". Sorry mate. It just doesn't work like that. You commit yourself and initiate and incident, you have to expect whatever outcome may result, regardless of whether you like it or not.

Too bad the incident isn't on youtube, as I'd like to see it again.
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yeah like i said i had no idea who this chick was but i was yelling 'you tell her!' as i gathered from what he was saying the kind of person she probably was. ive never seen anything like it, i take it it was live as i doubt she would have let it go to air if it wasnt


yeah, the program is broadcast live, I think at either 9:30 or 10:30pm. So, there's no editing in live television.

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